Using The Gillette Venus Silk-Expert IPL Hair Removal Device

Are you sick of shaving? Seeing that it’s nearly fall, I’m sure you’re well sick and tired of the daily struggle to keep your legs smooth. I know I am! That’s why I decided to test and review the NEW Gillette Venus Silk-Expert IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Hair Removal Device!

The Gillette Venus Silk-Expert IPL Device gives you permanent hair reduction with the only Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) system that automatically reads and adapts to your skin tone and hair color.

What set’s this unit apart from others is that you will get permanent hair reduction in as little as four treatments. It works by going beneath the skin’s surface and targeting the melanin inside the hair follicle itself which breaks the cycle of hair re-growth. With consistent use use, you will see permanent results. This is the device we’ve all been waiting for! Real results, at home, that you don’t need to be rich to get!

The Gillette Venus Silk-Expert IPL Device is actually the safest device with IPL technology as it is equipped with the ground-breaking SensoAdapt™ skin tone sensor that ensures you will always get just the right light intensity for your skin tone.

Not only is this device safe and effective because of it’s skin tone sensor, it actually has the fastest IPL technology available for at-home use, allowing you to treat a leg or arm in just 8 minutes, without compromising on effectiveness.

According to 94% of women experienced noticeable results after just 3 months. 89% of women experienced noticeable visible hair reduction, even 12 months after the last treatment.

Best of all? There are no hidden costs for gels, replacement cartridges or safety glasses. The device is safe and clinically tested for use without glasses and it comes with a Gillette Venus razor for a smooth, close shave before every treatment.

Using The Device

I started off by doing a small test area on the outside of my right leg between. When I didn’t see any adverse reaction after 1 week, I then did one full treatment on both my legs from the bikini line to my ankles.

First off, I can tell you that it was MUCH easier than I thought it was going to be! After reading about it online and reading the included pamphlet, I’m not gonna lie… I was a little nervous about trying it out! The thing that made me the most nervous was that I would somehow use the device improperly and harm my skin. My skin tone is very light and my body hair is red which, from the enclosed chart, appears to not be ideal for use with this device. I also read to not overlap treatment areas (do the same spot twice) so THAT made me nervous because I thought it would be difficult to keep track of where I did it. I mean, I don’t exactly have a grid map on my legs, so I was afraid it would be challenging to make sure that I stayed close enough each section to cover as much area as possible without skipping spots and yet not overlap and do the same spot twice. Those thoughts kept swirling in my head, making me nervous to try the device so I kept putting off doing the treatment for several weeks.

All that nervousness was for nothing, I can assure you.

When I finally decided to take the plunge during my son’s nap time, I was pleasantly surprised to find that it took MUCH less time and energy than I expected it to. Not only did it only take me about 20 minutes to treat both legs, when normally using the epilator on both my legs from ankle to bikini line takes me about an hour, but it certainly hurt a lot less than using the epilator!!!

Honestly, I do not love using an epilator for hair removal. I mean, who loves pain? But, I can put on my big-girl panties and deal with it because I know it’s the most effective treatment I have found for hair removal thus far. When I shave, I get ingrown hairs, irritation, redness, dry skin and I have to do it every 48 hours. What a pain in the butt! At least when I use the epilator, it lasts 3-4 weeks before I need to do it again and I don’t get the lasting irritation that shaving seems to cause my skin. That in itself gives me the courage to handle the uncomfortable sensation epilating gives me and the motivation to carve out the chunk of time it takes to do it.

I wrongly presumed that using the Braun Gillette Venus Silk-Expert IPL device would be the same way. Thankfully, it was NOTHING like it!

I literally skimmed the directions in the enclosed pamphlet one more time to make sure I didn’t miss anything…

Once I knew I had read and understood everything clearly, I went ahead and plugged the device in and placed it on my skin. All of the lights lit up to indicate that my skin tone and hair color were safe for treatment! Yay!

I dove right in with the treatment in continuous mode (holding down the treatment button), starting at my ankle on the outside of my right leg and moving up to my knee. I went around my whole leg like that and then moved to my upper leg and repeated the process.

It advises that you do not look at the device while the button is depressed, but it’s hard to not look at the device to make sure you are moving in the right direction and not overlapping areas or missing other areas!

Treating BOTH legs from bikini line to ankles, took about 20 minutes TOTAL.

It says to do the treatment once per week for 12 weeks to see results, then once per month after that to maintain your results. Honestly, I have not managed to do the treatment consistently. I did the treatment 4 weeks in a row and then maybe every other week for the following 2 weeks, for a total of 6 treatments so far.

I had horrible morning sickness in my first trimester of pregnancy which prevented me from even having the energy or give-a-hoot to shave my legs, nevermind use the IPL on them, so my poor legs got severely neglected for about 2 months. I just entered the second trimester of pregnancy and am starting to get my energy back finally. I used the epilator on my legs this weekend and I’m finally starting to feel human again! I plan to start doing my weekly IPL treatments again this week.

Having only completely 6 treatments so far, I obviously did not see a huge reduction in hair growth, but I would say I have about 30% less than before I started, so I can definitely see that it is indeed effective. I can’t wait to see what 6 more treatments will do!

I will definitely give you an update in another couple months and let you know how it’s going and if I managed to be consistent!

The device is easy to hold, relatively easy to use, quiet, non invasive and doesn’t hurt (although sometimes feels like a light pinch when used on sensitive skin).

So far, I’m absolutely seeing enough results to be able to recommend the Gillette Venus Silk-Expert IPL Hair Removal Device. I’ve seen at least 30% reduction in the density of hair and each individual hair is much thinner it seems. It also seems that the hairs pull out easier with the epilator too. Maybe the follicles are getting weaker?

While I realize this device is pricey, it’s definitely worth putting this on your Christmas list! It’s much cheaper than going somewhere for permanent hair removal treatments and so much easier because you can do it from home.


I highly recommend this device. Despite using it inconsistently and not yet for the full 3 months that are recommend, the fact that I am still seeing results is truly remarkable. If that doesn’t tell you that this device is effective, I don’t know what will.

Retails for: $399.99

Buy It:

  • for $379.99
  • for $399
  • Walgreens for $429

I received the item mentioned above in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and I did not receive compensation for this post.

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