The Only Hair Removal Method that Removes Hair from the Root

Laser hair treatment is the procedure of removing unwanted hair using the rays of laser light.

For several decades it was done only experimentally. However, it was successfully done commercially for about twenty years before becoming commercially available on the market in 1996 and 1997.

Laser skin resurfacing and hair replacement procedures have been available for quite some time, and there are various types of laser treatments available for the sole purpose of hair removal.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are considering having laser hair treatment:


  • Usually very long-lasting (destroys the hair follicle inside the skin)
  • Often painless or at least far less painful than the alternatives
  • Lots of locations offer this treatment
  • Safe and effective
  • Been around a long time and is proven


  • Can be expensive and add up over treatments
  • May need several treatments to complete

How does laser treatment compare with waxing?

While the outcome is the same, the process is far removed.

The benefits of waxing over laser treatment are that it is far cheaper and can often be completed in one appointment.

The downsides include it being far more painful and having the pain last up to 1 hour after the treatment. The skin may also become irritated.

How does laser treatment compare with electrolysis?

There are many different types of electrolysis hair removal methods, and it is imperative to understand what the process is and why you are doing it.

Electrolysis hair removal works in two ways: the first is by making sure that the hair follicle is eradicated. The second is by using an electrical current that destroys the follicle and leaves the hairless area untouched.

Electrolysis is more effective than laser hair removal because the procedure does not require a significant amount of energy to use.

The procedure can occur under different conditions, so the type of treatment you choose is up to you. For instance, it may be performed at home, in the privacy of your own home, or on the doctor’s office floor.

With all that said, it is a more invasive procedure and still maintains the high cost that laser treatments have.

There can be some adverse effects with electrolysis as a result of using chemical rather than laser energy. If you have any allergies to certain chemicals, laser hair removal will probably be the best choice.

How expensive is the laser hair removal treatment?

The more permanent and pain-free treatments usually cost more money, which is undoubtedly the case with laser hair removal. What you are gaining with lasers compared with waxing is often the same result, but with far less pain and discomfort.

In most cases, they also require multiple sessions to make sure you get the best results. For example, a treatment that involves the use of lasers to destroy your follicles at the root level will take more time and more sessions than a therapy that does not require the use of lasers. This can mean a higher cost in the long run.

How much is involved in the initial session when you are considering a laser treatment?

When you book a consultation with a professional laser hair removal company such as Back to 30, you will find out precisely what is involved as well as the costs.

While you may pay more initially for a procedure that needs multiple sessions, this procedure’s cost can quickly be covered up by the reduced hair growth after each session.

Does the laser itself burn the skin, or are you merely numbing the skin with a cream?

Most treatments use both methods; however, some may use the cream only to numb the area.

Is there a pain factor associated with laser treatments?

While many people will report a small amount of discomfort during the procedure, it should not be more than mild to moderate. Many people do report mild to moderate pain as the first few sessions progress.

What types of lasers are used?

Laser hair removal treatments are generally done with one of two types of lasers. These lasers are designed to target specific pigments within the hair, causing them to be destroyed.

They are the most effective for removing hair from the:

  • Face
  • Chest
  • Back
  • Arms
  • Legs
  • Bikini area

Pulsed light laser

The most common way laser hair removal is done is by using a pulsed light on the skin’s surface.

This is a method that works well and has several practical advantages over other forms of hair removal.

First, the Pulsed Light Laser Hair Removal system is entirely safe for use. It does not irritate the skin like some of the more common hair removal types, so that you won’t have any redness or other irritation with this type of removal method.

It also works with lighter colored hair, which is excellent when most laser treatments in the past have been most effective for those with darker hair.

The light is directed to the pigment causing it to be broken down into its particles so that the body will be unable to absorb the remaining protein and nutrients.

Excimer laser

The other commonly used laser hair removal method is referred to as an excimer laser, which uses pulses of light to break down the pigment and cause it to be broken down further.

This method has been shown to have less reaction on the underlying protein of the hair and leaves the hair intact. In some cases, the hair may still grow back even after several treatments.


When a patient decides to undergo laser treatment, they should discuss their options with their doctor first. Your physician can help you make a better decision on which type of treatment is best suited for you.

This treatment can be an effective method of reducing hair growth. But before you decide to undergo this type of treatment, you should research all of your options and make sure that you are getting the best price for your money.

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