Face sunscreen: why get face sunscreen?

Face sunscreen: Do you usually just carry one bottle of sunscreen to the beach? So you think you’re saving money and room in your purse by doing this? What if we told you that a sunscreen for your face is not the same as one for your body? Here’s all you need to know about the advantages, and most importantly, the significance of using sun protection that’s appropriate for your face and skin type!


Face sunscreen: The sun’s rays are significantly more prevalent in daily life than one may believe. Do you get out of your vehicle fast to go to the grocery store? Are you driving to work? Are you sitting indoors, near a window? All of these conditions expose your skin to damaging rays on a regular basis! They should not be overlooked even in the winter.

Did you realise that neon lights have their own set of effects? Indeed, they release UV radiation that, in the long run, may be just as harmful to your face as those emitted by the sun! So be aware that even if you work indoors all day, you will be impacted.

There are two kinds of rays: UVA rays, which cause skin ageing and a browned complexion, and UVB rays, which burn the skin and cause it to become red. In any event, they are dangerous, and we must defend ourselves against them all year!

You will have realised that it is critical to apply sunscreen to your face every day. Even if you don’t want to spend the day outdoors, or if the light does not directly beam on your face, the sun has substantial irreversible impacts!

In general, creams with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 are suggested for the face in order to be effective. The number of rays filtered is indicated by the FPS strength. The more your skin responds to sun exposure (redness, sunburn, pigment spots), the higher the SPF you should use. Warning: Having a high FPS does not imply that one app is sufficient! It is advised to reapply sunscreen every two hours. Overexposure to the sun changes the skin’s natural protective qualities and may result in sun intolerance.

To learn more about the protection factors, or to find out which protection is best for you, read our article on how to pick the proper sunscreen lotion, or fill out our sunscreen questionnaire.


Face sunscreen: Did you know that by appropriately shielding yourself from the sun, you may keep your face looking younger? The rays that cause ageing (UVA) enter the skin considerably less when it is shielded, reducing the production of wrinkles or fine lines as a result. Furthermore, adequate sun protection significantly reduces the emergence of pigment spots produced by extended exposure to UV radiation.

The Sun ultimate SPF 30 cream is an example of sun care that addresses the causes of skin ageing. In Canada, if your sunscreen protects you against harmful rays, it will always have a “UVA” emblem or the phrase “wide spectrum” on the label. Otherwise, it indicates you’re simply shielded from UVB rays.

Then you must realise that the materials of face and body sunscreens vary. Those for the body are often more greasy, which may clog pores and cause acne. As a result, there are specialist sunscreens for this kind of skin, known as non-comedogenic protectors. They are also less oily and lighter, emphasising the need of using a specialised face cream if you have trouble skin.

Furthermore, whether your skin is sensitive or not, the face is the portion of the body that is most exposed to the sun, as well as being considerably more vulnerable and delicate. When it comes to the face, it is thus essential to utilise sun protection that is built of gentler and less aromatic components. Using body lotions on your face may cause unpleasant redness or irritation, but sunscreens formulated exclusively for your face do not.

In brief, by using a face cream, you will get the majority of the advantages of a day cream (moisturising, light, soft on the skin, odourless, and so on), as well as enough protection and the ability to adapt to your skin type (mature skin, oily skin, sensitive skin, acne-prone skin, etc.).


Face sunscreen, as previously said, is very moisturising. If you want your skin to be even more effective, certain sun creams for the face include young active components that may be used in lieu of your day cream. By combining these two items, you will only have one step to do, which is excellent for hectic mornings!

Some sunscreens are tinted as well, making them so-called 2-in-1 formulations. They readily replace makeup since they give coverage and evenness while also shielding you from the sun’s harmful rays and hurting your skin. Brighten up your complexion! No more product strewn over the bathroom! What more could you want?

In addition to saving you time in your daily routine, face sunscreens will save you money since you will only need to purchase one product instead of two! Whether it’s to replace your day cream or your make-up, combining sun protection and care will provide you with the right combination to enjoy your days with total peace of mind!


Face sunscreen: If you dislike the cream texture or have oily skin, we have a solution for you! It is a sun protection in the form of a tinted powder that is a great option for light exposure (going to work, supermarket shopping, etc.), as well as having a tiny complexion rapidly. It may also be used over another sunscreen to get a more matte appearance while still providing appropriate protection during extended exposure.

Our Option Dermasanté beauticians’ favourite sun protection is the protective sun powder! As previously said, it saves time in the morning ritual since it is a two-in-one solution. It’s fantastic since it adapts to all skin kinds because to its universal tint, which produces a gorgeous tanned complexion regardless of phototype! It is also good for oily skin since, as previously said, it functions as a mattifier.

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