Jacqueline’s Cosmetic Laser Training

In this edition of Louis the Laser Guy’s podcast series, “Pursue Your Passion,” Louis meets with Jacqueline to discuss her time spent in cosmetic laser training at National Laser Institute. Important to note, Louis the Laser Guy is also National Laser Institute’s founder and CEO. As well as that, Jacqueline landed her first cosmetic laser job while attending her cosmetic laser training at National Laser Institute!

“Hey, I’m Louis the Laser Guy, and welcome to my podcast, ‘Pursue Your Passion.’ Join me in my journey as we discover how estheticians, nurses, physicians, and complete career changers are living their passion in this booming billion-dollar medical aesthetics industry.”-Louis Silberman

Prior to Cosmetic Laser Training

To start, Louis asks about Jacqueline’s background before her time spent in cosmetic laser training at National Laser Institute. Jacqueline remarks that she went to high school in Oregon. Following that, Jacqueline took a couple of years off from college to decide what career path she would like to pursue.

To learn more about the time spent in those years, Louis asks what kind of jobs Jacqueline was performing. In response, Jacqueline remarks that she, “was actually serving…working in a restaurant…but, I was always interested in aesthetics and everything to do with the face.” In addition, Jacqueline jokes that she, “worked my little buns off and I saved and paid for half of my schooling in cash.”

Next, Louis asks, “What made you think, ‘Hey, wait a minute, I want to do technology, I want to do cosmetic lasers.'” To clarify, Jacqueline says that she has, “always had an interest more on the technical side…that’s just how my mind works. I like technical, I like seeing results from just…machines…So that is why I wanted to go and get my laser license.”

National Laser Institute’s Cosmetic Laser Training

To continue, Louis asks how Jacqueline found National Laser Institute. In response, Jacqueline says that she had actually learned about it in Oregon years ago. “You guys were the first people that I thought of when I had to retake all of my licensing.” Louis wonders aloud about Jacqueline’s experience in National Laser Institute’s boot camp. Jacqueline responds by saying,

“I thought it was fantastic. When I enrolled to get my Texas laser license, I knew that I was going to have refreshers or learn things or have awesome moments, like, ‘Oh my gosh, that completely makes sense.’ This is why we do this or why we do that. All of the instructors were fantastic, I can’t stress that enough. I feel like I got a lot from them.”

To gain further understanding, Louis asks, “Do you feel like we met your expectations? Did we exceed them? How was your mind at the end of the course?” To respond, Jacqueline excitedly says that she “did not want to leave! I wanted to stay!”

After Cosmetic Laser Training

Next, Louis asks, “How soon after National Laser did you start looking for a job and kind of figure it out?” Jacqueline happily responds, “I was already in the process of looking…so I was getting emails during class and looking at my phone, like, ‘Oh, I have an interview during lunchtime.” To further clarify Jacqueline’s experience after her training at the National Laser Institute, Jacqueline reveals it was about three weeks before her first in-person interview for a laser job.

A Thriving Marketplace

In addition, Jacqueline describes her positive experience meeting the owners of a med spa practice, and was also offered her position on the spot! Moreover, Jacqueline remarks, “I received my offer letter and the rest is history.”

Louis, happy for Jacqueline, asks, “It just made you feel amazing right?” In response, Jacqueline says that she, “was shocked at first. I was like, ‘Oh, okay, I have a job.’ I just went home and I’m just like, ‘Cool, I have the job.’ It took a minute because…I thought it was going to take longer. I thought I was going to have to go to more interviews.

A Practicing Cosmetic Laser Technician

cosmetic laser training allows this nurse to perform aesthetic laser treatments
cosmetic laser training allows this nurse to perform aesthetic laser treatments

In continuation, Louis asks about what types of procedures Jacqueline performs at her cosmetic laser technician job. Jacqueline says that she was performing hydro-facials, laser hair removal, Microneedling with RF (radiofrequency), IPL lasers, and skin peels.

In the following, Louis asks about Jacqueline’s current job where she is working and performing treatments. Furthermore, Jacqueline says that she is, “in a dermatology office now. It’s here in Dallas, it’s fantastic. I love everyone that I work with…We all get along. We are just like one big, happy family, and we all root for each other.”

Next, Louis remarks that “for everybody out there…just thinking in their mind. Well, a lot of people, especially in this time of COVID and uncertainty, a lot of people are really looking in the mirror and they are kind of saying, ‘Gosh, life is short.’…There are people out there having hurdles and problems and they are kind of getting a wake-up call. I’ve had a lot of people saying, ‘Do I love my job?’ Is this something I want to do forever?”

To continue, Louis says, “People are really kind of having these revelations like, ‘Wow, life is short, crazy.’…let me go pursue my passions and my dreams…there are people out there…have no background in the industry, but are content. But, maybe it is a real estate agent here and they are kind of contemplating a cosmetic laser tech job. What would be your words of advice to somebody like that?” Jacqueline responds,

“Don’t worry and do it…I think that when you get to that point of questioning like you are at this level and you are like, ‘I don’t love my job,’ but, like you have a passion for something that really intrigues you?… Don’t want to waste your time because the time that you spend wasting thinking of it, you wait the year, you could have been doing laser that whole year you sat there questioning, ‘Should I go to National Laser Institute or not?’ So don’t make excuses for yourself and pursue your passions and your dreams. Like just get it done and over with, because when you get to where you want to be, you will be so much happier.”

Passion for Knowledge

In continuation, Louis asks Jacqueline, “What’s like the dream scenario five, ten years down the road for you personally?” In response, Jacqueline happily says that it is to just keep gaining, “as much knowledge as I can…I always have to keep learning…whatever someone wants to give me, I want to absorb that, because if I don’t, if I’m not constantly learning, I get bored. Let me learn every laser. Let me learn every procedure that I can do within my license…the possibilities are endless.” To finish, Louis says,

“For everybody out there watching today, Jacqueline is a great example of somebody who had a dream. You know, in high school, she didn’t go to college. She dabbled in different things, waited on tables, and wanted to engage in the beauty world instead of school…she said, ‘I want more, I want more, I want technology.’

Now you are living your dream. I love it. So congratulations. I applaud you for believing in yourself and betting on yourself because it is so hard…people get so scared. It is so hard to take that first step and do something new because, gosh, what if I fail, or it doesn’t work out? What if I get a job with all these fears in my mind and I just get stuck?

And sometimes in life, I find the biggest obstacle to us all reaching our dreams in health, happiness, relationships, and business, is really the person in the mirror. I mean, the person in the mirror is our biggest obstacle that can stop us in our tracks when we are scared or the person we are can be our biggest opportunity for the future.

I think we all have to step outside of our comfort zone…into the unknown and uncomfortable because we can always go back to an old job. I mean, life is all about exploring and just chasing our dreams and going forward. So awesome that you believed in yourself, pat yourself on the back, that’s awesome. I hope to see you soon Miss Unstoppable.”

National Laser Institute

Are you interested in entering the medical aesthetics industry through cosmetic laser training? At National Laser Institute, you are trained on the most updated techniques and technologies in the business! In addition, National Laser Institute offers comprehensive courses ranging in length from one day to two weeks. Moreover, you will leave satisfied with the level of education, confidence, and knowledge instilled in you through National Laser Institute’s elite team of leading cosmetic laser technicians and cosmetic nurses in the field.

In addition, did you know that if you are considering entering the medical aesthetics marketplace, the quickest way to grow your business is through the use of social media? For example, you can use Facebook or Instagram to expand your client book. Follow National Laser Institute’s CEO and founder, Louis Silberman, at @asklouology to receive complimentary tips and tricks to grow your business and succeed in the social media sphere.

“Finding your purpose isn’t only about making great money, it’s about so much more. It’s about tapping into your passions and chasing your dreams.” – Louis Silberman CEO and Founder of National Laser Institute

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