Laser Hair Removal Write For Us, Contribute And Submit post

Laser Hair Removal Write For Us, Contribute And Submit post

Table of Contents

  • Laser Hair Removal Write For Us
  • Laser hair removal
  • What is it, and how does it work?
  • How does laser hair removal work?
  • Laser types
  • To understand the different types of lasers, let’s first take a look at how laser hair removal works:
  • Let’s take a look at the types of lasers used:
    • Laser diode
    • Neodymium YAG laser
    • Ruby laser
  • How to Submit Your Articles
  • Why Write For –Health and beauty Time Laser Hair Removal Write for Us
  • Search Terms Related to Laser Hair Removal Write For Us
  • Search Terms for Laser Hair Removal r Write For Us
  • Guidelines for Article to Writing Laser Hair Removal Write for Us

Laser Hair Removal Write For Us

Laser Hair Removal Write For Us
Laser Hair Removal Write For Us

Laser hair removal is the development of hair removal through the action of pulses of laser light that destroy the hair follicle. It was experimentally conducted for twenty years before it was launched in 1995 and 1996. One of the first articles published on laser hair removal was written in 1998 by the Massachusetts General Hospital Group. Laser hair removal is widely skillful in clinics and even at home with equipment designed and evaluated for the personal care of consumers. Numerous reviews of the methods, safety and effectiveness of laser hair removal have been published in the dermatological literature

Laser hair removal

Rox Anderson and Melanie Grossman discovered that it is possible to target a specific chromophore with a laser in order to partially damage the basal stem cells of the hair follicles. This method has proven successful and was first used in 1996. In 1997, the US Food and Drug Administration approved this wax tactic. As research on this technology has advanced, laser hair removal has become more effective and efficient; As a result, it is now a common hair removal method over a long period of time.

What is it, and how does it work?

Laser hair removal is based on the principle of selective photo the rmolysis. The capillary absorbs, i.e., H. Light without damaging the surrounding skin. The melanin in the hair absorbs light and then converts it into heat, which destroys the hair and prevents it from multiplying.

This epilation method removes a lot of hair at the same time. The laser damages the hair follicles during the growth phase. Therefore, several laser sessions are required to achieve long-term results with an interval of 1 to 3 months between each session.

How does laser hair removal work?

If you want to know how laser hair removal works, don’t miss our article. We will speak with you from the Clínica Dual clinic specialized in laser hair removal in Valencia.

Permanent laser hair removal aims to remove hair from our body, it face or body. The energy contained in the laser light beam is captured by the melanin in the hair and converted into heat, which burns the matrix and never goes out again. Hair stops growing in areas where laser hair removal is used. Thus, it can be said that this is permanent hair removal.

Laser types

In this regard, we will discuss the different types of lasers used for hair removal and which are best suited for each case.

First of all, note that it is desirable and practical to carry out these procedures in officially registered medical centers. A medical center with trained and trained personnel ensures the correct use of these medical devices.

Second, a distinction must be made between lasers, considered cosmetic lasers, and medical lasers. The latter can only be used in approved medical centers and offers greater efficacy with more lasting results and, therefore, fewer sessions to perform; and more excellent safety due to the need for medical supervision.

To understand the different types of lasers, let’s first take a look at how laser hair removal works:

A laser device directs a beam to the hair. The hair coloring pigment (melanin) absorbs it, heats up suddenly, and permanently destroys the “root” of the hair (bulb). It requires the fulfillment of two conditions:

The fur should be dark. That , it should contain enough melanin to stand out on the skin. The laser does not work on blonde, red, gray, or white hair because most of the energy is absorbed by the skin, not the hair.

Although some studies are already challenging this theory, it seems that the hair to be treated must be in a growing phase, not in the ever-increasing phase, for the bulb to heat up to its maximum and thus achieve follicular destruction and rest. On the same area of ​​skin, each hair can be in a different state, so some of them lose a few days after the session, and some do not. Therefore, several sessions are needed.

Let’s take a look at the types of lasers used:

Laser hair removal with alexandrite

Alexandrite suitable for most fair-skinned patients and can be applied to thick, medium, and fine hair, as the melanin in the hair absorbs it very well, regardless of its size. It is very effective and requires fewer sessions than other lasers, making full alexandrite treatment more cost-effective.

Laser diode

If the skin darker (photo type IV or higher) or simply tanned, we use a diode laser because its absorption lower not to damage the skin. It is not very effective on medium to fine hair. It mainly used on thick, dark hair, especially on deep hair, as the spray penetrates more into the skin. Recently, a new technology based on the SHR (Super Hair Remover) diode laser has been released, allowing somewhat less boring sessions and is considered safer for larger photo types (mulattos and blacks).

Neodymium YAG laser

It is used on very dark and tanned skin, especially on thick and dark hair, with a deep implant. Since it absorbs less melanin, it requires the use of a high energy density but allows dark photo types to treated without the risk of complications.

Ruby laser

It the oldest type of laser used for hair removal and is no longer in use. It can only applied to dark hair with very light skin (photo types I and II). D.

How to Submit Your Articles

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Why Write For –Health and beauty Time Laser Hair Removal Write for Us

Laser Hair Removal Write For Us
Laser Hair Removal Write For Us

Search Terms Related to Laser Hair Removal Write For Us



Galvanic electrolysis




Physician assistant

Infrared radiation.



United States Food and Drug

Massachusetts General Hospital

Hair follicle.

Hair removal




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