Gone are the days when the hair removal activity was only female focused. But, not anymore! We live in times when men have started preferring a smooth and hair-free body. Some men, however, don’t like a complete hair removal tactic. Instead, they prefer having a thinned out body hair.
The internet is flooded with plenty of articles that mention varied pain-free tactics to remove unwanted hair for women. However, very few articles talk about ways of removing body hair in men. That’s why we have brought forward for you a very well researched article focusing on tactics to eliminate unwanted hair from a male body.
Here are mentioned 5 of the most common pain-free tactics to remove unwanted hair for men:
1. Shaving
Shaving is irrefutably the most common and widespread method of hair removal for men. It is quite easy and painless, and you can use the razor to eliminate hair from whichever part of your body, provided you employ the right techniques. Remember to shower with warm water before using the razor. A shower will help in opening of pores and in raising hair follicles. Besides, also make sure that you use a good quality razor and shaving foam. Lastly, shave only in the direction of hair growth.
Some people think that shaving makes the hair grow thicker; however, this is just a myth. As a matter of fact, shaving works best for men with light or fine hair, and a sharp blade will make a world of a difference when it comes to shaving quality and comfort. Yes, it is true that shaving sometimes causes skin irritation. But, there are ways to eliminate and reduce these irritations.
For instance, you can invest in a sensitive shaving cream that will help prevent shaving irritations. Also, use a baby powder instead of a moisturizer post shaving. The good news is that your skin will eventually get used to shaving and won’t thereafter cause any kind of irritation.
2. Applying Hair Removal Creams
Hair removal creamsDermology hair removal cream
It is imperative to check with a dermatologist before you start applying these hair removal creams. Test your skin and research the creams in depth prior to relying on them. You may want to wait for a day or so to see how your skin reacts to the cream. Also, take precautionary measures prior to applying these creams on genital areas. Make sure you trim the area first and then apply the cream. Hair removal creams usually get the job of eliminating hair done well.
3. Waxing
You can never go wrong with waxing. It is indeed the most preferred way of removing unwanted hair from a man’s body. Most people, and particularly men, think of waxing whenever they think of hair removal tactics.
Waxing is usually linked to pain as the process involves snatching of hair from the root of the skin. But the truth is, the pain associated with waxing isn’t unbearable at all. There are many men out there who prefer waxing to any other form of hair removal tactic. It keeps your skin free from unwanted hair and also keeps the skin healthy and strong. With waxing, you will literally be hair free for almost two to eight weeks depending on your hair growth cycle.
The process is so easy that you too can perform it on your skin without anyone’s help. Besides, you can also take assistance from your friend who would be willing to perform waxing on your skin. Lastly, if nothing works, you can always fix a waxing appointment at a salon and get the job done. Or for some parts it can be done by yourself.
4. Electrical Trimming
Electrical trimmingelectrical trimmers
Electrical trimming is advisable for those boys and men who are new to body hair removal, and even for those who don’t wish to go completely hair-free. You are likely to find electrical trimmers at varied price ranges, but make sure that you use a good quality trimmer for better and effective results. The battery life of trimmers should be considered, so look for trimmers with rechargeable batteries. Another key aspect is the blade used in the trimmer. Research such key aspects very well prior to investing in an electrical trimmer.
5. Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal tactic
In this technique, the laser light will penetrate into the hair shaft and kill the roots of the skin. This, however, will not kill the hair follicles. For this very reason, you may see your hair growing back at the same place, but after a very long time. This technique is popular for removing chest-hair, hair on the back, and genital area hair. It is believed that a laser hair removal technique works best for men with dark hair, but the results are usually dependent on many factors such as one’s hair growth rate and other similar aspects. Therefore, it is best to consult a dermatologist who will guide you professionally.
A particular laser hair removal treatment may take up to 6 to 8 sessions, depending on the texture of your skin. Be assured, the treatment is approved by FDA, and is apparently known to cause lesser pain than waxing and sugaring.
These pain-free tactics are a few of the most effective and safer ways to eliminate unwanted hair for men. Take time to study each technique intensely, know what suits your skin best, and accordingly follow it. Also, don’t forget to get in touch with a skin specialist or a dermatologist for any kind of hair removal advice. It is best to speak to a skin expert before making any decisions that may lead to unpleasant disappointments.
Check out how to groom your beard and the weirdest men’s fashion trends.
About the author Emily Kristina
Emily Kristina is a freelance writer by profession and fitness enthusiast at heart. She mainly covers topics related to health, fitness, beauty and skincare. She always prefers natural remedies and occasionally blogs about skin creams and shares her knowledge about how to take care of your skin properly.