Is Rhinoplasty the Most Dangerous Plastic Surgery Invasive Treatment?


Over the past decade, more and more people are going under the knife and having plastic surgery procedures.

Some are for reasons due to health while most are for cosmetic reasons, where an individual may feel very insecure about a specific part of their body, such as a crooked nose or small breasts.

Plastic surgery comes in a range of different procedures, with some being simply procedures that can take no more than 30 minutes, while other more complex ones could take many hours.

Procedures carried out in 2018

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons collected data which showed that approximately 1.8 million surgical procedures were carried out in 2018, with the top surgical procedures being breast augmentation, liposuction and nose reshaping.

Additionally, there were more than 15 million minimal or non-invasive procedures that took place the same year including Botox, laser hair removal and chemical peels.

Why are cosmetic surgeries on the rise?

One of the most obvious answers to that question is due to the constant bombardment through television, printed media and of course, the internet, about what the perfect man or woman should look like. It’s important to point out that there are a large number of men who are having cosmetic procedures carried out.

With the increase in usage of social media, more and more people are actually being exposed to more images of themselves than ever before. We are constantly evaluating how we look, what our imperfections are, and how they can be removed or at least fixed.

There is also a lot more acceptance towards plastic surgery than there was a few decades ago. Nowadays, it’s all the norm, and procedures such as tummy tucks or eyelid surgery are being done by people from all walks of life. The Masri Clinic is known for rhinoplasty and other procedures that you can have done.

The costs of cosmetic surgery has also fallen over the years, and what was once something for the rich and famous, is now something that is affordable for most people.

Rhinoplasty – the epitome of plastic surgery

Without doubt, one of the most common types of cosmetic plastic surgery after breast augmentation is Rhinoplasty, or as is commonly known – a nose job.

Noses are the central focus of our faces, and lots of people have a lot of issues with how their noses look. Some are too large, some are hooked, while others are crooked.

There is so much insecurity about how our noses look with people that it’s usually the one thing that most people want to change about their appearance.

There are lots of benefits to having Rhinoplasty. The main one is that it gives people much more confidence and self-esteem about their looks.

For others, it can improve their quality of life and can help with breathing problems that many people suffer from, which can also affect the quality of their sleep. It’s also helpful for people who may have a birth defect such as a deviated septum.

However, there are also a few cons about Rhinoplasty. The first is that there is usually some discomfort once the procedure has been carried out. Bruising around the eyes is common for the first few days, while swelling of the nose is also something that many people will feel.

There are also some side effects such as headaches, nausea and the feeling of being congested. These usually all clear up naturally after a short period of time.

Is Rhinoplasty dangerous?

All types of surgical procedures carry risk with them, especially invasive treatments. In terms of the serious risk, this will all depend on the type of procedure you are having done, and also the cosmetic surgeon who will be performing the procedure.

Some of the risks that come with Rhinoplasty include infection, breathing problems, bleeding or scarring. In most cases, if you are working with an experienced surgeon, then you shouldn’t have any problems, but it is always important that the associated risks are clearly explained to you.

It is very important that you choose a highly experienced surgeon for the procedure, as in most cases, it will require precision and an experienced head.

Remember the old saying “you get what you pay for”. This is never more true when it comes to cosmetic surgery.

Just because you can get someone to do the procedure cheaper than another surgeon, it doesn’t mean that the quality of work will be just as good.

And with something as serious as Rhinoplasty, if you are contemplating going with the cheapest option, then maybe you should have second thoughts about whether you really want the procedure or not.

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