Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal: Everything you need to know

Laser hair removal machine

If you're looking into hair removal methods, it's important to consider all of your options. No doubt you’ve done your research and determined that laser hair removal is your best pick. But what is the difference between the lasers that are on the market?

Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal

Where is the Alexandrite Laser Used? What is the Alexandrite Laser? How is it Different from Other Lasers? Wavelength Comparison of the Different LasersAdvantages of the Alexandrite LaserAlexandrite Laser Effectiveness

Alexandrite vs. Diode LasersSide EffectsIs the Alexandrite Laser FDA Approved?Alexandrite Laser Clinical DataDark Skin Side Effects StudyPulsed Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal Efficacy StudyComparison of Alexandrite and Electrolysis for Hair Removal

Where is the Alexandrite Laser Used?

Alexandrite lasers are powerful equipment and should only be used by a trained practitioner, therefore they are often used in hair removal salons. There are currently No FDA approved home laser hair removal devices that contain the Alexandrite laser

What is the Alexandrite Laser?

An Alexandrite Laser is a type of LASER (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) that emits high energy light through an alexandrite crystal. As the light passes through the alexandrite crystal, a beam of light 755 nm long is produced.

Note: The length of the beam of light determines how far into the skin the laser penetrates.

The color of the laser light is red.

Alexandrite Lasers can be set on Q-switching mode, which causes the laser to produce a high-energy beam of light in short pulses. This is what makes it effective for hair removal.

In addition to hair removal, Alexandrite Lasers are used for:

  • Treating age spots
  • Treating spider veins
  • Treating vascular birthmarks
  • Tattoo removal
Woman has laser hair removal on her face
Woman has laser hair removal on her face

How is it Different from Other Lasers?

What is the difference between the Alexandrite Laser and other lasers? Aside from the color, the wavelength of the light is the only thing that changes.

For example, the Alexandrite Laser emits a red beam of light that is 755 nm. A diode laser, on the other hand, emits a 810 nm laser beam and a YAG laser emits a beam at 1064 nm.

Wavelength Comparison of the Different Lasers

Laser Type




488 nm or 514.5nm

No longer used for hair removal - the device was tedious and ineffective for hair removal

Ruby Laser


Effective and safe on patients with light, pale skin



Safe and effective on all skin types (from 1-7 on the Fitzpatrick scale)

Pulsed Diode Array


Effective on pale to medium skin (I up to IV on the Fitzpatrick scale)

Nd:YAG Laser


Specifically made for darker skin types, though effective on all skin types

Intense Pulsed Light

500 to 1200nm

For pale to medium type skin (this is not a laser but is still used for hair removal)

Alexandrite Laser Effectiveness

With the Alexandrite Laser, there is a hair clearance rate of roughly 70% after the recommended number of treatments--usually between 6 and 8 for thinner hair, or 8 to 12 for thicker, darker hair. See clinical studies for more information on hair reduction effectiveness.

It is also considered the fastest of the lasers, removing large swaths of hair in fewer sessions. For patients interested in treating larger body areas (such as the stomach, chest, back, shoulders, or legs), it's often recommended to use the Alexandrite Laser.

Alexandrite Lasers are one of the only lasers recommended for treating hypertrichosis, also known as "Ambras syndrome".

Side Effects

Woman has laser hair removal on face
Woman has laser hair removal on face

​Are there side effects of using the Alexandrite Laser? Unfortunately, as with all lasers, there are some side effects.

For those with very dark skin, there is a risk of hypopigmentation (skin lightening in patches that are treated by the laser). The Alexandrite Laser is NOT the most effective for dark-skinned patients, as mentioned above.

Even among those with lighter skin, there is a risk of the pigment being destroyed from the skin. On the flip side, there is even a risk that the skin will OVER-produce melanin as a result of the light, which could lead to dark patches on your skin.

Pain is common during the treatment, though it's usually fairly minimal. A cooling gel is often applied once the area is treated, helping to reduce pain and prevent swelling.

There is often a bit of swelling and itching following the procedure, but that should go away after a few days. The skin may turn red, but it will only burn if the laser is incorrectly used.

There is a very small chance (10%) that there will be bruising, but the bruises will fade on their own.

Alexandrite Laser Clinical Data

Having been cleared by the FDA for marketing in 1997, the Alexandrite laser has had a number of studies done to determine its efficacy. Studies universally conclude that the Alexandrite laser as an effective method of hair removal.

Here are three main studies as reference:-

Dark Skin Side Effects Study

Pulsed Alexandrite Laser Hair Removal Efficacy Study

Comparison of Alexandrite and Electrolysis for Hair Removal

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