Laser Hair Removal and Breastfeeding

3 minutes

A few weeks after delivery, many women may start wondering if they can get laser hair removal while breastfeeding.

Laser Hair Removal and Breastfeeding

Many women who have recently given birth are concerned about the relationship between laser hair removal and breastfeeding. Doctors frequently hear questions about whether or not it can affect the baby.

The idea that laser hair removal affects breastfeeding is worrisome for new mothers, and it influences the decisions they make.

Life after childbirth

A baby changes family life in many ways. Nothing is the same as it was before. Whether it’s the first child or an additional one, family dynamics will change.

Mothers are, without a doubt, the most affected by these changes. There are tasks only they can do, such as breastfeeding, which takes up lots of their time. Little by little, women start to look at themselves again, and they notice the changes their bodies have gone through.

This way, new mothers start to worry about their appearance again. They start trying to get their figure back and start self-care habits they had before to feel comfortable and happy.

Appearance of hair

Among other things, it’s time to decide what to do with the extra hair from the hormone changes during pregnancy.

Hair might have appeared on the face, breasts, or abdomen. Generally, it’s thick and unpleasant hair, which goes away within 5 or 6 months.

Concerned about their appearance, women want to get rid of the extra hair. However, they have little free time because they have to focus on the baby.

At this time, laser hair removal sounds like a great option. While it doesn’t get rid of hair forever, it slows down its growth a lot.

In this phase, women ask if laser hair removal affects breast milk or the baby. They know that breastfeeding is very important for the baby’s health and want to keep doing it.

However, there is nothing to worry about. Laser hair removal and breastfeeding are perfectly compatible.

What is the relationship between laser hair removal and breastfeeding?

The truth is, there isn’t any relationship. Laser hair removal doesn’t affect any part of breastfeeding. It doesn’t affect the amount of milk produced, it doesn’t reduce the quality of milk, and it doesn’t hurt the mammary glands.

Why can you do both safely? These are the two most important reasons:

  • The laser used in hair removal doesn’t go through the mammary glands. Even if you use it on your armpits and breasts, it won’t affect you. The laser only penetrates 2-3 millimeters of skin.
  • It doesn’t impact any hormones that have to do with breastfeeding. Laser hair removal doesn’t damage prolactin or oxytocin. Prolactin creates milk, and oxytocin helps pump it out.

What about the side effects of laser hair removal?

Generally, laser hair removal has no side effects in women. However, there are times when women could feel uncomfortable and some symptoms. It could cause irritation, itching, or mild pain.

There won’t be any problems breastfeeding, as long as you don’t use medications to relieve those symptoms. Just like with any other condition, it’s important to avoid analgesics and anesthetic creams because the effects of these drugs can get into the milk.

“The laser used in hair removal doesn’t go through the mammary glands. Even if you use it on your armpits and breasts, it wouldn’t affect you.”

If you do experience these effects after using laser hair removal, it’s best to consult your doctor to decide on a treatment. At best, you’ll be uncomfortable for a day or two, but then it will disappear.

These symptoms are usually brief episodes that go away quickly. Therefore, there’s nothing to worry about if you want to try laser hair removal while breastfeeding.

It’s important to get laser hair removal from a qualified technician with experience. This way, you won’t risk burning yourself or developing skin conditions. They’ll be difficult to treat because of the limitations of breastfeeding.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.

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