Causes of Ingrown Hair on Face & Tips to Deal With It

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Ingrown hair on face can be troublesome. They may appear to be strange and weird, leaving one confused, since, by their appearance they qualify to be neither pimples nor hives nor wounds. Here are some effective tips to deal with ingrown hair on face.

Ingrown Hair on Face

As the term suggests it is the hair that curls up and grow inside, inwards in the skin, rather than upward and outwards towards the surface of the skin. While growing, the hair may lose the direction of its natural growth or not be able to push its way out through the skin to reach the surface and start re-growing in some other or opposite direction. It may curl up and start growing longer, inwards and hence results out into an ingrown hair on face. They are extremely uncomfortable and can also be itchy and painful. While sometimes treatment is needed, tips to deal with ingrown hair on face can surely help.

Ingrown hair on face, form a bump or at times number of bumps on the surface of the skin. They appear red and rise very similar to pimples on skin. They may not only appear to be painful but may actually be very painful. They may become sore at times and appear as a boil on the surface of the skin. Though not always, these may get infected with pus formation in severe cases.

Causes of Ingrown Hair on Face

Ingrown hair can pop up on any part of the body that has hair growth like armpits, hands, legs, while it is common over pubic area and face. But ingrown hair on the face can be really embarrassing and painful too. Anyone can have ingrown hair on face. However, it is believed, that people with curly hair by nature may experience ingrown hair on face more frequently than people who have naturally straight hair with a smooth texture.

Some of the possible causes of ingrown hair on face include the following.

Incorrect Method of Hair Removal – While there is no scientifically proven reason of ingrown hair, it is believed that improper or incorrect methods of removing unwanted hair from the skin is one of the causes of ingrown hair on face.

Shaving – Shaving in the direction opposite to the natural direction of one’s hair growth too can cause ingrown hair on face.

Tweezing – Tweezing of hair may clog the hair follicles and is one of the common causes of ingrown hair on face.

Laser Treatments for Hair Removal – Removal of hair through laser treatments may at times, cause ingrown hair on face.

Excessive sweating – Excessive sweating due to heavy strenuous physical activities, wearing tight clothes etc. may clog and block the hair follicles with sweat and dirt. This too is one of the most commonly seen causes of ingrown hair on face.

Tips to Deal With Ingrown Hair on Face

Some of the effective tips to deal with ingrown hair on face are given here. These definitely help in mild cases, however, in long standing cases,

Let The Hair Grow Out

For a while put a stop to all the shaving and waxing. Let the hair grow out and once they are out, you can get rid of them by shaving or waxing it off. Avoid peeling or breaking your skin too much to get hold of the hair. This is one of the most useful tips to deal with ingrown hair on face.

Chemical Exfoliation

One of the effective tips to deal with ingrown hair on face also includes chemical exfoliation. Active exfoliation using chemicals like glycolic acid or retinoid will help to get rid of the ingrown hair in about 4 to 5 days. Avoid using manual exfoliants for already present ingrown hair on face, as they can only prevent but not help to get rid of the hair. Post active exfoliation as the skin may become sensitive; ensure you apply plenty of sunscreen if you have sun exposure.

Soothe the Sore Skin

In grown hair can cause redness, soreness as well as irritation. The skin may get painful and inflamed too. An important tip to deal with ingrown hair on face is to soothe the sore skin and wait for normal hair growth. To avoid further pain and damage to your skin avoid any hair removal. Apply some aloe vera gel or a cooling cream like hydrocortisone to soothe the sore skin.


Active exfoliation may cause the skin to become dry. Hence it is important to moisturize the skin liberally and help it to become smooth and soft. This will, in turn, help the ingrown hair to make its way out as soon as possible. It is important that you moisturize your skin post-exfoliation, after bathing or washing your face and even before sleeping. This is one of the necessary tips to deal with ingrown hair on face.

Some of the effective tips to prevent ingrown hair on face include the following.

Avoid using harsh products that dry up the skin and increase the chances of ingrown hair on face. Instead use moisturizers and keep skin hydrated.

Use the correct technique to remove hair and do not shave too close to your skin or too frequently.

Ensure, your hair removal sessions are post a shower or an exfoliating session as the skin pores open up. This helps to remove dead skin cells and cleansing of any clogged pores thus ensuring a softer smoother shave and an easier hair removal session.

Use exfoliates and moisturizers as they help in getting rid of the dead skin cells at the same time and prevent ingrown hair on face.

Cocoa butter or Shea butter make a great moisturizer that can keep the skin soft and supple. This ensures that your hair finds the right path, up to the surface of the skin and does not in-grow!

If all the healthy skin regimes and tips to deal with ingrown hair on face are unable to give you a flawless face free from in-grown hair, it is best to see a physician. Appropriate medications and supplementation may be considered.


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Team PainAssist

Written, Edited or Reviewed By: Team PainAssist, Pain Assist Inc. This article does not provide medical advice. See disclaimer

Last Modified On:September 2, 2023

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