Types Of Laser Hair Removal Treatments You Must Know About!

Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal

When it comes to laser hair removal treatments, the first thing that strikes the mind is the kind of laser process that you will undergo for your permanent hair reduction solutions. With a variety of options available in the market, it becomes even more important to understand what laser system could be the best one for one’s skin type. The common laser treatments that you will notice in the market are:

  • Nd: YAG (Neodymium-doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet)
  • Diode- laser
  • IPL
  • Alexandrite
  • Ruby

While Ruby laser hair removal system is the oldest clinical procedure and Alexandrite is the popular most, it all comes down on the point which laser system is basically going to suit your targeted area and skin tone. Let’s unravel a bit more about these laser systems, in order to give you a much clearer picture of the whole laser hair removal treatment process:

laser hair removal
laser hair removal

Table of Contents

  • Ruby Laser System
    • Positives:
    • Negatives:
  • IPL Laser process
    • Positives:
    • Negatives:
  • Nd: YAG Laser Treatment
    • Positives:
    • Negatives:
  • Diode- laser treatment
    • Positives
    • Negatives
    • Alexandrite Laser
    • Positives:
    • Negatives:

Ruby Laser System

It’s not wrong to say, this laser system has been the most common in laser clinic around the world. Since this is the oldest forms of treatment, it has been widely accepted amongst skin practitioners. Usage of the shorter wavelength of 694nm, this laser process targets light and thin hair.


  • Best for small treatment areas.
  • Fewer discomforts
  • Used slowly, with adequate pauses
  • Targets Melanin


  • Time taking process
  • Ideal for small affected areas
  • Unsuitable for people with darker skin tones

IPL Laser process

IPL is abbreviated as Intense Pulse Light, which means that it’s not a true laser but works just like one. It is faster though and can be targeted on larger areas. The melanin in the hair follicle absorbs thermal energy pulsed by photo thermolysis done during IPL laser process, which becomes another way of laser hair removal treatment.


  • It is a fast process
  • The customizable wavelength, pulse and energy levels
  • Can be targeted for larger areas
  • Can be used for a variety of skin tones


  • Not recommended for sun-exposed skin, since it might induce hyperpigmentation on those skin

Nd: YAG Laser Treatment

Nd: YAG is yet another laser hair removal process which is faster and much comfortable in comparison to other laser processes. It can be used in almost all skin tones, including tanned and darker tones. Considering the nature of the process, where it targets the carbon, not the melanin of the skin it becomes ideal for larger target areas and darker skin tones.


  • Recommended for all skin tones
  • Targets carbon, not melanin
  • Less discomforting
  • Faster process


  • Not suitable for fine hair removal, unlike other laser systems.

Diode- laser treatment

As the name suggests, the laser beams are generated via a group of diodes. This process involves the production of a beam with the longer wavelength of 800-810nm which penetrates deep into hair follicles. Ideal for men, having thick hairs, it is faster with quicker repetitions. Ideal for darker tones as well.


  • Ideal for all skin tones
  • Fewer skin after-effects and quick recovery
  • Best for thick hairs
  • Teats hair removal from the depth


  • New in the market
  • Slow repetitions can be quite discomforting
laser hair removal
laser hair removal

Alexandrite Laser

Alexandrite is quite popular amidst the laser process, because of its ability to cover a large area much quicker than other contemporaries. Using a wavelength of 755nm, it is widely used for lighter skin tones. Unfortunately, not so good with comfort, but advancements might help a bit.


  • Largest targets areas
  • Fastest process of laser hair removal
  • Ideal for Olive and lighter skin tones


  • Quite discomforting
  • Not ideal for dark skin tones

Laser Systems have been into the cosmetic industry for a long while now. With every passing day, technology is innovating much better laser systems. Starting from Ruby, we have come a long way to Diodes. While choosing for the ideal laser process, one must keep all the three things into considerations: Skin tones, comfort and targeted area.

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