I've spoken to several surgeons about a facelift and they're divided on where the incisions for a male would be. Specifically hidden on the tragus, or in front of the ear. I understand the pros and cons of each, but err towards hiding the incision on the tragus to minimize visbility. My question is, since the beard hair will be pulled back on the tragus, why not just remove the hair afterward for a natural hairless area in front of the ear? Why risk a scar in front of the ear?
Answers (21)
From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals
December 28, 2022
Answer: Facelift incision in a male
1 person
Ajaya Kashyap, MDPlastic Surgeon
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June 7, 2023
Answer: Male facelift incision
James M. Economides, MD, FACSBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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February 12, 2023
Answer: Either incision will do well
Ryan ReboweMDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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Everything you need to know about Facelift
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January 11, 2023
Answer: Male facelift incision
Brian BiggerstaffMDBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
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January 2, 2023
Answer: Male Facelift
Suleyman Tas, MD, FEBOPRASPlastic Surgeon
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