"Ulike or Nood: Comparing the Best IPL Hair Removal Systems"

Regardless of the hair removal method you choose, it's evident that most solutions tend to be messy and provide only temporary results. For instance, shaving generally lasts just a few days at best, and adding the costs of shaving creams or gels can quickly add up. If you've opted for waxing due to its longer-lasting effects, I commend your higher pain tolerance than mine! While hair removal creams may seem like a revolutionary option, they can be quite sticky and have limitations on where they can be applied (and we all know which areas I’m referring to!). As for traditional laser hair removal at home, I’d prefer to skip the hassle of yet another weekly expense.

A friend previously recommended IPL hair removal to me, and after a week of fruitless attempts with hair removal creams, I decided to experiment with two popular home devices: Ulike and Nood. After a month of usage, I’m here to share a detailed comparison of what you can expect from both devices and identify which one performs better.

What is IPL Hair Removal?

Before diving into the comparison, let’s clarify what IPL entails, especially for those who may be unfamiliar with the concept or curious about how a handheld device can leave your skin exquisitely smooth without resorting to razors or epilators.

IPL, or Intense Pulsed Light, employs powerful bursts of light that are absorbed by the pigment in your hair. This absorption leads to an accumulation of energy in the hair, which is then converted into heat. This heat travels downward to the hair-producing cells, effectively destroying them.

Typically, results from IPL treatments become visible within 3-4 weeks. It’s important to note that IPL is distinct from laser hair removal, regardless of what others may claim. However, similar to laser treatments, repeating IPL sessions is necessary for optimal results.

Ulike vs. Nood

Now, let’s get to the exciting part you’ve been eagerly scrolling for! It’s time to compare the IPL devices from Ulike and Nood to determine which one truly stands out.

If You’re New to IPL and This is Your First Device…. Ulike

As a novice, I found the Ulike device significantly easier to operate compared to Nood. Prior to trying IPL, I scoured online resources regarding the pain level associated with it, with many posts likening the sensation to a rubber band snapping against the skin.

I readily admit that my tolerance for pain is quite low, which is precisely why I delayed trying IPL for an extended period.

What really set Ulike apart for me was their Patented Sapphire Ice-Cooling Technology. This innovative feature includes a flathead equipped with a triple temperature control cooling system aimed at minimizing discomfort and reducing common side effects. When Ulike’s device contacts the skin, it maintains a surface temperature of only 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius), compared to the 158 degrees Fahrenheit of other devices. The result is a nearly painless experience, representing a significant improvement over alternatives that lack this cooling technology.

If You’re Seeking Cutting-Edge Technology…. Ulike

I appreciated that Ulike integrates advanced technology into its devices. As I explored their website before making a purchase, I was both intrigued and reassured by their "About Me" section, which stated that “R&D is at the core of who we are, and we invest at least 30% of our yearly profits into developing hair removal technology.”

A company committed to innovation and product improvement certainly earns extra points in my book!

If You Want Guaranteed Results in a Shorter Time Frame…. Ulike

Considering their substantial investment in research and development, I’d confidently assert that Ulike’s devices can ensure visible results within 4 weeks. In contrast, Nood follows the industry standard with an 8-week results guarantee, illustrating how Ulike delivers faster outcomes in half the time.

This time efficiency is a major advantage for me, as I prefer not to spend excessive hours on hair removal. With Ulike, I’ve experienced consistent and quicker results.

If You’re Looking for FDA-Cleared Products…. Both

Both Ulike and Nood boast FDA clearance, which is a commendable feature. However, I noted on Ulike’s website that dermatologists have endorsed their products, giving them a slight edge in my opinion. Notably, they have received a recommendation from Dr. Hadley King, a Clinical Instructor of Dermatology at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University.

If You Want a Money-Back Guarantee…. Both

Ulike and Nood both provide a 90-day money-back guarantee, which is fantastic. However, I discovered in reviews for Nood that a user named Deborah encountered difficulties in obtaining a response when she sought to return her device, raising significant red flags for me.

Additionally, I appreciate that Ulike offers a 2-year replacement warranty, which exceeds Nood's warranty duration by one full year. Ulike’s website clearly outlines what the warranty covers, adding another layer of reassurance.

If You Want to Use IPL on Different Body Areas…. Ulike

I particularly like that the Ulike device features five adjustable levels suitable for various parts of the body. For instance, I applied level 1 on my face, while I typically opt for level 5 on my legs.

Moreover, while this may not matter to everyone, I appreciate that the Ulike device includes protective glasses for shielding your eyes from the pulsing light. Nood, on the other hand, states that glasses are not required by the FDA, hence their device does not come with this feature.

The Overall Winner… (DRUMROLL PLEASE) is Ulike

I was genuinely impressed by the luxurious packaging and aesthetically pleasing design of the Ulike device. It checks all the boxes for what I look for in a home hair removal solution, especially given my low pain tolerance. The Nood device did cause some discomfort, which is why I frequently reached for my Ulike Sapphire Air + instead. Moreover, over time, Ulike proves to be more cost-effective compared to making regular salon visits.

For me, Ulike is undoubtedly the preferable choice due to its user-friendly design, pain-free operation, and efficient results.

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Below is a comparison table for Ulike and Nood.



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