I shot IPL laser device in my eyes in hair removal mishap and I fear I may go blind

DEAR DEIDRE: COULD shining an IPL laser device, an intense pulsed light, into my eyes make me go blind?

I’m a man of 28 and like to keep fit and look good.

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I feel my eyesight is a bit blurry but could this be down to my anxiety?
I feel my eyesight is a bit blurry but could this be down to my anxiety?

I was using the laser to take some hairs from my chest, when I dropped it on the floor.

As I went to pick it up, it shone straight up into my face and it really frightened me for a moment.

I do live with anxiety so I have been overthinking everything that happened.

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Now I’ve been reading that an exfoliation beam like this can affect your sight if you mistakenly get it in your eyes.

I feel my eyesight is a bit blurry but could this be down to my anxiety?

DEIDRE SAYS: Let’s hope so, but rather than just worrying and overthinking about this, instead do something proactive.

Make an appointment to see your optician, explain to them what has happened with the light and have your eyes checked out.

It’s always better to know if something is wrong, then the experts can help right away.

Meanwhile tackle your anxiety with help through Anxiety UK (www.anxietyuk.org.uk, or 03444 775 774).

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