How do you get rid of unwanted hair? Back then we use to pluck it using the good old tweezers however, this method is quite painful and leaves a "chicken skin" texture under your arms and sometimes it may develop some ingrown hair. Afterwards, I learned the easier way of shaving with my grandfather's razor hee hee! It was painless, quick and no "chicken skin" after effect, needs a religious application of moisturizer every night to prevent darkening. Then, there is hot and cold wax, both I haven't tried yet and I don't think I will, next came threading, which is also a no no, I can never imagine how painful it is, pulling multiple strands of hair in one snap, ouchy!
After giving birth, I had been very much into child rearing and my beauty regimens almost gone until I noticed that my underarm started getting darker and I don't like seeing it that way. I then tried to look for some whitening creams until I stumble on Veet products, I actually heard about it, but didn't consider of trying one since it costs quite high compared to a pair of razor. I decide to give it a try. It was a Veet Hair Removal Cream for sensitive skin with aloe vera and vitamin E, I bought it in Manila and I'm not sure if how much it costs, about 75 to 80 pesos for 100g if I remember it right.
The box says it works in 5 minutes. However, it was noted that "the time the cream takes to work depends on the hair thickness", but it should not exceed more than 10 minutes. It was designed for legs, underarm and bikini line and can be used anywhere, but not on mole area, face specially on eyes, broken or sunburned skin.
It was easy to use, just apply it directly on skin, evenly spreading it to cover the hair and leave it for 5 minutes. Gently use the pink spatula (supplied inside the pack) to test on small are, if the hair comes away easily remove the rest. If not leave it longer, but not longer than 10 minutes. Rinse your skin with water after. I suggest do the procedure on night before taking your shower since the cream smells sulfure-like and applied some moisturizer for a smoother skin.
I used it trice already and Didi already notice that my underarms is getting lighter and smoother yo! Though the hair grows back easily again after few days, but unlike shaving it was softer.
I will definitely continue on using this product.