What is Hyperpigmentation?

What is the meaning of Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is a term used when the skin produces more melanin, which is a pigment that gives color to the skin. This makes patches or spots of skin look darker than the surrounding areas.

Hyperpigmentation can affect people having different skin types and is a common skin condition. Although an increase in pigmentation is not necessarily harmful, it is usually a symptom of an underlying medical condition.

In today’s article, we will be discussing hyperpigmentation in detail-

  • What are the types of Hyperpigmentation?
  • What are the causes of Hyperpigmentation?
  • What are the risk factors of Hyperpigmentation?
  • What are the symptoms of Hyperpigmentation?
  • How to diagnose Hyperpigmentation?
  • What is the treatment for Hyperpigmentation?
  • How to prevent Hyperpigmentation?
  • What are the home remedies for Hyperpigmentation?

What are the types of Hyperpigmentation?

The common types of hyperpigmentation include:

  • Melasma:
    • It is believed to occur due to hormonal changes and may develop during pregnancy, or in women taking birth control pills.
    • Although hyperpigmentation can be seen in any area of the body in this condition, it is most commonly seen on the face and stomach.
  • Sunspots:
    • Also known as solar lentigines or liver spots, sunspots are commonly seen.
    • They occur due to excess exposure to the sun over time in older adults.
    • They usually appear as spots on areas that are exposed to the sun, such as the face and hands.
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation:
    • This condition occurs due to an injury or inflammation to the skin.
    • Acne (when hair follicles plug with dead skin cells and oil) is a common cause of this condition.
    • Eczema (inflammatory skin condition causing itching) is another common cause of this condition.

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What are the causes of Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation occurs due to an excess production of melanin, which is a pigment responsible for giving the skin its color.

Melanin is produced by skin cells known as melanocytes. The different conditions that alter the production of melanin in the body include:

  • Chemotherapy drugs: The medications used for the treatment of cancer can cause hyperpigmentation.

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  • Certain medications: Medications like antimalarial drugs and tricyclic antidepressants can lead to hyperpigmentation.
  • Pregnancy: Fluctuation in hormone levels during pregnancy can cause hyperpigmentation.
  • Addison’s disease: It is a rare endocrine (hormone-related) disorder that can cause hyperpigmentation in areas of sun exposure like the face, hands, and neck, and the areas exposed to friction like the knees and elbows.
  • Increased hormone levels
  • Excessive exposure to the sun

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What are the risk factors of Hyperpigmentation?

Certain factors increase the risk of developing hyperpigmentation. These factors include:

  • Sun exposure
  • Skin inflammation
  • Pregnancy
  • Use of oral contraceptive pills
  • Darker skin type
  • Trauma to the skin like a superficial burn injury or wound
  • Drugs increasing the sensitivity to sunlight

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What are the symptoms of Hyperpigmentation?

Depending on the type of hyperpigmentation, the symptoms of hyperpigmentation include:

  • Melasma:
    • Large patches of darkened skin.
    • Commonly seen on the face, forehead, and stomach areas.
  • Sunspots:
    • Tan, brown, or black spots appear on the areas of the skin exposed to the sun.
    • Commonly seen on the hands, neck, and face areas.
  • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation:
    • Patches or spots of darkened skin that appear after an injury or in cases of skin inflammation.
    • Commonly seen on the face, and neck areas.
    • Hyperpigmentation can appear as darkened skin areas in small patches, larger areas, or may affect the whole body.

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How to diagnose Hyperpigmentation?

  • Physical examination: The doctor can diagnose hyperpigmentation by just looking at the skin. The patient’s symptoms are noted, along with any past medical history or family history of the condition.
  • Wood’s light: It is a special type of light used for the examination of the skin.
  • Biopsy: The doctor may excise (remove) a small sample of the affected skin and send it to the laboratory for determining the cause of hyperpigmentation.

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What is the treatment for Hyperpigmentation?

The following treatments can be done to lighten the patches of dark skin caused by hyperpigmentation:

  • Topical creams:
    • Topical treatments include the application of certain creams or products directly on the skin to reduce hyperpigmentation.
    • Products including the following ingredients may help in lightening the skin:
    • Corticosteroids
    • Azelaic acid
    • Hydroquinone
    • Kojic acid
    • Vitamin C
    • Retinoids like tretinoin
  • Cosmetic procedures:
  • Certain cosmetic procedures can lighten the skin and reduce the appearance of hyperpigmentation.

The various cosmetic procedures for hyperpigmentation are:

  • Intense pulsed light: It is a type of non-ablative (fractional) laser treatment. It stimulates the growth of collagen within the dermis. It helps in reducing the flat spots, spider veins, wrinkles, and enlarged pores.
  • Laser therapy: Laser peel or skin resurfacing treatment uses targeted beams of light for reducing hyperpigmentation. Two types of lasers can be used for the treatment of hyperpigmentation: ablative and non-ablative. Ablative lasers are more intense and remove the layers of the skin, while non-ablative lasers target the dermis and promote the growth of collagen and tightening effects.
  • Chemical peels: Acids are used at strong concentrations for the treatment of the desired area of the skin. The appearance of hyperpigmentation can be reduced by the removal of the epidermis (outer layer of the skin), and sometimes the dermis (middle layer of the skin).
  • Microdermabrasion: Microdermabrasion is used for the treatment of hyperpigmentation affecting the epidermis only, known as superficial scarring. The dermatologist uses a drill-like handheld tool with a wire brush or another type of abrasive attachment. The tool is swiped across the skin gently and rapidly to remove the epidermis of skin.

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How to prevent Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation cannot always be prevented. However, one can protect oneself by:

  • Use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 when stepping out
  • Wear hats or clothing that can help in protecting from the sun rays
  • Avoid medications that may cause hyperpigmentation
  • Avoid stepping out in the sun between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. when the sun’s rays are the strongest
  • Avoid picking at the sunspots, scabs, or acne

What are the home remedies for Hyperpigmentation?

Certain home remedies can help in lightening the areas of hyperpigmentation. These remedies include:

  • Aloe vera:
    • A compound known as Aloesin, which is present in aloe vera inhibits the production of melanin in the skin.
    • It is also believed that aloe vera capsules taken by pregnant women can prevent melasma.
    • Aloe vera gel can be directly applied to the skin from the plant.
  • Green tea:
    • The green tea extracts help in reducing hyperpigmentation.
    • Green tea is beneficial due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
    • It helps in improving melasma and reducing sunburn.
  • Licorice:
    • Licorice extracts may help in lightening hyperpigmentation.
    • Glabridin is a licorice extract that can have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and skin-whitening properties.
    • Creams or products containing glabridin can be used as a home remedy for hyperpigmentation.

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We hope that we were able to answer all your questions regarding hyperpigmentation through this article.

If you want more information and treatment for hyperpigmentation, you can contact a Dermatologist.

We only aim to give you information through the article and do not recommend medication or treatment in any way. Only a doctor can give you the best advice and correct treatment plan.

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