Are you searching for the best online esthetician schools? Do you want to learn how to become an esthetician or find out which esthetician schools that can help you get your license? This article provides answers to all of these questions as well as a list of the best 15 esthetician schools available online.
Despite the fact that there are many places where a student may register in an esthetician school, studying online might be a wise choice for someone who wants to become a certified esthetician.
Exfoliation, waxing, and skin rejuvenation are just a few of the key spa treatments provided by estheticians. They also advise customers on how to properly care for their skin and, if necessary, refer them to a dermatologist.
Let’s take a quick look at what an Esthetician is all about.
Who Is an Esthetician?
An esthetician is a professional who specializes in skin care. They examine a patient’s skin to determine which treatments will best enhance their appearance and then perform those treatments.
Facials, hair removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, and the selling of skincare products are among the services offered.
Estheticians are not qualified to diagnose or treat skin conditions or diseases. Instead, they focus only on skincare and how it influences overall health and beauty.
Their expertise, on the other hand, helps them to recognize skin issues that may require the attention of a dermatologist, a doctor who specialises in skin. Aesthetician is another term for Esthetician.
What Does An Esthetician Do?
As already said, Estheticians perform a vast range of treatments, ranging from simple facials to peels and hair removal, as well as laser therapy, microdermabrasion, and body wraps. Depending on the work environment and client preferences, make-up can also be applied.
Employers require Estheticians to be qualified, talented, and competent in the following areas:
- Provide high-quality face treatments for skincare issues.
- Advise clients and give therapy recommendations that are tailored to their unique requirements.
- For therapeutic or relaxing purposes, massage the face and scalp.
- Exfoliation, waxing, threading, and chemicals can all be used to eliminate hair.
- Apply make-up/makeovers and make-up applications for special events.
- Removal of blackheads from the face.
- Apply masks, wraps, sugar and salt scrubs, compression wraps, and other similar treatments to your face and body.
How Much Time Would It Take to Finish Esthetician School Online?
The amount of required training hours in your state determines the length of online esthetician courses, and most esthetician online schools need some hands-on training to satisfy state requirements.
On average, esthetician school online courses last six months and need 600 hours of training; however, some states mandate up to 750 hours. You may want to check into specific training hour requirements based on your state board licensing criteria.
How Much Would It Cost to Enrol in an Online Esthetician Training Course?
An online esthetician degree typically costs between $3,000 and $10,000, according to Evergreen Beauty College. The price varies based on the duration of the program, its location, and the number of state-mandated training hours.
Textbooks, registration fees, and material costs associated with an esthetician training online course may vary depending on the syllabus.
What Characteristics and Attributes Do Successful Estheticians Possess?
It is important to possess the following moral characteristics in order to fully engage in the profession of esthetician:
- Friendliness
- Diplomacy
- Availability
- Alertness
An understanding of business, as well as a serious relationship, in a lighter tone.
It is also essential to maintain one’s look, as one’s physical appearance has an impact on the quality of one’s job.
Being an esthetician necessitates a thorough understanding of the many types of skin care procedures as well as the most recent developments in order to flawlessly achieve beauty.
It is critical to master the necessary abilities in order to secure the safety of consumers. For instance, how to wax without hurting yourself while avoiding burns.
Finally, estheticians must have strong physical stamina because they are on their feet for most of their working hours.
What Other Names are There for an Esthetician?
A cosmetician is a term used to describe someone who works as an esthetician. The term esthetician is sometimes used to refer to a beauty consultant, masseuse, or makeup artist.
In addition, as a facilitator or demonstration, this career may be done from home.
What to Look for When Choosing an Esthetician School Specialty
Students can pick a specialty at certain online colleges for esthetician certifications. Treatments that you wouldn’t learn in a regular training program are taught in specialty courses, such as:
- Wraps
- Aromatherapy
- Microdermabrasion
- Body treatments.
- Treatments at a spa that is cutting-edge
- A more sophisticated face massage.
- Laser hair removal
- Treatment for acne that is more developed
- Makeup for a performance
- Makeup that is long-lasting (tattooing)
- Other makeup artistry methods include airbrushing and camouflage.
What is the Skincare Specialist/Esthetician School Online Certification?
Students who complete Esthetician training at an online school obtain the same certification as those who attend a traditional school.
Before taking the test, students must first complete the required number of hours of practical training as set forth by the state board of cosmetology. If they pass the test, they will be able to apply for their license.
On the other hand, getting an esthetician license online is a wonderful way for students to get the information they need to thrive in their chosen field.
By taking their classroom experience online, students may save time, money, and energy, allowing them to focus on learning what they need to know and completing the required hours for certification.
What Kind of Degrees can you get from an Online Esthetician School?
Online esthetician schools provide a variety of diploma programs, ranging from the basic Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) to the Master’s degree.
These degrees are then subdivided into different training courses in various aspects of aesthetics. Professional hairdressing certificate, professional aesthetic certificate, hairdressing, and other specialties are available. You can also learn about aesthetics in general at certain online esthetician programs.
The Professional certificate comes before the CPC in online esthetician schools, and the primary distinction between the two is:
- The CPC will prepare you to work as a practitioner at an institute, a hair salon, a spa, or a cosmetics store, among other places.
- For those who want to create or take over an aesthetic institution, the Professional certificate is a continuation of the CPC. As a result, management-oriented courses are added to aesthetics training.
- Many management or scientific positions are available in aesthetics bachelor’s and master’s degree programs.
This is because these courses prepare students for careers such as spa or institute director, cosmetologist, cosmetics researcher, health engineer, and so on.
How to Become an Esthetician Online?
You may simply register in an esthetician school online if you have a patent, baccalaureate, or diploma in aesthetics, cosmetics, or perfumery. It all depends on the diploma you want to pursue.
- For a CPC, you must be at least 16 years old and have no additional qualifications.
- A diploma such as the CPC, the baccalaureate, or an equivalent certificate is required for a Professional Certificate.
- No diploma is necessary for a Professional Bachelor’s degree.
- A Bachelor’s degree is necessary for the National Diploma of Higher Education.
A number of online training options are available to licensed beauticians to meet their training needs in specific areas such as anatomy, physiology, massage techniques, and spa management skills.
Courses for Estheticians Available Online
Online Esthetician schoolsonline courses
Here are a handful of the courses that an online Esthetician may provide.
- Beauty Therapy and Makeup
- A foundation for skin care
- Getting rid of unwanted hair
- Cosmetics chemistry
- Color theory and human anatomy
- Physiology
15 Esthetician Schools That Provide Online Esthetician Certification
A complete list of 15 of the top online schools for esthetician certification follows:
15. W Academy of Salon and Spa
W AcademySpa
With only 16 undergraduate students enrolled, it is a small college.
Cosmetology / Cosmetologist, General Cosmetology, Wellness Aesthetician / Esthetician, and Skin Care Specialist are among the programs that are available at the institution. Clean, Clear, Precise, and Consistent – both in your approach and in the manner your education is provided by experts in the area – are the focus of these courses.
14. West Georgia Technical School
West Georgia Technical CollegeWest Central Technical College
There are 18 associate’s degrees, 28 diplomas, 66 certificate programs, and continuing education courses available at the institution. Esthetician courses are available at WGTC.
Local tuition is above $2,192, while domestic tuition is $3,992.
13. West Tennessee Business College
West Tennessee Business Collegeesthetician
This is one of the online colleges where you may study to become an Esthetician. WTBS is accredited by the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, and it is recognized by the Tennessee State Board of Cosmetology.
Tuition exceeds $14,800.
12. Penn Foster High School
Penn Foster High School
Tuition and expenses for each course are $30.
11. West Side Tech
Westside Tech is an online esthetician school targeted at individuals interested in pursuing a career as an esthetician. Winter Garden, FL is home to this technical facility. It was founded in 1933 and has grown and evolved since then.
Over $3,192 in tuition & fees.
10. Empire Beauty Schools
Empire Beauty School is the largest network of cosmetology schools in the United States, and it offers online esthetician training. It was founded in 1946. This online esthetician school provides students with hands-on experience through a range of cosmetology programs.
Body Treatment Techniques, Makeup, and Facials are also part of the Empire beauty school’s aesthetics program.
The cosmetology program includes Makeup, Retail Training, Basic Skin Care, Color & Texture, Hair Cutting, and Hair Design.
Tuition costs $19,260.
9. Victory’s Academy of Cosmetology
Victory Academy of Cosmetology is a school in Kennewick, Washington, located on 1st Avenue. It was established in 2001 with the mission of delivering exceptional service to students and the community in order to meet the high expectations of our profession.
One of the Esthetician online institutions, Victory Academy of Cosmetology, may be able to assist you in pursuing a career as a cosmetologist. The goal of the school is to prepare students for careers in cosmetology, barbering, aesthetics, massage, and as instructors in today’s industry.
The cost of tuition varies between $11,220 to $18,455.
8. Paul Mitchell Schools
Paul Mitchell Schoolsskin care
Anatomy & Physiology, Bacteriology, and Esthetician Chemistry are also available at the San Francisco Institute of Esthetics and Cosmetology.
The company is involved in a wide range of industries, indicating that it offers its students several networking opportunities.
The cost of tuition is $17,184.
7. University of Spa and Cosmetology Arts
The University of Spa and Cosmetology Arts (USCA) is a school in Springfield, Illinois that specializes in spa and cosmetology.
2913 W White Oaks Dr. is the location’s address. It was established in 1978. It’s yet another accredited online esthetician school that offers degrees in cosmetology, esthiology, nail technology, teaching, and massage treatment.
The cost of tuition varies from $4,000 to $20,000 each year.
6. Universal Career School
Universal Career Schoolprofessional training
This esthetician online school offers programs in cosmetology, barbering, full specialist, skincare, and nail technology, nursing, AS, patient care technician, and home health aide.
Tuition is $9,900 per year.
5. VICI Aveda Institute
VICI Aveda Instituteanother best online esthetician school
The Aveda Institutes are committed to shaping future trends in fashion, wellness, and beauty. Aveda University offers student programs in cosmetology, skincare/esthiology, and massage treatment.
The Cosmetology program covers retail knowledge, company development, cosmetics application, nail care, texturing services, hair coloring, and haircutting.
The Esthiology curriculum includes courses in cosmetics application, hair removal, body treatments, facials, and skincare.
Tuition costs $16,533
4. Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics
One of the greatest Esthetician schools online is Catherine Hinds Institute of Esthetics. It was established in 1979 and is located at 300 Wildwood Ave, Woburn, MA, United States. This school focuses on skin care, spa therapy, make-up artistry, waxing, and advanced aesthetics and is a prominent skincare and aesthetician training school in New England.
Part-time evening or full-time day classes are available to students. They make it a point to educate their students about the latest cutting-edge skincare technologies.
The 300-hour aesthetics, 600-hour advanced aesthetics, 900-hour accelerated advanced aesthetics, 900-hour spa treatment aesthetics, and 1200-hour master aesthetics programs are now available at this esthetician online school.
Tuition costs are $15,225.
3. Mirage Spa Education
Mirage Spa Educationan online esthetician school
Furthermore, this school offers 100% online Diploma Courses, as well as online diploma courses for the Aesthetics industry and nail technicians.
Tuition expenses around $5000
2. Ogle School
The Ogle School, located at 17174 Preston Rd, Dallas, TX, USA, is one of the best esthetician online schools available. In 1973, the company was created. The Ogle School of Cosmetology offers day and evening classes in hair, skin, and nails, as well as certifications.
Tuition costs $16,950.
1. Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College
This online esthetician school offers a number of degrees and certificates in the field of aesthetics. Just a few examples are Health Professions and Related Programs, Business, Management, and Marketing.
Tuition costs range between $3,152 and $5,552.
Bottom Line:
The beauty industry is rapidly growing. It’s time to get started on your route to a successful and intriguing career in cosmetology and aesthetics, with so many diverse work choices.
Because they help people feel and look better, estheticians have a very emotionally rewarding job. As an esthetician, you can work from home and have a very flexible schedule.
That is why you should apply to one of the best Esthetician Schools Online in the world.