Winter is Coming: How About Some Cosmetic Surgery?

With the summer sun high in the Australian sky, you may wonder why Costhetics is talking about winter.

There’s a method to our madness. Shopping for barely-there summer swimsuits and revealing holiday evening wear has made many people very conscious of their bodies. That’s okay. There is still plenty of time for tweaks and treatments to help you look marvellous. It is, however, too late to begin the multi-step process necessary for a successful cosmetic surgery in 2021… but next year is just around the corner!

In researching news and information about cosmetic surgery, Costhetics has learned there are many benefits to scheduling your procedure during the winter months. We thought you should know about them.

Aussies Love Their Cosmetics

Non-surgical treatments such as anti-wrinkle treatments, microdermabrasion, and laser hair removal have grown in popularity. When it comes to the most common aesthetic enhancements, cosmetic surgery remains a leader. The five most popular procedures for women as tracked by the Australian College of Cosmetic Surgery are:

  • Breast Augmentation
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Liposuction
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Breast Reduction

The International Society of Plastic Surgery reports men seeking surgical cosmetic procedures want:

  • Gynecomastia
  • Liposuction
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Rhinoplasty
  • Ear Surgery

3 Reasons Winter is IN with Surgeons

Plastic and cosmetic surgeons agree on one thing, that winter is an ideal time for facial and body transformations. Here’s why…

  • More time indoors out of the sun – Skin is delicate to begin with and even more vulnerable to UV damage following a cosmetic surgery procedure. The good news is that winter sun has a lower UV than summer sun, and the hours of sunlight are shorter too. All this helps your skin repair and rejuvenate faster and better.
  • Cooler temperatures – When the mercury drops, your body’s ability to deal with swelling and bruising from surgery increases. Cooler temperatures are considered particularly beneficial during recovery from procedures that require compression.
  • Easier to disguise healing – If you are self-conscious about the work you are having done, winter wear makes it easy to cover the evidence. Most surgeries require two to six months for scars to heal. That’s when scarves, hats, and turtlenecks are terrific for disguising a facelift or brow lift and a sweatsuit can discretely hide the effects of liposuction or breast surgery.
  • Fewer social obligations – When the busy summer holiday season winds down, most of us dial back on our activities. This creates more time for recovery and self-care after surgery.

Affordable Cosmetic Surgery

Aesthetic enhancement throughout the world has become accessible and more affordable thanks to developments in science, technology, and even social media. Still, cosmetic surgery in Australia can be an expensive proposition:

  • Breast Augmentation – $7,000 to $15,000
  • Rhinoplasty – $8,000 to $20,000
  • Abdominoplasty – $6,000 to $8,000
  • Liposuction – $5,000 for one area of the body

Several factors impact costs including fees for your anaesthesiologist, medications, and follow-up appointment. Of course the most significant cost will be the fee paid to your doctor. Costhetics can help you find a doctor in your area with the training, expertise and experience you need to have a great outcome.

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