The Development of Hair Removal

The interwoven concerns of personal appearance and hygiene led to the development of personal care products intended to remove unwanted facial hair and hair in other body parts. Since hair traps sweat and dirt, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria that may lead to unpleasant odors. Because of this, people associate the removal of unwanted hair with basic personal hygiene.

Hair removal methods used to be complicated and extremely painful. But, lucky for you, the advancements in science and technology gave way to the development of new trends and procedures to get rid of unwanted hair. Listed below are some of the widely used trends you can explore for hair removal.

1. Laser hair removal

Hair removal using laser is a high-tech technique that damages hair follicles with heat to prevent future hair growth. It’s the most long-lasting among the other hair removal methods. However, there will still be fine hair regrowth after treatment. Although laser hair removal is applicable for any body part, most patients prefer to use it in smaller areas like the face, armpits, or bikini line. In addition, laser hair removal requires multiple successive sessions to reduce hair growth significantly, so consult a professional who has extensive knowledge about the process and sufficient training to use the best laser hair removal machine.

2. Sugaring

Sugaring is a technique used by ancient people that has resurfaced since organic and DIY methods started becoming trendy. The name refers to the paste itself, an easy sugar, lemon juice, and water recipe. It’s unlikely to cause skin irritation or allergies. Sugaring is usually used to remove hair from your legs, face, and bikini area. The paste is spread over the skin opposite the direction of hair growth, then pulled off. It is less painful than waxing and can provide smooth results that may last for about a month.

3. Threading

The threading method for hair removal is an elaborate technique of using threads to remove hair roots. It is perfect for small areas like your upper lip or eyebrows. While it is safe and sanitary, it can cause temporary irritation since multiple hairs are plucked out simultaneously. Hence, it requires training and a lot of practice. Look for experts who know how to do it properly.

4. Waxing

Waxing is done by spreading warm and melted wax to small portions of the skin. The heat dilates hair follicles, making it easier to pull off an entire section of hair, including the roots. It’s best suited for smaller areas like the upper lip, eyebrows, and bikini area. Although it has proven its effectiveness through time, there are still some concerns regarding waxing. First is the potential for bacterial infection, especially when it comes to sensitive and thinner skin areas. Second, waxing can also cause hair ingrown which is very painful. So make sure to educate yourself first before waxing on your own, or you can always consult an expert.

In contemporary, there is also cellulite treatment that has been proven to be very effective.

Hair removal has been an integral part of skincare routines. It may seem complicated and intricate, but finding the method that best suits you is the key. Although it presents many positive effects, remember that you should not force yourself to do it if you are not comfortable with it. You can always choose to embrace yourself fully or develop a personalized hair removal technique that suits your lifestyle.

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