What is Hyperpigmentation treatment?

What is Hyperpigmentation treatment?

What is Hyperpigmentation treatment?

Pigmentation is caused by a variety of influences, thankfully now there are various treatments available to brighten the skin and remove any unwanted marks. Pigmentation lies at different depths in the skin. This is why choosing the right clinic is important, not all pigmentation is straightforward, the likes of Melasma and Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) need to be treated by a skin specialist as many treatments can worsen the condition.


This is one of the hardest skin pigmentation conditions to treat. Influenced by hormones and highly reactive to even the slightest bit of sun exposure, many lasers or IPL’s can make this condition worse. Melasma can form on the forehead, under the eyes and the upper lip. Commonly referred to as the pregnancy or butterfly mask due to the typical symmetry across the face. Pulse Light has been treating Melasma for over 15 years, heavily investing in the latest equipment available. We are now one of the few clinics in the UK to have the latest laser PicosurePro, perfect for the safe removal of Melasma on ALL skin tones.

Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH)

This is caused by the over production of melanin in the epidermis from inflammation, such as a burn or a spot and is more common in darker skin types. It can fade on its own over time, as long as the area is not exposed to sunlight. For some people it may never go and therefore laser or prescription cream treatments are a great option. Creams such as Hydroquinone 4% can gradually lighten the skin over a few months and suppress further melanin production. Alternatively, fractionated lasers such as the Picoway or Picosure can help to break the pigment down faster, they will deliver faster results than cream alone or can be used in combination with one another. PIH that is caused by ingrown hairs is easily treated and removed through laser hair removal. At Pulse Light Clinic we have the Alexandrite laser for lighter skin and NdYag laser for darker skin types.


More common in fairer skin types that struggle to tan evenly, freckles are a genetic factor produced by melanocytes as a response to UV light exposure. They become more prevalent in the summer months and can fade during the winter. To remove this type of skin pigmentation, IPL, BBL or an Alexandrite lasers such as the Picosure, Picosure Pro or Gentle Max Pro are ideal. A consultation with a skin specialist will determine the best laser for your freckles and skin type.

Age spots

Caused over time as a response to prolonged sun exposure, age spots do not fade in Winter and can be harder to conceal as they are darker and larger than other types of skin pigmentation. They are most commonly found on areas exposed to sun frequently, such as the face, hands and shoulders and begin to appear once you hit your 30’s. Age spots lie at the base of the dermis, they can be treated with a variety of IPL and lasers but some require ablation to fully remove them such as the CO2 or Erbium Yag laser.

If you are looking for hyperpigmentation treatment, Pulse Light Clinic has the largest array of machines for pigmentation in the UK. Book a free consultation to find out which laser is best for your type of skin pigmentation.

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