Nair vs. Veet: Which Hair Removal Cream Is The Better Option?

Amongst some of the most popular body grooming rituals lies the practice of body hair removal, which can be done through the means of various methods. And while shaving, trimming, waxing and laser hair removal are some of the many ways in which one can remove their body hair, another excellent way to quickly get rid of your bush down there and decrease the bulk of hair around your body can be achieved through the help of depilatory creams.

As opposed to most of the manoeuvres mentioned in the previous paragraph, depilatory creams are definitely quicker and easier to implement. In addition to having an easier application process, depilatory creams also bring to the table efficient results in a matter of minutes, and are also easier to clean up once the job has been carried out.

In the midst of all the prominent brands known for making top-grade quality depilatory creams, two of the biggest brands are Nair and Veet respectively. In addition to being known for prioritising the user’s skin type, both brands are renowned for their straightforward procedure, skin-friendly chemicals, and for bringing to the table affordability.

When push comes to shove, siding with either Veet or Nair can work wonders for you if you’re seeking to give your hair issues a thorough cleanup. Both of them have favourable properties, offer tons of benefits, and can be used on a daily basis without an issue. However, when they’re pitted against each other in a monumental bout, only one of the two ends up walking out as the winner. From assessing their ingredients to measuring just how effective they are when put to use, here’s everything we carried out before picking our winner between Nair vs. Veet!

Table of Contents

    • Summary Overview: Reviewing The Key Features, Pros and Cons Of Each Item!
    • About Nair
      • Nair Glide On Hair Removal Cream
    • About Veet
      • Veet Sensitive Hair Removal Gel
  • Nair vs. Veet: Which One Should Be Your Ideal Pick?
      • Application and Timeframe
      • Ingredients and Fragrance
      • Price
    • Aftermath: Which One Makes Your Skin Glow More?
    • How To Obtain The Best Possible Outcome Using Veet And Nair!
      • Patch Test
      • Make Sure Your Skin Isn’t Damp
      • Identify Your Skin Type
      • Wash The Application Off After 10 Minutes
    • Final Takeaway

Summary Overview: Reviewing The Key Features, Pros and Cons Of Each Item!

If you’ve read the previous columns word for word before stumbling upon this paragraph, picking between the items will definitely be easier than expected. However, if you zoned out multiple times when skimming through certain paragraphs, don’t forget to check out the table below for a thorough recap!

Item Nair Glide On Hair Removal Cream Veet Sensitive Hair Removal Gel
Key Features Touch-free application; long lasting results; effective for removing dense hair; Affordable Easy to use; Caters to all types of skin; Made of herbal and vitamin-enriched properties
Pro(s) 1.Good for coarse hair
2.Hands-free product
3.Brings in faster results
1.Good for sensitive skin
2.Can be removed using a spatula
3.Contains a pleasant fragrance
Con(s) Tends to have a chemical-like smell hours after being used Might need to be used multiple times on coarse hair due to its heavily moisturising ingredients
Price See On Amazon See On Amazon

About Nair

Nair Glide On
Nair Glide On

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Nair, which stands for “No hair” when translated, is a US based brand that solely produces products that promote the act of body hair removal. While the ingredients of each product that it manufactures definitely make the brand a recipe of success, the cost-friendly value, quick results, and easy-to-understand procedure are also some of the reasons behind the brand’s rise to stardom.

When used, Nair can bring forward a series of benefits. It can smoothen the skin with ease, keeps the strands away for an extensive period of time due to its valuable ingredients, and can be utilised by anyone regardless of their gender. The solution used in Nair doesn’t just remove the strands from the surface of the skin, but also wipes away cells underneath the barrier to make the aftermath more long lasting.

In conclusion, if you believe that your clumsiness with a razor wouldn’t be effective and sufficient prior to preparing for a memorable event, you can always place your trust in the depilatory creams of Nair, which can eliminate your fur without leaving a mark. In addition to getting rid of the bulk of hair from any body part of yours, Nair will also introduce tons of shine to the newly groomed area, making it radiate and glow like none other!

Nair Glide On Hair Removal Cream

The item we’ve cherry picked for this bout from the series of products that Nair have produced so far is Nair’s Glide On Hair Removal Cream, which you can grab ahold of instantly if you’re willing to pay a generous amount of $9.92!

While the chemical properties it has could definitely be consequential when applied to the face, this Glide On Hair Removal Cream can be quite the tool to side with if your hair issues circle around the genital area, arms, underarms, and legs. Amongst the various useful ingredients that this item contains, the one that stands out the most is argan oil, which is renowned for its moisturising abilities and its fragrance. Due to its gliding abilities, the Glide On Hair Removal Cream of Nair doesn’t need the involvement of using your fingers in order to be incorporated onto the surface of your skin!

About Veet

Veet sensitive hair removal gel
Veet sensitive hair removal gel

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Veet is another well-known brand that is known for making some of the best hair removal applications out there. Similar to Nair and their manufactured goods, the products of Veet are excellent at removing strands without causing any pain, damage, or irritation on the skin. The items also bring in results in a short span of time, and are also glorified for the economical price tags that they carry.

While users do have to wait for a longer period of time to see results when choosing Veet over Nair, the brand can definitely be a promising prospect to invest in due to their flexibility. Whether you’re removing your hair from the legs, back, hands, or armpits, you can place your trust in Veet with your eyes closed if you’re hoping to be met with a remarkable outcome!

All in all, despite being a tad bit different from Nair, Veet can very well be an excellent brand to look into if all your problems revolve around your hair and how unmanageable it tends to be at times. It has tons of gels, creams, and waxing strips that cater to sensitive skin, and can give you an unforgettable hair removal experience when utilised to the maximum!

Veet Sensitive Hair Removal Gel

Within all the products that Veet have produced so far, the item that we’ve chosen to side with in this bout is Veet’s Sensitive Hair Removal Gel, which you can easily add to your arsenal by paying a price of $9.32!

On top of not leaving a substantial mark on your savings, this product can eliminate all the stubborn pieces of hair all over your body within 10 minutes! Additionally, if you have sensitive skin, this product can very well be the perfect match for you, as it comprises soothing herbal ingredients like aloe vera, and hydrating ingredients such as Vitamin-E and Glycerin. When used on the skin, it can also leave quite a pleasant smell as it’s made of vanilla extracts and passion fruit, which can be an incentive if you want to avoid smelling like ammonia or any other chemical.

Nair vs. Veet: Which One Should Be Your Ideal Pick?

Now that you’ve learned about all the promising aspects that lies beneath the prices of Nair and Veet, and have gained sufficient knowledge on just how beneficial they can be if they’re picked over razors, trimmers, and waxing, here are all the contributors we’ve taken into account and closely examined before picking between Nair vs. Veet!

Application and Timeframe

The first aspect that we compared to determine the winner was the application process and usability of each product.

Veet’s Sensitive Gel Cream was easy to apply onto the skin and settled in rather seamlessly. Since the product also came with a spatula, removing the cream was also simple. Although the product had to be applied a couple of times and took around 10 minutes in total for each session, the aftermath was definitely worth the wait, and made the utilised area completely hairless.

On the contrary, Nair’s Glide On Hair Removal Cream was just as promising in terms of the aftermath, but was also less hectic to apply than veet due to the gliding roller that it comprises. Once applied, the emulsification was also more apparent due to its hydrating properties. To obtain an area that’s absolutely hairless, Nair’s Glide On Hair Removal Cream took around 8 to 10 minutes, and was only needed for one session to remove even the most arrogant pieces of hair!

Ingredients and Fragrance

Another element that we threw into the mix to pick a winner was the list of ingredients each of them had.

While both contained similar ingredients like alcohol, mineral oil, calcium hydroxide and so on, Veet also had useful soothing ingredients like aloe vera, and skin shielding vitamins such as Vitamin-E. Additionally, it also smelled like vanilla and passion fruit, which definitely added to its appeal.

Nair’s Glide On Cream put up a great fight with a similar set of ingredients, and also left me in awe with its incorporation of argan oil which is also one of the best moisturising oils out there. However, despite having a strong fragrance of argan oil after being washed off, the newly hairless area also reeked of chemicals!


In terms of value, both products can be very much attainable without an issue!

Since Veet’s product starts at a convenient price of $9.32, and Nair’s Glide On Cream stands at a price of $9.72, you can introduce both of them into your body grooming routine without worrying about the cost. However, if you’d like to side with one of the two items, consider taking into account the area in which the product will be used!

Aftermath: Which One Makes Your Skin Glow More?

Another noticeable aspect that was easy to judge when using both creams was the appearance of the newly groomed skin.

While removing pieces of hair was easier using Veet due to the spatula it came with, the skin also looked rather hydrated, and felt extremely polished and smooth.

However, after washing off the Glide On Cream of Nair, I couldn’t help but notice how much my skin glowed right after the application was removed. The surface of the skin also felt more soft and gentle, giving Nair’s product the upper hand once again!

How To Obtain The Best Possible Outcome Using Veet And Nair!

Now that we’ve given our two cents on the better option between Nair and Veet, we hope you make use of all that we’ve covered keeping each aspect in mind when coming to a decision.

Regardless of what your preferences are, we believe that both Nair and Veet can handle any hairy inconvenience with ease. However, to obtain an outcome with successful results and zero aftermaths, don’t forget to consider the below-mentioned factors as well!

Patch Test

Before applying it to your desired body part, run a patch test with your ideal pick. For instance, if you side with veet, take a small amount of Veet in your palm, apply it onto your wrist, and leave it on for 3 minutes. If your skin doesn’t show any sign of irritation or feel as if it’s heating up, you can very well give yourself the green signal to use Veet!

Additionally, before using Nair, you can follow the formerly mentioned set of instructions to identify how well your skin will adapt to the ingredients of the product. If you feel a burning sensation around the area, wash the solution off immediately, as you might just be allergic to one of the properties.

Make Sure Your Skin Isn’t Damp

Whether you’re new to practising the act of body hair removal or a veteran, one thing that you must avoid before applying one of the two products is having damp skin.

While it might seem rather silly in theory, applying either Veet or Nair can definitely bring good results, but won’t live up to your expectations if the targeted area is wet or damp, as the formulas of each product will never be able to settle in and become compromised when mixed with water!

Identify Your Skin Type

One of the most important aspects that you definitely have to clear the air on before using one of the two promising candidates is your skin type, which can be identified in many ways. For example, if it seems as if your skin is always susceptible to damage, reacts quickly when new products are used, and happens to be dry even when it’s moisturised, there’s a high chance that your skin might be on the sensitive end. And if that seems to be the case, be sure to pick Veet’s sensitive gel to bring forward good results with no complications!

Wash The Application Off After 10 Minutes

Regardless of how resilient your skin type may be, don’t ever leave the removal cream of Veet or Nair on for over 10 minutes! While the properties that they contain are definitely useful and powerful enough to eliminate any and every hair strand, not washing or scooping the gel off within 10 minutes will damage the layers on the surface of your skin, and cause burns around the cells underneath the skin.

Final Takeaway

All in all despite being the same in terms of value, the two products covered in this issue of Nair and Veet appear to be rather dissimilar in multiple ways, offering different results as a result. While the duo can very well sweep you off your feet through the help of its abilities, ingredients, and rapid fast procedure, Nair’s Glide On Removal Cream is without a doubt the better option due to its two-step method, and for bringing in results at a faster rate of time. Although it can be a hit or miss when used around the genitals or bikini area and can even retain that chemical-esque smell for a longer period of time, Nair’s Glide On Cream caters to all kinds of gender, and is the better candidate to rely on if your hair strands are stubborn and coarse.

On an additional note, making Veet’s Sensitive Hair Removal Gel as your go-to companion to resolve your body hair issue can also be an excellent decision to resort to. While it might take a longer amount of time for you to achieve clear and glowing skin under the assistance of the product, the vanilla and passion fruit essence of the product can save you from smelling like ammonia. When used correctly, it can also be a great tool to utilise to remove the bulk around your bush indefinitely!

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