If you find shaving, waxing or tweezing annoying and time-consuming, you should consider laser hair removal. This is one of the most common cosmetic procedures done by a lot of people in the U.S. It provides concentrated light into your hair follicles. Then, follicles’ pigment absorbs this light, which destroys the hair. This procedure has precision, speed, and predictability. Still, there are some laser hair removal side effects that you should be aware of.
Laser Hair Removal Side Effects That You Should Know
#1. Skin Burns
Although you might experience mild symptoms such as swelling and redness, these are a normal part of the healing process, and they are only temporary side effects. On the other hand, some people suffer from more severe laser hair removal side effects such as skin burns. These might happen when the skin absorbs the laser light instead of the hair follicle. This is why is crucial to determine whether or not you are a suitable candidate for this method of hair removal before undergoing the procedure.
The wisest thing to do is to consult a dermatologist before applying laser treatment on your skin. They will know exactly how much risk you have of burning your skin. It is true, however, that laser hair removal burns are quite rare. They appear more often in patients with a darker complexion. Another cause that might lead to burns is going to someone who isn’t qualified on performing this procedure. Make sure you choose the right clinic and the right doctor.
#2. Pigment Changes
Although this is a less painful side effect, it is a lot more noticeable than others. There are two types of changes in your skin tone: hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.
This refers to the skin’s darkening which might occur after your laser hair removal procedure. The laser’s light boosts melanin production that leads to a reaction similar with a suntan.
As opposed to hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation happens when your skin gets lighter after the laser procedure. In some cases, laser light’s absorption inhibits your skin’s melanin production which leads to pigmentation loss.
Both pigmentation cases are more frequent in the cases of patients with darker skin. Another thing you should be aware of is the fact that while hyperpigmentation is usually reversible, hypopigmentation is not.
#3. Skin Irritations
This is one of the most common laser hair removal side effects, but it is also a temporary and reversible symptom. You might feel a certain level of discomfort, swelling, and redness after your laser hair removal treatment. Still, all these reactions should fade away in just a couple of hours since the procedure.
Other uncommon issues that might appear are crusting, blistering, and scarring. But all these are very rarely met in those who undergo the laser hair removal cosmetic procedure.
Wrapping It Up
If you think of removing your body hair with a laser, you should also become aware of possible side effects. Therefore, proper training, knowledge, and experience are all crucial when it comes to picking the right specialist. If you go to someone who is not properly trained, your risks will definitely increase. To avoid all the above laser hair removal side effects, make sure your skin is prepared for the procedure and that you make an appointment to a trustable clinic.
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