TikTok Ad Scam product – Veet’s all-natural hair removal cream, endorsed by Taiwanese beauty guru, Kevin Lao Shi

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FML! I got scammed by TikTok Ads again! This time, it was a product advertised as “Veet‘s all-natural hair removal cream.”
Guess what? TikTok‘s bullshit gets bigger! The spokesperson of this TikTok Advertisement is a local Taiwanese celebrity, “Kevin,” who is supposedly a pro in the beauty/makeup industry but, in my opinion, just full of shyt. I don’t know if the law has changed in Taiwan, and celebrities are no longer responsible for the products they endorse (if you know, please comment in the comments section at the bottom of this page)
I call myself a “Skinny Pig (hairless guinea pig)” because I never have to worry about hair removal; I don’t have much. The first time I realized I had less hair than other girls was when I went to Canada during my adolescence and witnessed how my classmates had to incorporate shaving or other hair removal methods into their daily routine. At the time, I thought it was just racial difference. It wasn’t until when relocated to Taiwan to finish high school and stayed in the dormitories that I realized even among Asians, I’m like a Sphynx among cats. I received a lot of compliments and praise from my female classmates. Only then did I know that other girls shave daily, even in Taiwan. It amazes me so much how other girlshair grows so much and so fast.

Taiwan‘s plastic surgery and beauty clinics popped out so fast that they lined the streets and even formed their own district. At one point, I also went to a beauty clinic for laser hair removal. At the time, the beauty industry and media marketed laser hair removal as a permanent hair removal solution. However, I paid my first visit, then second, then third. I started questioning why this “once and for all” solution continues to let my hair grow. Later, when I went to a beauty clinic in Canada, an honest Canadian practitioner told me that laser hair removal is not a one-time solution; Ugh, Taiwanese media.
After learning how fast other women‘s hair grows, I no longer consider hair removal necessary for my barely visible, useless hair. However, fate always finds a way to F with me. After returning to Taiwan, I have a different problem with my skin, a big problem: “eczema“!
If you’ve subscribed to our blog via the right sidebar with your Email, you know about my journey battling eczema. Eczema is one of the most challenging skin diseases I have been fighting for years before my condition finally improved recently. One common side effect of the ointments prescribed by doctors and dermatologists in Taiwan is hair growth, messing with my snow-white, clear skin.

To treat eczema, I’ve replaced all my bathroom and hygiene products with products for sensitive skin, such as my body wash from “La Roche-Posay.” Products for sensitive skin are usually natural, without added dyes, fragrances, or alcohol. TikTok‘s mysterious algorithm did it again; just when I’m worried about how my baby skin is turning into an ape, my TikTok FYP is flooded with Veet‘s hair removal cream that claims to be “all-natural.” Being handicapped doesn’t give me many opportunities in life; plus, I’ve tried Veet‘s products back in Canada and I loved them, so I seize the chance I get and go ahead to place my order. I go with the 3-box option for $1059 NT since it reads, “Buy 3 get 6 free.”After a long wait, the products that arrived were not even as advertised. Instead of “Veet,” the products are marked with the brand name “Hankey.” The quality of the packaging is three sloppy paper boxes; where are the 6 “get free” boxes? Inside the box are no instructions, ingredients list or anything besides the cream tube itself. Instead, the instructions are simply printed outside the paper boxes with white font on a light pink background, making them barely visible. The instruction reads:

  1. Apply a thick layer evenly to the intended areas.
  2. After completely covering the body hair, wait for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Remove cream and hair with the spatula.”

I recheck my package; there is no spatula in the parcel. After my eczema flare-up after trying last time’s Tiktok Ad’s Momordica tea, which turned out to be also a scam, I decided this one is way too risky and dump these garbage products right into the trash, where they belong.

  • TikTok Ad Veet Hair Removal Cream Review in a Nutshell:

The product is a complete scam. This is not the first time I’ve been scammed by TikTok Ads. “Veet” is a trusted brand in Canada. I don’t know how TikTok can get away with selling these fake products. I hope someone sues them soon.

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