Is laser hair removal really safe? Let’s see how I analyze it

hair removal machineIs laser hair removal really safe? Let’s see how I analyze it

lazer hair removal

I don’t want to be a “hairy boy”!

This is the voice of many girls who are plagued by “hairy”;

shaving knife, the effect can only be maintained for 3 to 5 days,

The hair also tends to be thicker and thicker,

easily damage the skin barrier,

hair removal cream, it is more irritating to the skin,

easily allergic,

The effect will not last long,

hair removal beeswax, the hair removal process is quite painful,

easily cause folliculitis,

The effect lasts for about 2 weeks at most;

I heard that laser hair removal can easily get rid of body hair troubles

has become the first choice for many beauty lovers today

But, is laser hair removal safe?

Does have any adverse effects on the skin?

Will body hair grow again after finishing it?

Laser hair removal

According to the theory of selective photothermal action, by reasonably adjusting the laser wavelength, energy, pulse width, etc., it acts on the melanin in the hair shaft and hair follicles. The light energy is absorbed by the melanin and converted into heat energy, which can target the destruction of the hair follicle tissue and make the hair It loses the ability to regenerate and achieves the purpose of permanent hair removal without damaging the surrounding tissues. The safety is high and the pain is slight.

One. Advantages

1. “Cut the grass and remove the roots”

Laser hair removal is especially suitable for yellow people, because the color difference between yellow people’s skin and hair is obvious. When operating, the black hair absorbs heat, and the heat diffuses to the surrounding tissues, which can “reconnect the ends of the follicles”, so the laser hair removal effect Generally longer.

2. Precise and controllable

The process of laser hair removal is finely controllable, and it will not damage other skin tissues except hair follicles during normal operation. The current laser technology uses the extended selective photothermal action principle, which can precisely control the heat diffusion range, only “burn off” the hair follicles, and the surrounding skin tissues are not damaged, and the safety is very high. As long as you go to a regular hospital to find an experienced doctor to operate, laser hair removal is currently one of the safest and most effective medical beauty treatment items.

3. High efficiency

The effective rate of laser hair removal is 90%. The treatment effect is different for different parts, different thicknesses and colors of hair, but even if it cannot be completely removed, the remaining hair will become thinner and softer, and the growth rate will slow down. According to clinical experience, after “freezing point hair removal” treatment for 3 times, most people’s armpit hair can be removed 90%, limbs and trunk hair can be removed 75% to 80%, and lip hair can be removed 60% to 70%. The darker the color and the thicker the diameter of the hair, the more laser energy the follicle absorbs, and the better the effect. For relatively thin and light-colored hair such as lip hair, the number of treatments needs to be increased in order to obtain better results.

Are there any adverse reactions to laser hair removal?

What preparations should I do before hair removal?

How to care after hair removal?

Two. Adverse reactions

1. Pain

Pain is the most common adverse reaction during laser hair removal treatment. The pain during laser hair removal is mostly mild, and the pain will disappear after the treatment is over. The severity of the pain is related to factors such as the density, thickness, color of the hair, as well as the color of the skin and the location of the hair removal. The thicker, darker, and denser the hair, the darker the skin color, the more obvious the pain during treatment; the pain is generally mild when the limbs, chest and abdomen are removed, and the pain when the face, hands and feet are removed is slightly heavier than other parts. But generally speaking, compared to the past, current laser hair removal treatments (such as using freezing point hair removal equipment) are much less painful and can be tolerated in most cases. Beauty seekers who are extremely sensitive to pain can request the use of topical anesthetics to relieve pain.

2. Redness, swelling and mild itching

During the course of treatment, some patients may also experience temporary redness, swelling and mild itching of the skin. The redness and swelling will subside within a few hours after treatment, and the skin can return to normal. The most ideal treatment population for laser hair removal is people with light skin and dark hair. If the skin color is dark, local pigment changes may be caused by the destruction of skin pigments, such as deepening and hypopigmentation, but most of them are temporary and can gradually recover on their own within 3 to 6 months.

3. Remaining scar

Rarely, the scar is left behind. This is related to too dark skin color, insufficient equipment stability, too high energy, and improper treatment. It is also related to the patient’s physique and the treatment site. If there are persistent erythema, blisters, pain and other adverse reactions after treatment, you need to seek medical treatment in time to avoid scars. In addition, if there is a suspected “scarring constitution”, be sure to inform the doctor before the treatment, so that the doctor can judge whether laser hair removal is possible.


After understanding the possible adverse reactions of laser hair removal, you should also understand the preparations before treatment and the precautions after treatment in order to get the best treatment effect.

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