Can Acne Stop Facial Hair Growth? What You Need To Know

do acne scars prevent facial hair growth
do acne scars prevent facial hair growth

In this article, we will aim to address the question of whether or not acne can affect the growth of facial hair. But before that, a little something about acne in general.

Acne, or Acne Vulgaris, is a skin condition that affects the face, the back, neck, upper arm, shoulder, and chest. The condition is caused when the skin is inflamed, or the skin pores become clogged with oil or dead skin cells. Not just this, but it affects all gender and race.

Acne can occur in all phases of life, but it is more evident in people going through puberty. Studies have shown that people within the age range of 15-30 have more tendency to experience this skin condition since hormonal activities and fluctuations are common during this period.

Although the severity of this condition varies in different persons, it can broadly be classified under mild, moderate, or severe. Severe acne may leave the patient with a scar if not properly treated, and less chance of scars in others. In the long run, the severity of this skin condition would influence the manner of treatment.

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Can Acne Stop Facial Hair Growth?

Does Having Acne Affect How And Where Your Facial Hair Grows?

Why Do I Get Acne When My Facial Hair Grows?

Can I Stop Facial Hair From Growing?





Laser Hair Removal

Does Acne Scar Affect Hair Growth?

What Slows Facial Hair Growth

Can Removing Facial Hair Cause Acne


Can Acne Stop Facial Hair Growth?

Yes. Acne can, indeed, stop facial hair growth in the affected region. Apart from facial hair growth disturbance, it can cause complications like depression, anxiety, stigma, and lack of self-esteem.

Facial hair is referred to as hair growth on the chin, cheek, and upper lip region of the face. It is more evident in the male gender and begins to develop during puberty. Nonetheless, some women have noticeable facial hair, but this growth is usually caused by what is known as atypical hormonal variation.

Studies show that acne can affect the growth of facial hair. Acne that arises from clogging of the skin hair follicle can cause skin sensitivity and irritations; hence, we can say acne indirectly interferes with the growth of facial hair.

The hair follicle serves as a passage for hair growth; hence if this hair follicle is clogged with oil or inflammation, it could interfere with the growth of the facial hair as there would not be a sufficient supply of blood, which would then make it difficult for the facial hair to grow.

Also, acne can leave the hair follicle damaged, which would prevent the facial hair from growing in a healthy environment.

Does Having Acne Affect How And Where Your Facial Hair Grows?

Having acne can affect or interfere with how and where your facial hair grows. To answer the question, acne is a skin condition whereby there is a blockage in the hair follicle, which is caused by dead skin, inflammation, or oil. This skin condition can affect how the facial hair grows because it can limit the supply of blood to the hair follicle, hence interfering with hair growth.

We must also understand that acne can lead to the blockage of the hair follicle; hence, deter any hair from coming out. When the hair follicle is scarred, damaged, or blocked, the hair follicle would be unable to grow in the spot that has been scarred. So, Yes, having acne does affect how and where your facial hair grows.

Why Do I Get Acne When My Facial Hair Grows?

Acne is caused by blockage of the facial hair follicle. Hence, it is expected in areas where facial hair grows. Among many reasons, when the facial hair grows, and there is poor grooming, it can block the hair follicle. By implication, the hair follicle blockage caused by dust and dirt accumulation can cause an acne breakout.

To avoid and prevent acne from breaking out on your facial hair it is advisable to wash at least twice daily the facial hair area, clean the area with a cleanser, apply a moisturizing cream, to change and use a silk pillowcase during rest.

Acne can be treated by eating a healthy diet, observing a good skincare routine, and applying herbal tea extract on affected surfaces. Very severe acne may require you to visit the doctor or consider taking medication. Or, you can consider using a plethora of home remedies, using commodities commonly found in a kitchen.

Related post: 15 Most Popular Acne Home Remedies: Do They Work?

Can I Stop Facial Hair From Growing?

Sometimes, women have to deal with a condition called hirsutism. It means having conspicuous facial hair resembling male facial hair. It is a cause of much social embarrassment. It occurs due to the overproduction of androgens hormones that occur due to a variety of reasons such as polycystic ovary syndrome, intake of medications, inheritance in genes, etc.

Persistent acne accompanying this hair growth leads one to think that it is the hair that is causing acne. Well, it is not so. Acne is just one symptom of the underlying wild play of hormones, which requires an expert medical intervention to treat.

Facial hair growth in women can cause emotional distress. While there is no sure shot cure of hirsutism, there are ways to reduce the appearance of facial hair. Several methods can be used to slow facial hair from growing, but we must understand that all these methods can only be used to reduce or temporarily stop the growth of facial hair. The following methods are available to reduce or temporarily stop facial hair.


Shaving is the easiest, most readily available method of hair removal. This method of hair removal is fast, easy, and does not require the service of a specialist. On the downside, the method can cause ingrown hair. Ingrown hair can irritate the hair follicle and cause a further breakout.

In the worst case, it can result in severe forms of keloids, a condition that is more difficult to deal with compared to acne. Hence, when you shave, you should be careful of the razor and ingredients you use. You should also check your technique to avoid ingrown hair.


Tweezing is an inexpensive method of facial hair removal. The hair removal technique is carried out by using a special tool called tweezers, which are specially designed to pull or pluck one facial hair at a time from its root. This hair removal method lasts longer than shaving, but then it usually causes slight discomfort and requires a lot of time.


Epilation is a method similar to tweezing. The difference is that with an epilator, multiple facial hairs can be plucked at the same time.


Waxing is a popular method of removing facial hair that requires the usage of wax. It provides a longer solution than shaving and tweezing.

Laser Hair Removal

This method of facial hair removal provides a longer solution. The method requires using a laser and pulsating beams to render non-functional hair follicles, which in turn prevents the facial hair follicles from producing hair. However, laser hair removal costs more and should be handled by a professional.

Does Acne Scar Affect Hair Growth?

Acne scars are acne residues that affect the skin deeply and affect the tissue beneath the skin. The scars tend to become more noticeable as one ages or as the acne begins to clear. The reason for the scar is mainly due to a lack of enough collagen produced by the body during acne’s healing process.

Although it differs in severity, acne scars can affect hair growth in the affected region. Severe acne scars from cysts and nodules have a more significant impact on the skin; hence, can affect hair growth. If the scar damages the hair follicle, it may discourage hair from growing in the future.

The following are types of acne scars:

  1. Boxcar: this type of acne scar is wide and has sharp edges.
  2. Ice pick: this acne scar is very deep and narrow; ice pick is one of the most difficult acne to treat, which is because the acne has extended under the surface of the skin.
  3. Rolling: this type of scars is rolling in appearance and typically has rounded edges.
  4. Raised scar: this type of scar is also referred to as hypertrophic. They are said to stand above the surface of the surrounding skin.
  5. Depressed scar: this is also known as an atrophic scar, this type of scar sits below the surrounding the skin.
  6. Dark spot: these are discoloration that could either be red, purple, or brown marks.

You would have a scar depending upon the type of acne you are afflicted with. Generally, we must understand that the acne scar would not affect or prevent facial hair growth as long as the hair follicles beneath the acne scar have not been damaged.

Related Post: What Type Of Acne Do I Have? 6 Types of Acne Explained

What Slows Facial Hair Growth

The average rate at which the facial hair grows is dependent on different variables. The growth of the hair is a function of the hair growth cell. Hence, if the hair cells are healthy, they will increase the production of hair follicles.

The following can slow the average rate of growing facial hair:

  1. Poor Nutrition: Poor nutrition occurs where the body is not getting the required nutrient needed for the growth and development of the body. As a result, it can slow your facial hair growth rate.
  2. Age: The older one becomes, the weaker the hair follicle becomes, thereby making it more difficult for the hair follicle to produce hair
  3. The use of harmful chemicals: many harmful products in the market can slow the growth rate of facial hair.

Can Removing Facial Hair Cause Acne

Removing facial hair temporarily stops or reduces facial hair growth. Although trendy, this activity can cause irritation and inflammation, especially if you have pre-existing acne. This is because the removal can result in spreading the acne bacteria over the skin surface and for a person with sensitive skin this can worsen the breakout.


Acne manifests in different forms and types. And many times, acne can impact the growth of facial hair in a significant way.

Sometimes, acne can inhibit the growth of facial hair, especially when acne scars damage or cover the hair follicle. Although it can affect facial hair growth under certain conditions, acne does not always inhibit facial hair growth and is certainly not the sole reason behind poor facial hair. Deficient facial hair growth could very well be due to other factors like inadequate nutrition, use of bad skincare products, etc.

In the case of women, facial hair, called hirsutism, is not the cause of acne. Both the hair and acne are symptoms of a behind the scenes fluctuation of hormones.

However, the good news about acne is that whether caused by primary or secondary factors, it is an eminently curable affliction. It does not last life long. Moreover, it is a perfectly normal thing to have, and more people than you might think have to deal with it at some point of time in their lives.

In this series:

  • Can Hard Water Cause Acne? What You Need To Know
  • Can Hypothyroidism Cause Acne? What You Need To Know
  • Can Niacinamide Cause Acne? What You Need To Know
  • Can Nuts Cause Acne? What You Need To Know
  • Can Retinol Cause Acne? What You Need To Know
  • Can Birth Control Cause Acne?

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