Painless IPL Epilator For Permanent Hair Removal


Waxing, plucking, shaving, and tweezing are the four horsemen of unwanted body hairs. With so many options available to us, it’s a surprise why our body hairs are still persistent on growing. Not anymore! The IPL Epilator is a device specifically designed to painlessly remove body hairs permanently. Shocker! Stick around to find out how and why it works!


IPL means Intense Pulsed Light, so this solution uses a pulse of light to target the melanin in the hair to prevent hair growth. As for Epilation, it is a process specifically used for hair removal at the root of the hair follicles.

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With epilation, you can rest assured that your epidermal cells are not damaged during the hair removal process. It is generally used for a safe non-intrusive hair removal solution.


An IPL Epilator is great because the process is far less painful compared to the already tolerable regular epilation. You might just feel a little sting akin to scratching a blunt object on your skin.

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How to use the IPL Epilator

If you want to get the most out of the process, make sure to exfoliate your skin to get rid of any dead skin cells lingering around. It’s also advisable to follow this process at night in case your skin is sensitive and reddens from the process.


Next, you should turn on the device and use it at the lowest setting first (which is level 1 on this Epilator). Doing this will set a threshold for your toleration of the process. The first time is usually the hardest to tolerate but with IPL it won’t be too bad.

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After you’re done, simply moisturize your skin to reduce any irritation. Moisturizing also lets you preview the results of epilation on your smooth skin.


Why use an Epilator?

With epilation, hair follicles are directly removed from their roots. Compared to waxing, epilation is far more reliable. Sometimes waxing ends up merely pressing your shorter hairs against the skin.

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Epilation also results in an overall reduction in the amount of body hair over time. This is thanks to the fact that hair regrows slower and softer when removed directly from the roots. This means that you can expect future body hairs to be negligible and easily removed.


Epilation also lasts way longer than other procedures. After a session, you can expect your skin to remain buttery smooth for up to one month. Other methods are far less permanent compared to epilation.

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If you’re the skincare and beauty guru of your neighborhood, its time for you to get the rest of the crew on an epilation wave! Grab a few copies that reflect the favorite colors of your loved ones.


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