Prescription Drugs To Avoid After A Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Article contributed by Austin K

People often experience side-effects from prescription medications when they undergo certain procedures while taking medication.

One such procedure is the all-too-popular treatment, laser hair removal for men and women. Certain oral and topical prescription drugs come with certain negative side-effects when used alongside laser body hair removal treatment. These side-effects are not only coming from medicines manufactured by pharmaceutical companies, but also from herbal medicines.

Here’s a list of some of the most common OTA (Over The Counter) medication categories that can interact with laser hair removal treatment.

A man lying on his front undergoing laser hair removal.
A man lying on his front undergoing laser hair removal.

Anti-acne medications

People suffer from acne a lot these days. This is why there are tonnes of topical creams available from pharmacies around the world to keep this pesky skin problem under control.

There is a catch here though. Most, if not all, anti-acne topical creams react with a person’s skin when the person steps into the sun. The same side effect occurs when a person who has applied anti-acne topical cream on their skin chooses to subject themselves to laser body hair removal treatment shortly afterwards.

One should always remember to avoid using anti-acne topical cream that contains the compound named ‘Retin-A’ as the active ingredient if they are planning to get a laser hair removal treatment soon (within several days to be precise!)


Anti-depressants are often jam-packed with photosensitive compounds that when consumed by a person who is planning to get a laser body hair removal treatment, results in making the person’s skin highly sensitive to the laser beams that will be used during the treatment session.

The list of antidepressant medications that should be avoided before going for a laser hair removal treatment include Zoloft, Prozac, Adapin, Vivactil and Paxil.


Every year, people from all over the world, irrespective of whether or not they have respiratory illnesses, reel under the ill-effects of the allergy season. There are plenty of medications that are easily available to keep allergies under control but at the same time, these medications are not as safe as you

Anti-allergy medications are categorized as antihistamines. These medications are often loaded with certain compounds that can make a person’s skin highly photosensitive. Now, when a person goes to a clinic to receive their laser hair removal treatment, after consuming antihistamines, their skin could react violently the moment it is being subjected to a laser beam.

Hence, it is best to avoid antihistamines before one’s appointment for a laser hair removal treatment. Here are some of the most common antihistamines that can make your skin highly photosensitive:

  • Benadryl
  • Claritin
  • Periactin
A man lying on his back wearing glasses, undergoing laser hair removal on his chest.
A man lying on his back wearing glasses, undergoing laser hair removal on his chest.

This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. For the best results, it’s always a good idea to talk with your doctor or dermatologist. A professional will be aware of the potential side-effects certain drugs can have on your skin if you go for the laser treatment after consuming a problematic drug. Being transparent about the medication you take regularly will allow the professional working at your salon or the clinic to make necessary adjustments in the equipment thereby delivering a personalised laser hair removal treatment to you, minus potential side effects!

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