
Table of Contents

  • What is Folliculitis?
  • How common is folliculitis?
  • What are the symptoms of folliculitis?
  • When should I see my doctor?
  • What are the causes of folliculitis?
  • Diagnosis and treatment
  • How is this disease treated in allopathy?
  • Some of the following home remedies and changes will prove to be helpful in curing your disease:

What is Folliculitis?

Folliculitis, a skin condition characterized by inflammation of the pores. Body parts where it occurs include: beard, arms, back, hips and legs. Folliculitis initially appears as red bumps or pimples. However, this problem can also spread to other parts of the body.

Folliculitis is not very serious, but it can cause itching and dryness of the skin. Also, it can make you feel uncomfortable. In severe cases of this disease, hair loss and deterioration also starts.

How common is folliculitis?

Folliculitis is a very common disease. This disease can affect children and adults. The things that cause this disease can be prevented by controlling it.

What are the symptoms of folliculitis?

  • Red bumps or pimples with hair in the middle,
  • If this bulge bursts, blood or pus comes out of it,
  • Redness and infected skin becomes,
  • There may be burning, swelling and itching of the skin,
  • The skin becomes more tender or it hurts.

Some of the above symptoms are not given. If you have any problem due to which symptom, then discuss it with your doctor immediately.

When should I see my doctor?

If the disease is not severe, it will get better in two weeks without any treatment. You can compress the affected skin. You can use medicated shampoos for skin care.

Talk to a doctor if the affected skin becomes red, swollen, hot or more painful, or if the pimples last for more than two weeks. Everyone’s body functions differently. Therefore it is advisable to consult your doctor.

What are the causes of folliculitis?

Folliculitis can be caused by a number of infections or by any other skin condition. Some common reasons include:

  • Other skin conditions such as dermatitis and acne,
  • Due to a virus or hair break in the skin
  • Accidental or surgical injury,
  • Blocked or damaged follicles: this can be caused by the friction of a cloth on the skin or by shaving.

The common cause of folliculitis is also some bacteria, which is always present on your skin, called Staphylococcus aureus.

What factors increase the risk of developing this disease?

  • Things that can increase the risk include:
  • Other skin conditions, such as dermatitis and acne
  • Certain medicines, such as steroid creams or long-lasting antibiotics for acne,
  • Due to obesity
  • Wearing clothes that do not allow sweat and heat to escape
  • Unsafe shaving,
  • Medical conditions such as diabetes, chronic leukemia, or HIV/AIDS that lower immunity.

Diagnosis and treatment

Your doctor will first examine your skin. Also, you will get information about your health or what medicines you are using. The doctor may take a fluid sample from the pimple to detect infection. A lab test may be done to identify which bacteria or fungus is causing the infection.

How is this disease treated in allopathy?

Depending on the severity of your condition and its causes, prescribed treatments are given:

Medications: Your doctor may prescribe certain creams and medicines to prevent infections. Some may suggest specific pills or skin creams to reduce inflammation.

Your doctor may suggest photodynamic therapy, also known as light therapy.

Minor surgery: If the lump is very large, the doctor may have to do minor surgery to drain the pus, which will help in reducing the pain. This helps in getting well soon.

Hair removal with laser treatment.

Some of the following home remedies and changes will prove to be helpful in curing your disease:

  • Keep your body clean with a mild soap, especially after exercise.
  • Do not share personal items such as towels.
  • Use over-the-counter (OTC) antibiotics.
  • Avoid scratching the bumps.
  • Drinking more water is good for health in every way. Drinking more water keeps the skin healthy and folliculitis will not be a problem.
  • Avoid using products due to oily skin. The oil can cause folliculitis in the pores from bacteria.
  • Do not repeatedly touch the places with folliculitis with your hands. When cleaning the affected area, only touch the skin.
  • Do not try to burst the bumps in folliculitis at all. Get him treated or let him get better on his own. Because, if it is broken, it can become infected, due to which its redness and swelling can also increase.
  • If there is folliculitis on the face, then men should not shave. At the same time, if women do face waxing, then they should also stop waxing.
  • There are many such cosmetics, which are used to hide the blemishes on the face. However, keep in mind that cosmetic can also be one of the reasons for getting folliculitis. Therefore, do not apply any kind of makeup until the folliculitis is cured. Apply the prescribed cream on folliculitis only as per the advice of the doctor.

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