How Can You Get Rid Of Folliculitis At Home

Folliculitis is not life-threatening, but it causes discomfort and is aesthetically unappealing. It is a common skin condition caused due to the presence of inflammatory cells in the hair follicle. Inculcate simple habits such as having a bath every day, especially after exercise reduces the chances of folliculitis. To treat folliculitis, there are specific home remedies that we will discuss in this article. First, let me tell you what folliculitis is and what causes folliculitis?

What is folliculitis?

Folliculitis is a benign skin condition caused due to the presence of inflammatory cells in the hair follicle.

Symptoms of folliculitis

Folliculitis appears as acne-like pustules or red bump. It may also be present as small white pimples with surrounding red area, rashes, and swelling with itchy skin.

Folliculitis caused due to staphylococcus bacteria appears as a white-headed pimple or tiny red bump around the small pocket from which the hair grows. This infection spreads and turns into crusty and non-healing sores.

Folliculitis can appear at any part of the body. However it is typically found on the back, beard area, arms and legs.

Causes of folliculitis

Folliculitis is caused when staphylococcus aureus bacteria infects the hair follicle. Also, viral, fungal and non-microbial varieties of folliculitis exist.

The Individual At The Risk Of Developing Folliculitis

Certain factors make a few people more susceptible to folliculitis. The conditions include the following:

� Medical diseases such as HIV/AIDS, chronic leukaemia, diabetes and other conditions that reduce the resistance towards the infection.

� Long term steroid antibiotic creams for the treatment of acne

� Tight clothing

� Soaking yourself in the ill-maintained hot tub

� Damage to hair follicles by waxing or shaving

� Dermatitis

Acne-prone skin

� Males with curly hair

What Are the Complications Of Folliculitis

Complications of folliculitis include:

  • Spreading of infection
  • Recurrent infection
  • Furunculosis
  • Scarring
  • Dark spots
  • Permanent hair loss.

In case the infection is severe, it can lead to permanent scarring and hair loss, so you need to see a doctor for proper treatment.

Herpes virus commonly causes folliculitis that mostly develops around the mouth. Non-microbial folliculitis includes pseudofolliculitis barbae, which is the condition caused due to curling of hair under the skin. Multiple hair growth causes folliculitis decalvans. Exposure to certain oils may lead to oil folliculitis.

However, the mild cases can be treated in a few days via home remedies for folliculitis and self-care measures.

Folliculitis Treatment

Most of the cases of folliculitis resolve itself in one or two weeks if you follow proper hygiene. Self-management fastens feeling.

In severe or recurring cases, diagnosis is made after taking a medical history and thorough physical examination. Also, your health care provider may collect your skin sample to determine the type of infection and to decide the right treatment. Rare cases lyric why skin biopsy.

Depending on the severity and type of folliculitis, possible convectional treatments include:

Antibiotic gels, lotions and creams

Antifungal shampoos, creams and oral medications

Oral or topical corticosteroid

laser hair removal

Surgical drainage of Pus

Mild cases of folliculitis can be treated at home through natural home remedies.

Home Remedies for Folliculitis

  1. Apple cider vinegar – Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid that inhibits the growth of bacteria.

What to do

Apple cider vinegar should be diluted before you use it to treat folliculitis. To a half cup of water add one tablespoon apple cider vinegar. Apply the solution to the affected areas with the help of a cotton ball and leave it for 20 minutes. Repeat this two times in a day, and you will get the result within a few days. Severe cases may take a week or more.

2. Neem oil – Neem oil is antifungal and antiseptic. It is instrumental in getting rid of fungal and bacterial skin infections.

What to do

To a tablespoon coconut oil add three drops of neem oil. Apply this mixture to the affected area. Massage gently and leave it overnight.

3. Tea tree oil – Tea tree oil is potent oil with the ability to fight fungi and bacteria. It is beneficial in treating recurrent folliculitis.

What to do

Mix a few drops of tea tree oil to your body wash each time you take a shower. It is a great option to treat as well as prevent reoccurrence of folliculitis.

4. Geranium and grapefruit seed oil – Geranium and grapefruit seed oil is antibacterial and effectively treats folliculitis.

What to do

Mix geranium oil and grapefruit seed oil in equal quantity. Please apply to the affected areas and leave it overnight. Repeat this for several days to treat the infection.

5. Turmeric – Being anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial turmeric is beneficial in treating any skin infection.

What to do

Mix a half-teaspoon turmeric powder to 2 tbsp coconut oil or water to make a paste and applied to the affected part. Cover it with the band and leave it overnight. Repeat this until the symptoms abate.

How to prevent folliculitis

You can prevent folliculitis by following the steps mentioned below:

  • Avoid tight clothing to reduce the friction between the garment and skin.
  • If you use rubber gloves regularly, then each time after using turn the glove inside out with soapy water and let it dry thoroughly.
  • Do not share your razor, wash clothes and towels.
  • Use clean heated pools and hot tubs.
  • Better avoid shaving to prevent to the folliculitis. If you are among the one who needs a clean-shaven face, adopt habits such as:
  • Shaving less frequently
  • Wash your face with antibacterial soap and warm water before shaving.
  • Massage your face gently in a circular motion with a cleansing pad or a wash clothes before shaving to raise the embedded hair.
  • Apply a good shaving lotion in right amount before shaving
  • Use a sharp blade for shaving.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth
  • Clean the blade with warm water after each shave
  • Applying moisturizer aftershave
  • Do not share your shaving kit with anyone.

We have shared the home remedies to treat folliculitis that we know. If you know more home remedies for same, do share with us in the comment section below.

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