Cosmetologist consultation

Cosmetologist dermatologist consultation Kyiv

A cosmetologist’s consultation is an integral part of any facial procedure. A good beautician is able to assess the condition of the skin, its needs and take into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Шилина Юлия Михайловна консультация
Doctor dermatologist – cosmetologist Shilina Yulia Mikhailovna is consulting at Coolaser Clinic

“Cosmetology is an art”, our cosmetologists are sure.

The first time you visit the clinic, you should carefully ascertain the experience and education of your doctor. The result of the procedure directly depends on his education, work experience and attitude to his work.

We care about your health! Therefore, we advise you not to neglect the initial consultation before any procedure. Among other things, the cosmetologist will assess the possible risks and contraindications.

Консультация косметолога
Doctors Coolaser Clinic: Yulia Mikhailovna Shilina (left) and Doctor Vladislava Sergeevna Mashkova (right)

We guarantee excellent performance and continuous improvement in the consultation of all our doctors from the Coolaser Clinic.


  1. Age-related changes in a person.
  2. Removal of acne.
  3. Laser hair removal
  4. How to remove age spots.
  5. Non-surgical rhinoplasty of the nose.
  6. TOP-5 questions for a cosmetologist.

Age-related changes in a person

The first and main reason for visiting a cosmetologist is concern about appearance. Namely, the appearance of the first signs of skin aging.

Before prescribing a skin rejuvenation procedure, the beautician invites you for a consultation. In a professional environment, Status Praesens or skin condition assessment is fundamental.

Initial consultation with a cosmetologist gives a clear picture of age-related changes, skin type and its needs. Having carefully and sensitively listened to the patient, the cosmetologist decides on the appointment of a particular procedure.

Or does not accept. Everything is correct, if the rejuvenation procedure desired by patients is categorically unsuitable for you or can be harmful, the doctor will refuse to carry it out.

Dr. Yulia Shilina said the following about this:

We do this because the primary goal of the Coollaser Clinic is to reveal your inner beauty and highlight your dignity. Accordingly, our cosmetologists will do their best to preserve your unique appearance.

Фото Coollaser.Clinic у хирурга из Беверли Хиллс Bruce B.Kadz.M.D.
Julia Shilina as a representative of Coollaser.Clinic in the USA on the exchange of experience with the top surgeon from Beverly Hills Kadz.M.D.

The best facial rejuvenation treatments in our aesthetic medicine clinic are the following:

  • Laser resurfacing of the face
  • IPL Phototherapy
  • TriBella 3in1 rejuvenation
  • Plasmashower
  • Nano fractional RF

Acne removal

The second place in the ranking of the most frequent visits to a doctor beautician is the fight against acne.

Acne and rashes provoked by P. Acne bacteria will leave few people indifferent. When patience is running out, and pharmaceutical and cosmetic preparations cease to work, a beautician comes to the rescue.

Consultation with a cosmetologist is especially important when it comes to removing acne. Before your doctor selects an individual skin treatment program for you, an epidermal examination is required.

In the case of acne, there can be many reasons from hormonal imbalance, increased work of the sebaceous glands, to inflammatory processes and bacterial infections.

It is possible that the cosmetologist will prescribe an appropriate skin treatment before the procedure. It is an integrated approach that allows you to effectively deal with the problem.

How to get rid of acne?

“You can fight acne and get 100% skin treatment results. The selection of acne removal procedure depends on the individual characteristics of the patient. The best methods of dealing with acne are those that target the deeper layers of the skin. It is also important to remove acne spots. “

Машкова Владислава Сергеевнв
Doctor Vladislava Mashkova performs RF lifting procedure for face contour correction
  • CO2 laser resurfacing of acne scars
  • Acne treatment
  • Cryotherapy

Laser hair removal

Unwanted body and facial hair inevitably makes you want to remove it. Outdated methods of hair removal, such as a razor or a machine, have long been ineffective. The razor does maximum damage, ideally its use should be reduced to one time.

Otherwise, bacteria, which thrive in the humid environment of the bath, get directly into the wounds the next time you shave. As a result, instead of perfectly smooth, beautiful skin, ingrown hairs, rashes and inflammation are formed.

An experienced cosmetologist at the initial consultation will select the ideal solution to the problem and skin care. A modern method that has shown high efficiency of the procedure is laser hair removal.

The laser thermally acts on the very root of the hair, due to which the follicle is destroyed and the hair falls out. Several sessions a year will allow you to avoid shaving in principle, since hair stops growing thanks to the laser.

How to remove age spots

Usually, age spots such as freckles do not bother theirowner. However, large age spots that appear in the field of sunbathing significantly affect the quality of life.

On the Internet, you will find dozens and hundreds of popular ways to remove age spots. However, none of them guarantees safety and 100% effect.

Skin prone to pigmentation requires special care. Consultation with a cosmetologist will make it easier to deal with unwanted stains.

Removing age spots as part of a complex procedure will not only cleanse the face, but can also tighten the skin and heal other imperfections.

  • IPL Phototherapy
  • Removal of age spots
  • Microneedle RF-lifting
  • Microdermabrasion

Non-surgical rhinoplasty of the nose

A procedure such as non-surgical rhinoplasty of the nose has been gaining incredible popularity in recent years.

Cosmetologist doctor Melchinko Lyubov comments on this situation as follows:

“Of course, injectable rhinoplasty is so popular! Nowadays there are so many people who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their nose or have received its curvature due to injuries. And there are so few of those who are ready to go under the surgeon’s knife for this. We love our patients for who they are! However, if there is a desire to solve the problem, non-surgical rhinoplasty is the ideal solution! “

доктор Мельчинко Любовь
Doctor Lyubov Melnichenko performs the procedure of Nano Fractional rejuvenation of the décolleté area.

TOP-5 questions for a cosmetologist

At the consultation of a cosmetologist, these 3 questions can most often be found:

  1. When can I start visiting a beautician?

It all depends on the condition of your skin! If it is a beautiful, even tone, elastic face oval, absence of inflammation – the first consultation of a cosmetologist can wait until the end of adolescence.

However, it is during puberty that a competent explanation of the rules for facial care is needed. This is the only way to prevent most imperfections in adulthood.

  1. Professional or home care?

There is no consensus on this case. Home and professional care are fundamentally different things. What a cosmetologist is capable of, no home skin care is capable of.

  1. Are all procedures effective?

There are no ineffective procedures, there is an unsuccessful selection of procedures! The consultation of a cosmetologist is therefore so necessary to correctly and accurately select the procedure for your individual skin characteristics.

This is the only way to predict the result and guarantee a 100% effect.

  1. How to understand what is in front of me – a professional?

When you first visit a clinic of aesthetic medicine, do not hesitate to familiarize yourself with the certificates and licenses. So, you can be sure of the legality of the institution’s work.

At the initial consultation of the cosmetologist, ask to show you his certificates and documents on professional development. A cosmetologist who regularly studies, exchanges experience and builds up his knowledge would be ideal.

At Coollaser Clinic, all cosmetologists undergo regular training and exchange of experience in the most prestigious clinics in the country and in Europe. By contacting us, you get a guarantee of safety and quality.

  1. Home appliances for skin care. Harm or benefit?

Why do we turn to those cosmetologists who have a medical education? That’s right, because these people are familiar with the principles of asepsis and antisepsis. They know how to disinfect the skin, how to determine its type and condition, how to prepare the epidermis.

Only a cosmetologist can assess the risks and contraindications. Only professional care allows you not to harm your beauty, but only to enhance it! Unfortunately, using hardware cosmetology tools at home, you put yourself at great risk.

At Coollaser Clinic, we guarantee you the perfect balance of safety, quality and an amazing 100% effect from any procedure.

A cosmetologist’s consultation is an indispensable stage in skin care!

Доктор Мельниченко Любовь Сергеевна
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