How Frequently Should You Perform At-home Laser Hair Removal?

How Frequently Should You Perform At-home Laser Hair Removal?

After purchasing an at-home laser hair removal device, you must be thrilled at the prospect of finally achieving a hair-free existence. However, you may also be wondering how frequently you should schedule your at-home laser hair removal sessions and how long it will take to see a significant reduction in hair growth. Additionally, you might be curious if using an at-home device requires as much time as professional salon treatments.

If you have questions about whether daily use of a laser can expedite your path to eliminating unwanted hair, you’re in the right place. This article aims to clarify these concerns and provide insights into at-home laser hair removal.

While at-home laser hair removal devices are generally safe, it’s important to note that they should not be used on a daily basis. Each semi-permanent hair removal device comes with specific usage instructions that must be followed. Let’s explore the recommended frequency for hair removal treatments and the rationale behind why frequent use is not advisable.

The Hair Growth Cycle

Before delving into the specifics of how often to undertake laser hair removal sessions, it’s crucial to understand the various phases of hair growth, as these phases influence the effectiveness of laser treatments.

Anagen Phase

The first phase of hair growth is known as the anagen phase, characterized by active hair growth. During this stage, hair cells are rapidly dividing, causing hair to emerge from the follicles. At any given time, approximately 90% of hair is in this active growth phase.

The duration of the anagen phase varies among different hair types; for instance, the anagen phase for scalp hair is longer in comparison to facial hair, lasting around 2-3 weeks for facial and body hair.

Catagen Phase

Following the anagen phase is the catagen phase, a short transitional period where hair shifts from active growth to the resting phase, known as telogen. During this phase, blood supply to the hair diminishes, resulting in slower hair growth.

At any point, about 3-5% of hair is typically in the catagen phase.

Telogen Phase

The third phase is telogen, which is the resting phase of hair growth. In this phase, hair reaches its maximum length and ceases to elongate. This phase is relatively long, with about 10% of hair being in the telogen stage at any given time.

Exogen Phase

The final phase is the exogen phase, where hair is shed from the follicle, marking the beginning of new hair growth.

Optimal Timing for Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is most effective during the anagen phase, the period of active hair growth. At this stage, blood flow to the hair follicles is heightened, allowing the laser to effectively disrupt the blood supply, which is essential for hair growth.

The anagen phase lasts approximately 15-20 days, which is why it is recommended to schedule laser hair removal sessions every two weeks. However, it's important to understand that achieving complete hair removal is not a one-time event, as not all hair follicles will be in the anagen stage during a single session. Thus, you may require around 6-12 sessions to notice a substantial reduction in hair growth.

Recommended Frequency for At-Home Laser Hair Removal

As previously mentioned, the ideal regimen involves conducting one session every two weeks for a span of 3 to 6 months to ensure the effective removal of unwanted hair. Exceeding this frequency may waste the device's pulses, while fewer sessions could prolong hair treatment due to missed anagen phases.

Once you've completed your initial series of laser hair removal sessions, you will only need one session per month, as hair growth will significantly slow down. After an additional 6-12 sessions, you may enjoy a year of hairlessness.

Since your device will still have remaining pulses, you can easily resume treatments whenever you begin to notice hair regrowth.

Why Ulike Sapphire AIR+ IPL Device Outperforms Traditional At-Home Laser Hair Removal

While laser hair removal is effective, it may not be suitable for individuals who struggle with consistency over 6 months or longer. Furthermore, the process can be painful, and at-home laser devices typically have limited pulse counts. In such cases, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) hair removal offers a viable alternative. Although it employs a technology similar to laser hair removal, IPL treatments can yield faster results.

One of the leading IPL devices available today is the Ulike Sapphire AIR+ with its distinctive dark green handset. Let’s examine what sets it apart from conventional at-home laser hair removal devices.

Quicker Results

The standout feature of the Ulike Sapphire IPL device is its ability to deliver results much faster than traditional at-home laser devices. While laser treatments may require up to 12 weeks to see noticeable effects, the Ulike AIR+ IPL can produce significant hair reduction in just 4 weeks.

No Discomfort

Although at-home lasers are FDA-approved and generally safe, users often report sensations of burning, stinging, and zapping during treatments. In contrast, the Ulike Sapphire IPL device provides a soothing cooling sensation, making it a more suitable option for individuals with sensitive skin.

User-Friendly Design

Many at-home laser hair removal devices feature small, round windows, are relatively heavy, and rely on rechargeable batteries. The Ulike Sapphire IPL device, however, boasts a large rectangular window, a lightweight design, and a long power cord.

This allows you to complete a full-body session in just minutes without experiencing hand fatigue, eliminating concerns about battery life interruptions.


Laser devices often have a finite number of pulses—around 90,000 for devices like Tria—limiting their lifespan to just a few years. Conversely, the Ulike Sapphire IPL device offers unlimited flashes, ensuring it lasts a lifetime.

This means you won't need to replace bulbs or purchase a new device regularly, making it a wise investment.

Hair Removal with Ulike Sapphire AIR+ Dark Green Handset

Although both laser and IPL technologies aim to destroy hair follicles, their usage timelines differ slightly. Let's explore how frequently you should use the Ulike Sapphire device and the results you can expect throughout this period.

Sessions for the Initial Two Weeks

During the first two weeks, you should conduct IPL hair removal sessions every other day, amounting to three sessions weekly. At this point, over half of your hair will be in the anagen phase.

In these two weeks, you can anticipate a 45.5% reduction in hair volume, an 87.41% decrease in hair density, and an 83.05% reduction in hair length.

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