Important measures to observe after Laser Hair Removal Treatment

Grooming techniques have advanced to a whole new level with the availability of cutting-edge technology on the market. We have progressed from painful and messy hair removal techniques such as waxing and threading to time-consuming methods such as shaving to a modern new innovation known as Laser Hair Reduction.

Laser Hair Removal is a technique good for permanently removing excess hair from your body. This procedure, unlike temporary hair removal methods, is painless, permanent, and extremely cost-effective in the long run.

While laser hair removal is a minor and safe operation, there is no question that the laser may have a temporary effect on the skin. At the very least, your skin will be very sensitive and will need special care and moisturizing. If you want to seek advice from experienced skin specialists in Gurgaon you may contact us. Until then, following steps should be followed to care for your skin after Laser Hair Removal –

Tip 1 : Avoid hot showers and saunas

The laser treatment employs the use of heat to dissolve hair follicles. Adding more heat will only irritate the treated area. Laser hair removal can significantly dry out your skin, so avoid doing something that will exacerbate the problem.

It is best to take cool showers after laser treatment. You should avoid a hot shower for up to 48 hours after receiving the treatment. Along with not taking hot showers, you can also stop using hot tubs or saunas. It is also necessary to avoid using heating pads, which can cause skin redness and irritation.

Tip 2 : Wear loose and soft clothes

Your skin will be extremely sensitive, possibly even more so depending on the body part. Wearing coarse or tight-fitting clothing is likely to irritate the region, resulting in pain and discomfort. Wearing soft, loose clothes will keep your skin healthy.

Tip 3 : Stay away from direct sunlight

For around two weeks after your laser hair removal operation, you should stop spending time outside in the sun. The laser used produces a heat reaction, which is exacerbated by exposure to sunlight. Sun exposure is very likely to cause sunburn or sun harm for around two weeks after the procedure. It is also advised that you should apply sunblock while stepping out.

Tip 4 : Refrain from other methods of hair removal

Avoiding other hair removal methods is another way to protect your skin after laser hair removal. You should avoid waxing and plucking your hairs because these methods will harm your skin and hair follicles. Although you should stop plucking and waxing the hairs, you may shave after 24 hours of receiving the treatment.

Tip 5 : Avoid application of products

You should also stop using topical beauty products for the first few days after having laser hair removal treatment. During the healing process, your skin is extremely sensitive, and using beauty products can irritate it. As a result, you should avoid using topical items like lipstick, body washes, and deodorant.

Tip 6 : Exfoliation goes a long way

There will be a lot of hair shedding if you get laser hair removal care. Hair follicles are destroyed and begin to fall out within four weeks. Exfoliating the skin for the next four weeks after the procedure is one of the easiest ways to preserve it. When exfoliating your face, use a washcloth and a mild scrub wash. Clean the treated area in circular motions. This will speed up the shedding process.


As the world of skincare advances, so do the methods of hair removal. Currently, Laser Hair Removal is the most reliable, permanent and pain-free method of hair removal. Although, some measures like exfoliation, avoiding hot showers, avoiding beauty products and staying away from direct sunlight need to be taken to prevent redness and swelling.

Do not hesitate to reach out for appointments or any guidance regarding Laser Hair Removal in Gurgaon.

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