Going Hairy for Movember?: How Having Facial Hair Will Change Your Life

What’s your look? Are you rugged and stubbly? Butch and bearded? Or clean-cut and clean-shaven? If it’s the latter, then you might be hopping on the Movember bandwagon this month, and growing some face fuzz to raise money for charity. But what can you expect from a life with facial hair? More attention from the fairer sex? A greater proficiency with rudimentary tools? We’ve got the lowdown.

Women quite like it

Numerous studies and surveys have concluded that some women actually favour a bit of scruff. This is probably because it’s perceived as more masculine. But, of course, facial hair tends to be a bit of a love/hate thing. While the studies revealed that women preferred a bit of stubble over a clean-shaven look, full on beards weren’t quite as desirable.

People will think you’re wiser

But if you go all out for a full face of fuzz, there’s a good chance you’ll be perceived as a wiser person – well, so long as you don’t say anything too daft. From wizards to Jedi masters to enlightened hippies: popular culture is brimming with beardy men who have all the answers. So don’t be surprised if you become the new sage in your friendship circle – a beard makes it look like you know how to handle things.

It can age you – if you need aging

If you’re fresh-faced and ‘blessed’ with age-defying boyish good looks, then you probably spend a lot of time getting ID’d in pubs and supermarkets. Many people would revel in this. But it’s slightly less appealing when you’re in your mid-twenties. Or even thirties. A sprinkling of facial hair, however, can be the perfect antidote, bumping up your age by a few years, and perhaps making people take you a bit more seriously in the process.

Endless possibilities

Rugged stubble, heavy stubble, or designer stubble? A trimmed beard, or a glorious Viking beard? Or how about a handlebar moustache? There are a variety of styles out there that can really sharpen up your look, and half the fun of having facial hair is discovering the one that works for you. Just be prepared for a bit of banter before you find it…

Facial hair is empowering

Sporting some facial hair might very well empower you. As well as getting you more in touch with your primal masculinity, you might find yourself the envy of all your man-peers – some of whom might not be as adept as you at growing their own. It’s likely that you’ll be following in the furry footsteps of your forefathers, all the way back to the cavemen. So grow out that facial hair, grunt, growl, and chop some firewood. This is your birth right!

And when Movember ends don’t forget to stock up on all your favourite Dorco men’s razors to smooth things over.

Classic razor
Classic razor

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