Most frequently asked questions about laser hair removal

If you are considering or getting ready to start your laser hair removal treatments, we’ve prepared you a handy guide with our most frequently asked questions about laser hair removal.

How do I get ready for my laser hair removal appointment?

Before your laser hair removal appointment, we kindly ask you to shave the area 24 hours before your treatment.
Avoid any chemical peels or laser resurfacing in the treatment area.
Exfoliate to remove any dead skin build-up.
Ensure no fake tan is present on the skin.
Avoid excessive sun exposure on the area being treated two weeks prior (including solariums and spray tan)
Do not wax or pluck hairs four weeks before laser treatment.

Does laser hair removal hurt?

One of the benefits of laser hair removal is that the treatment is virtually painless, especially compared to waxing. Each pulse lasts less than a second, producing a slight tingling feeling. In particularly sensitive areas, such as the upper lip, it may feel like a rubber band snap on the skin.

Our advanced cooling machines used in all laser treatments cools your skin before, during and post-treatment to minimise discomfort.

How long should I wait in between laser hair removal sessions?

Depending on your hair and skin type and the area being treated, you will usually require treatments at 4-6 week intervals.
Each part of your body has a different hair growth cycle, so the hair loss will vary depending on what phase your follicles are in at the time of the treatment.

Can you do laser if you have PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)?

One of the most common effects of PCOS on women is excessive hair growth due to hormones in the body.
If you are suffering from PCOS, you can choose laser hair removal. It can give you longer results than waxing or shaving. However as we usually recommend 6-8 sessions for laser hair removal, you might need to have more sessions depending on your hair and skin type as well as the degree of the effect of PCOS.

Can I have laser hair removal when I’m pregnant?

We don’t recommend to have laser hair removal while you are pregnant. Even though there are no studies show that the laser is dangerous for you or for the baby, you can still experience high discomfort and your skin can react negatively to the laser while you are pregnant or during breastfeeding.

You can start your laser hair removal treatment as soon as you stop breastfeeding.

Is laser hair removal safe on dark skin?

With the old technology laser hair removal machines, there was always the danger of pigmentation on darker skin tones when the laser is performed.
With the latest technology candela machines, you can now have a safe and effective laser treatment on darker skin tones as well.
During your free consultation, your clinician will examine your skin and inform you about how suitable laser hair removal for your skin.

Does laser hair removal help with the marks that are left with shaving? Like the green tint.

When you shave, you also exfoliate the top layer of your skin which can cause some skin irritations. And the green tint you are experiencing is a side effect of shaving on dry skin.
With laser hair removal, you don’t experience these marks on the skin after the treatment. However unfortunately laser cannot get rid of the previous marks on your skin. It will only get rid of the hair follicles on the treatment area. If you are looking for a solution to get rid of your skin marks and imperfections, our skin experts offer a free consultation to help you to reach your skin goals.

Can I wax or shave between my laser hair removal sessions?

Hair grows in different stages. And unfortunately, we don’t know which hair follicle is on which stage at what point. Laser hair removal burns the hair root and destroys it. And in order to do this, your hair follicle should be on the right stage. This is also the reason that we recommend 6-8 sessions in 4-6 weeks apart. As if your hair root was not on the right cycle on your first session, it is highly likely to be on the right cycle on the coming sessions.
Waxing or plucking will be effecting the roots of the hair follicles. It pulls off the root and messes up with the natural cycle of your hair. And when you come to your next laser session, your hair follicle may not be on the necessary phase.
But of course, you may not want to have any excess hair while waiting for your next laser hair removal appointment. Then you can shave between your session. This way you won’t disturb the hair growth cycle and you can temporarily get rid of the unwanted hair until you remove them permanently.

Do you have more questions about laser hair removal? Our laser experts offer free consultation and patch test. Why not book yours today?

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