Is Laser Tattoo Removal Worth The Cost?

Do you regret your ink? Looking for options to remove your tattoo? Let’s take a look at estimating your laser tattoo removal costs to see if it’s worth it. Whether your ink is recent, and not up to the standard you require, or an older tattoo that’s outdated, laser tattoo removal is a good option.

The cost of your laser tattoo removal will depend on a number of factors – how old (or new) the tattoo is, what colours were used, how light (or dark) your skin color is, how large the tattoo is and how many treatments will be needed to safely remove the ink.

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Worth The Cost

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Worth The Cost
Is Laser Tattoo Removal Worth The Cost

Advances in Laser Tattoo Removal Technology

Today we’re lucky with the technology behind laser tattoo removal becoming more and more sophisticated with new medical-grade lasers making the process safer and more efficient.

In layman’s terms, the laser sends a burst of light into the skin to splinter the ink into fragments which are then attacked by the body’s immune system to naturally fade the tattoo.

Each individual will have a different immune system response, so it will require a different number of treatments to achieve the end result.

Most people desire a removal process that is quick, as pain-free as possible and with the shortest recovery times possible. That’s understandable.

But remember that your tattoo/s aren’t going to magically disappear after a single treatment. It’s going to take time and that means a monetary investment.

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Worth The Cost
Is Laser Tattoo Removal Worth The Cost

When estimating your laser tattoo removal costs, the clinic will weigh up the various factors and give you an idea of how many treatments they suggest. But remember, this is a guide only. You may very well need a few extra treatments to make sure all the ink fragments are removed.

More outdated tattoo removal processes sometimes left small amounts of lighter inks – such as yellows and greens – in situ and these colors were much harder to remove. But today’s laser removal machines are able to remove even these hues.

Laser Tattoo Removal Treatment – Discomfort & Recovery Time

The main variant that will affect the cost of your laser tattoo removal is time. For even a small tattoo, the area will need to be cleaned properly and numbed with an injection or cream, then lasered.

Following the laser procedure, the area will be iced and bandaged. Of course, this will take much longer for a larger tattoo. Larger tattoos are often done in sections to keep discomfort to a minimum.

Plan for quite a bit of discomfort and this, of course, will vary depending on the site of the tattoo. Your clinic will provide you with information about treatment and care of the area in the week or so after the laser removal.

This may include an antibiotic ointment or skin-replenishing moisturizer. As treatments progress, you should start to feel less discomfort each time as there is less ink to remove.

Remember that laser tattoo removal is an invasive procedure that triggers an immune system response so not only is the treatment potentially painful but there will also be tenderness and possibly some irritation in the skin including swelling and itching as you heal.

Let’s quickly talk about the site of your tattoo as this can really impact on your recovery time and the amount of discomfort. It will likely be difficult to have fabric touching the wound after treatment so if the tattoo is on your arm, for example, maybe think about wearing a sleeveless top.

And maybe plan your tattoo removal sessions for summer when it’s more comfortable to wear a lighter top. If your tattoo is in a more sensitive site, such as your neck or foot, it is recommended you plan the removal carefully.

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Worth The Cost
Is Laser Tattoo Removal Worth The Cost

Is Laser Tattoo Removal Safe?

The best news is that laser tattoo removal is relatively safe but you should always choose a treatment from a professional removal clinic. Remember that your skin after removal may not be completely back to normal and there may be lighter sections – similar to a light scar – that remain. You won’t ever be given a guarantee of complete removal (and be wary if you are) as there are many variables that will impact the success of the treatment.

Generally speaking, an amateur tattoo will be easier to remove as they tend to use single colors and aren’t as deep into the skin tissue. Likewise, the ink in an older tattoo tends to travel towards the skin surface over time and this can make them easier to remove.

Professional tattoos are usually deposited deeper into the skin tissue and will feature more colors which can make them more of a challenge to remove.

Dangers of Cheap & DIY Tattoo Removal

Watch out for offers that seem to be too good to be true – they usually are. Laser hair removal, although it uses similar technology, is not the same as laser tattoo removal so choose your clinic wisely.

A tattoo is a permanent change to your skin, so don’t expect a magical, pain-free removal solution. Because of the risk of infection and scarring, you need to be sure you’re dealing with an expert who can manage any unforeseen issues that crop up during treatment.

One of the most common misconceptions is that it’s easy to remove a tattoo and a quick search in any search engine will reveal any number of articles and videos promoting various means for removal. Note: we do not recommend any of these methods!

But here’s an example of what not to try – a young man from Argentina decided he needed to remove his week-old tattoo because he wanted to apply for a role with the airport police in his local city of Mendoza.

Visible tattoos were not allowed so, rather than consult a professional, he consulted YouTube for advice. He first tried a pumice stone with no success so he graduated to a cheese-grater.

Funnily enough, he reported that it “hurt and bled a lot”. The end result was a nastily infected wound, a trip to the hospital and a tetanus injection.

So, if you’ve read all this and you still wish to have your tattoo removed our best advice is work with a professional, be realistic about the investment of time needed, be prepared to manage some pain and discomfort both during the procedure and as you heal, and don’t try any suggestions from YouTube!

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