IPL Photorejuvenation

Having clear, radiant skin makes it easy to look your best and feel confident. At Weiler Plastic Surgery, we offer IPL photorejuvenation in Hammond and Baton Rouge to help women and men enhance their skin’s radiance.

IPL Photorejuvenation Before & After Photos

Case: 1 of 4

Before & After IPL Photorejuvenation Case 434 View #1 View in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, & Lafayette, Louisiana
Before & After IPL Photorejuvenation Case 434 View #1 View in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, & Lafayette, Louisiana
Before & After

Before & After IPL Photorejuvenation Case 433 View #1 View in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, & Lafayette, Louisiana
Before & After IPL Photorejuvenation Case 433 View #1 View in Baton Rouge, New Orleans, & Lafayette, Louisiana
Before & After

Before & After

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What does IPL treat?

IPL is safe and effective for use on exposed skin such as the face, neck, chest, arms, and hands. We use these treatments to correct a variety of skin concerns such as:

  • Freckles, sun spots, age spots
  • Broken capillaries, facial veins, rosacea, and other redness caused by pigment
  • Photoaging due to sun damage

Other popular treatments for enhancing the skin include microneedling and laser hair removal.

How Much Does IPL Cost in Baton Rouge?

At Weiler Plastic Surgery, the cost for an IPL treatment starts at $365 and varies with specific treatment areas and individual patient needs. You will be provided with a personalized price quote for your treatment during your consultation with one of our experienced providers.

How does IPL work?

IPL, which stands for intense pulsed light, uses light energy to target excess pigment beneath the skin that causes redness and discoloration. The IPL light energy penetrates the surface of the skin and heats up the concentrated pigment below, breaking up pigment and collapsing blood vessels.

What are IPL treatments like?

We perform these simple treatments in our office. After eye protection is in place, the skin is coated with a cooling gel. Next, the IPL handpiece is run over the targeted areas as quick pulses of light are emitted. Patients often say that it feels like a rubber band snapping against the skin. It is safe to apply moisturizer, sunscreen, and even make-up to treated areas immediately after treatment. A series of treatments is recommended for optimal results.

Is there downtime after treatment?

IPL requires little to no downtime. The skin may be warm and mildly red for a few hours to a few days depending on individual factors. Brown spots tend to darken after treatment and shed from the skin within 1 to 2 weeks. Capillaries may take up to 14 days to be absorbed and fade.

Our Talented Team
of Plastic Surgeons

Our board-certified plastic surgeons bring years of experience and dedication to personalized care to the men and women of Louisiana. Founder Dr. Jonathan Weiler is known for his advanced surgical expertise, extensive knowledge, and warm demeanor. His fellow surgeons similarly bring exceptional surgical talent and a unique understanding of their patients’ needs. Together, they share a vision of enriching and improving their patients' lives.

Meet Dr. Weiler

Headshot of Dr. Hogan
Headshot of Dr. Womac

Meet Dr. Ghere
Meet Dr. Fontenot

Other Laser Skin Services

In addition to IPL, we offer a full range of laser skin treatments for a variety of cosmetic concerns.

1540 Laser Skin Resurfacing

This nonablative fractional laser breaks up laser energy to treat a fraction of the targeted area at a time, encouraging faster healing and results. The treatment reduces fine lines and wrinkles, acne scarring, and other pigmentation and texture concerns.

Sublative Laser Skin Rejuvenation

This laser treatment delivers pulses of radiofrequency energy deep into the skin to cause tiny injuries and stimulate the body’s natural healing response. The result is increased collagen and smoother, younger-looking skin.

Lutronic Ultra™

A no-downtime, nonablative skin resurfacing treatment, the Ultra laser is safe for all skin types. It effectively addresses a variety of skin concerns on the face, chest, and hands, including hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, texture issues, and uneven skin tone. Learn more.

Aerolase® Neo®

A versatile and customizable laser treatment, the Aerolase Neo works for both acne treatment and laser skin rejuvenation. By reducing acne-causing bacteria and stimulating collagen production, the device treats concerns such as sun damage, freckles, age spots, redness, fine lines, and spider veins. Learn more.

Laser Hair Removal

Say goodbye to unwanted facial and body hair for good with laser hair removal. By damaging the hair follicles, this laser treatment prevents future hair growth with long-lasting results. We offer a range of laser device options to safely and effectively treat as many skin and hair types as possible. Learn more.

Fotona QX MAX Laser Skin Resurfacing

This device’s high-powered Nd:YAG laser treats both acne and acne scarring by targeting overactive sebaceous glands and accelerating the body’s healing process to minimize the appearance of acne scars. The Er:YAG laser delivers laser skin resurfacing at a precisely controlled depth to remove layers of skin affected by acne scarring and reveal a smoother, clearer surface.

Acne & Acne Scar Revision

Leave acne and acne scarring behind and reveal clearer, healthier skin you feel confident in. Using the Fotona QX MAX and the Aerolase Neo, we treat acne and acne-related inflammation by reducing bacteria and selectively destroying overactive sebaceous glands. Once the acne has cleared, we use laser skin resurfacing to reduce textured and pigmented acne scars. The result is radiant, smooth, clear skin and a newfound sense of confidence.

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