LIKE A CLEAN BUT GETTER LOOK: Permanent hair removal with IPL

LIKE A CLEAN BUT GETTER LOOK: Permanent hair removal with IPL

Permanent hair removal is an option for all those who no longer feel like shaving and constantly remove unwanted hair. An exclusive IPL treatment promises permanently smooth skin that many people hope for. This gentle yet highly effective type of hair removal is becoming more and more popular. Because depending on the body area, a few sessions are enough to enjoy the natural result in the long run. We will go into more detail about IPL and other hair removal options. Exactly how IPL works, what treatment areas are suitable for them and what else you should pay attention to, more on this topic in the following article.

Small pulses of light with a big impact: this is how IPL works
In recent years, IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) has established itself as the preferred and reliable form of treatment for permanent hair removal. The technology has been tried and tested and may only be used by trained professionals. Very technically speaking, IPL uses selective photolysis to permanently remove unwanted hair. In detail, it works like this:

1. Intense pulsed light is powered by light pulses.
2. The radiation of the target light, which is turned on by the specialist with a xenon flash lamp, is directed through a glass prism exactly to the part of the body to be treated.
3. Each hair is made up of pigments (pigment carriers) to which pulses of light are directed. Because these dyes can transfer heat deep into the hair roots.
4. Hair follicles are gradually damaged by permanent and gentle high temperature. The result is smooth, hair-free skin.

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No more shaving: IPL permanently removes hair in these areas
At the latest when it’s summer and we want to enjoy the summer rays in short clothes, the pesky little hairs start to bother us. Now they may still remind one or the other of our distant era as cavemen, but at present they no longer serve a meaningful purpose. If you are also aesthetically disturbed, you should opt for long-term permanent hair removal. IPL technology can be used for almost all areas of the body that will be freed from unnecessary hair growth. Whether it is in the chest, abdomen, armpits, arms, hands, legs, feet, back, shoulders or intimate area: permanent IPL hair removal gives a natural result everywhere. IPL technology has been developed for a wide range of skin and hair types. Permanent hair removal is an option for both women and men. Because men also want to benefit from smooth skin in the long run. Opting for permanent hair removal is the gentler option in the long run, as opposed to constantly shaving and thus damaging the skin.

Hair-free skin makes it possible: it’s better to go directly to the specialists
Hairless Skin has specialized in permanent removal and has made a name for itself for the past seven years. Thanks to extensive training, hairless specialists have become very familiar with the modern IPL technology, as well as professional handling of laser and needle hair removal. Many people are already convinced of this, such as the numerous testimonials and customer reviews of Mainz permanent hair removal clearly confirm. In line with the slogan “Feel the difference”. All technical devices used are medically certified, so that the highest quality standards can be met. This tested technique cannot be compared with any peripheral device, which, in turn, rarely brings the desired result, but, on the contrary, often unnecessarily irritates the skin or even visibly injures it. Such exclusive treatment belongs only to trained personnel. Consultation and experimental treatment can be carried out at any time for free.

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Smoother skin in no time: feel the difference
In just a few sessions, the goal of hairless skin is possible in a way that is gentle on the skin and low on irritation. The results are already visible after the first treatment. In principle, only hair that is currently in the growth phase, which is about thirty percent of hair, can be removed. This corresponds to the natural conditions against which all technologies can do nothing. Due to the complete independence of the technology and equipment used, only hairs in the growth phase can be removed permanently. Accordingly, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body and hair growth, several sessions are required, completely independent of the chosen form of treatment, in order to be able to enjoy smooth skin in the long term.

Conclusion: Thanks to IPL technology, unwanted hair disappears gently and permanently
IPL has established itself as a technology in the field of hair removal, in part because it is completely skin-friendly and at the same time a reliable process. The technology requires trained specialists, because only when used correctly can users enjoy a lasting and at the same time natural result. Interested parties can see the gentle IPL technology for themselves at Hairless Skin in Mainz with a free trial treatment. If IPL is not an effective form of treatment due to the skin and hair type, other proven methods can be used. If you really want to avoid unwanted hair in the long run, you will do it Mainz permanent hair removal Find the specialist institute you trust for hairless skin – with a ‘noticeable difference’.

Sunfire and Salzgitter AG achieve 84 percent efficiency through hydrogen electrolysis

Sunfire has installed a high-temperature electrolyzer at its Salzgitter AG steel mill, which is now proven to be 84 percent efficient. The electrolyzer itself is based on the well-known principle of SOEC technology, according to which water is split into its components hydrogen and oxygen with the help of excess green electricity.

High efficiency in megawatts

However, Sunfire achieves a high level of efficiency because electrolysis occurs at a high temperature. “The system operates at operating temperatures of 850°C,” explains Konstantin Schwartz, Product Manager for Large Electrolysis Systems at Sunfire. This high temperature, in turn, is provided by steam, which is obtained from the waste heat that accumulates during the production of steel in Salzgitter AG. “This is why our electrolyzer requires much less electricity than conventional techniques to produce large amounts of green hydrogen,” says Konstantin Schwartz. As part of the project, Sunfire was able to demonstrate high efficiency at 84 percent on the megawatt scale. For comparison: Current technologies such as alkaline electrolysis and PEM achieve efficiencies of around 60 percent.

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400 cubic meters of hydrogen per hour

The plant is built in Salzgitter AG as part of the Salcos (Salzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking) project, through which the steel manufacturer aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in production by 2030. The electrolyzer is capable of producing 400 standard cubic meters of hydrogen per hour, Which is directly used in steel production. This high level of efficiency is a real step forward for Salzgitter AG. “The scarce resource of electricity from renewable sources is ideally used here to produce hydrogen and it is another step towards green steel production,” stresses Stefan Mieke, Salcos project spokesperson within Salzgitter AG. (see below)

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Victor Booth

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