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Asked By:overthem00n in Michigan, ND
I'm about 1 1/2po from my TT. I had a scar revision done a 5months back due to stitches that didn't dissolve. Now I notice when I shaved my pubic area, under my scar gets extremely hard & bumpy, uncomfortable, red, it doesnt go away. Pics below I havent shaved for 2 wks. Feels itchy under the skin, its making my new incision heal bad, is there something I can do? Its not really razor burn since the issue seems to be happening under the skin/scar line & I need to shave since my scar is so high up
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Answers (2)
From board-certified doctors and trusted medical professionals
August 19, 2016
Answer: Post-Op Tummy Tuck Incisions
Jed H. Horowitz, MD, FACSBoard Certified Plastic Surgeon
Visit Profile
December 1, 2020
Answer: Options to address scar in the pubic hair area 1 year post-op
4 people
Joseph L. Grzeskiewicz, MD, FACS
Recommended reading
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There are currently 347 Tummy Tuck + 2 Weeks Post-op questions and doctor answers on RealSelf.
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