A Light in the Dark...
Waxing Moon Wicks started during a very dark time in my life. In the early days of recovering from alcoholism I had a drive to fill my time with new hobbies and crafts to make sure I would not return to the bottle. I had been gifted some odds and ends of friends getting rid of crafts, made my first candle, and started my journey.
Scent-sational Experiences...
Experimenting with scent and color took me on a ride. I could travel through my nose. I had a hunger for seeing what emotions I could evoke with scent, what memories could be triggered with fragrance notes, and the colors to convey them. I found power and craft in the creation! My mind went from mixing booze to mixing scents.
Over the last two and half years I have continued beating alcoholism and letting my creative power shine. Waxing Moon Wicks is all about intention and adapting to the world around you. Through making candles, I have become a better person, more reliable, more charitable, and more driven. Waxing Moon Wicks has personally donated over $1000 of profits for 501(c) organizations over the last year and a half at the time of this writing. The creative process of making candles has been such an experience and has taken me places I've never dreamed!
What We Need...
At this point in the business, it no longer makes sense to purchase in the smaller quantities that have been sustaining us thus far. The next step is bulk ordering. This requires capital. Waxing Moon Wicks is seeking donations and investors to help take us to the next level. The demand is growing, and we need to be able to meet that demand.
How We Will Get It...
This fundraising campaign! We will have tiered reward systems in place for donations made. Items will include, special shirts, special run candles made only for this fundraiser, and the chance to have your marketing branded on a limited run line of candles, and more!
What We Will Do With It...
The money raised for Waxing Moon Wicks will be invested directly into the business. Making and sending out the reward tiers will be first priority. Then we move into the bulk ordering. Production is limited with one person, so a part time hire for contract labor will take place. This assures that product will be made and shipped in a timely manner, and future product with bulk supplies are made.
The Future of Waxing Moon Wicks...
Waxing Moon Wicks
Down to Brass Tacks...
The numbers for Waxing Moon Wicks speak for themselves. We are at a 30% increase in revenue over this same span of last year.
An Acknowledgement...
Waxing Moon Wicks would not have gotten this far without the love and support of the community and our friends. To everyone who sniffed, gave advice, participated in market research, pointed me in right directions, and otherwise supported me through this, thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I never dreamed I would get this far as an addict, or that I would get this second chance to live my life how it bets fits me.
Thank you so much.