"Top 10 Tailbone Pain Relief Exercises You Can Do at Home"

Chronic tailbone pain can often extend beyond mere inconvenience and discomfort; it can become truly debilitating. Unfortunately, conventional medical interventions such as steroid injections or surgical options do not always yield long-lasting results. However, many individuals report that incorporating regular exercise into their routines significantly helps alleviate their chronic tailbone pain symptoms. In this article, we will explore ten effective exercises aimed at providing relief from tailbone pain.

A considerable segment of the population grapples with chronic pelvic floor disorders, yet there are limited proven treatment options available. Notably, athletes who experienced chronic muscle fatigue from excessive cycling reported a decrease in lower back and leg discomfort after participating in a specialized 10-week exercise program. The encouraging news is that similar exercises could potentially aid those suffering from tailbone pain!

Engaging in exercise not only enhances flexibility and strengthens core muscles but has also been shown to positively impact mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, which often accompany chronic pain. This is crucial, as chronic tailbone conditions can lead to a significant decline in the overall quality of life.

Pelvic Tilt

To begin, the pelvic tilt exercise can be a great way to stretch your muscles and enhance flexibility in the abdominal region. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently elevate your hips about an inch off the ground, holding this position while taking deep breaths for approximately 10 seconds. Engage your abdominal muscles by pressing them into your spine while simultaneously pushing your feet into the floor for 5-10 seconds. Repeat this sequence 5-10 times for optimal results!

Child’s Pose

A more gentle exercise, the child’s pose is designed to relieve tension in your back and hips. Begin by kneeling on the floor with your feet together and knees wider than hip-width apart. Lean forward, allowing your forehead to rest comfortably between your legs, extending your arms forward with palms facing down. Take several deep breaths, consciously releasing tension from your body as you exhale any stress. Maintain this position for 10-30 seconds, repeating 2-3 times to maximize benefits!

Seated Forward Bend

The seated forward bend is an excellent posture to adopt while sitting at a desk or in your car, as it helps alleviate stress by elongating the spine and reducing muscle stiffness. Start with your feet flat on the ground, legs spread wide enough to accommodate your shoulders when you lean forward, and arms extended in front of you with palms facing up. Gradually fold forward at the hips, keeping your back straight until you feel a stretch around your lower back and tailbone (avoid pushing too far to prevent discomfort). Hold for 5-15 seconds, repeating several times throughout the day for the best effects!

Cat-Cow Stretch

The cat-cow stretch is highly effective for targeting tailbone pain relief. Begin on all fours, positioning your hands directly beneath your shoulders and knees just below your hips. Inhale deeply as you arch your back, then exhale slowly as you round your spine, bringing your shoulders slightly closer together. Alternate between these two positions 5-10 times for maximum benefits, and consider adding gentle side-to-side or up-and-down movements to further loosen the muscles around the tailbone!

Piriformis Stretch

This stretch specifically targets the piriformis muscle and aims to alleviate tailbone pain. Begin by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross one leg over the other to form an inverted “4” shape while ensuring your shoulders remain relaxed on the floor. Gently press down on the knee of the crossed leg with both hands, holding for 10 seconds while breathing deeply, allowing tension in the piriformis region to dissipate. Repeat this process 3-4 times on each side to achieve optimal effects!


Walking is one of the most beneficial movements for strengthening the core and alleviating chronic tailbone pain. Engaging in this exercise promotes gentle physical activity and encourages mindful breathing, which can help reduce tension in both the mind and body. Start with shorter distances (1-2 kilometers) at a slow to moderate pace to warm up your muscles, then gradually increase to longer distances for added benefits. As your walking stamina improves, consider incorporating more vigorous exercises such as jogging or brisk aerobic activities while maintaining regular stretching throughout the day.

Before trying any of these exercises, it is essential to consult your doctor, especially if you have further concerns regarding your tailbone pain. Everyone's needs are unique, and the best exercises for relieving tailbone discomfort can vary from person to person. Thus, we hope that at least some of these ten exercises will provide you with relief from whatever discomfort you may be experiencing!

McGill Curl-Up

This exercise, developed by the renowned "back guru" Stuart McGill, focuses on strengthening the core and alleviating tailbone pain. Begin by lying on your back with your knees elevated and feet flat on the floor, positioned slightly wider than hip-width apart for optimal support. Slowly lift your head and shoulders off the ground, ensuring that only your upper back remains in contact with the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then repeat 5-10 times based on comfort levels. Maintain a straight line from your knees to your head throughout the exercise, progressing gradually until you become accustomed to the motion—ultimately making it more effective than traditional crunches!

Side Bridge

The side bridge is particularly useful for individuals with chronic tailbone pain, serving as an excellent preliminary exercise before moving on to more complex core workouts that target the lower back. Start by lying on your abdomen with one arm bent at your side, acting as your support. Keep the other arm either straight or bent in front of you for stability. Push up with your legs and hips, engaging your core, and maintaining a slight arch in your torso as you raise your body off the ground. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds before gently lowering yourself back down, repeating as needed. Gradually increase your repetitions as your spine gains strength until you reach your desired comfort level.


The bird-dog exercise is particularly beneficial for individuals suffering from tailbone pain due to lower back instability or weak abdominal muscles. Start on all fours with your hands and knees positioned correctly. Extend one arm forward while reaching the opposite leg behind you, alternating legs with each repetition to ensure balanced core strength. As you extend your arm, engage your abdominal muscles by drawing your navel toward your spine, holding the position for 10 seconds before switching sides. Focus on keeping your shoulder blades retracted and breathe deeply throughout the exercise, as each inhalation and exhalation helps build strength over time!


Bridges are an effective exercise for reducing tailbone

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