How To Treat Laser Hair Removal Burns

Laser hair removal burns are usually first-degree burns which are considered the mildest of burns. If you experience pain and suspect you have been burned after a laser hair removal procedure,

Laser Hair Removal
Laser Hair Removal

these tips will help to soothe the burning sensation and treat any first-degree burn injuries.

Disclaimer: Our solicitors process laser hair removal claims for our clients, however, we are not medical professionals and as such the following content should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice. If you have suffered laser hair removal burns and require qualified medical advice we would advise calling the NHS on 111, or in the case of an emergency dial 999.

How To Treat Burns

Burns caused during a laser hair removal treatment are essentially just like any other burn caused by heat. Not only can they often appear unsightly to the injured individual but they can be extremely painful too. The best way to treat laser hair removal burns will depend largely on the severity of the burn, but for first-degree type burns the following tips apply:

  1. Cool down the burned area

Burns are caused by heat and the fastest way to soothe the burning sensation is by cooling the skin down as quickly as possible. The earlier you begin the cool-down treatment, the sooner you will find relief from the pain and the sooner your burn injuries will start to heal.

  • Cool any burns down by running cool (not cold) or lukewarm water over the area until the pain subsides. You should not use iced water/ ice or attempt to apply any creams or other greasy substances over the burn.
  • Use a layer of clean cling film to lay over and cover the burn area, do not wrap the cling film around the burn.
  • Take paracetamol or ibuprofen to help with the pain following the instructions provided by the manufacturer.
  1. Get medical attention

While you can fairly easily treat a mild laser hair removal burn injury at home, you should get professional medical advice if you are in any way concerned and certainly get medical attention for more severe burn injuries. A doctor can assess the severity of your injuries and prescribe the appropriate medication to help your injuries heal properly.

It might be suggested that you apply some type of antibiotic cream or hydrocortisone cream topically over the affected areas. These topical creams help soothe the affected area and protect the skin. While many such creams are available over the counter it is best to use them only if prescribed by a doctor. You do not want to take the risk of any cream reacting adversely to your skin.

Precautions When Treating Laser Hair Removal Burns

There are certain things that you need to be careful about when treating any type of burn injury:

  • Be very gentle and stay focused when treating any burn injuries. Too much pressure or an accidental jab to the area can result in excruciating pain.
  • Try as much as possible not to touch or let anybody else touch the affected area directly with bare hands as this could agitate the existing burn injuries.
  • Never pop burn blisters as this can make the injury more susceptible to infection although opinions can vary. If you have suffered large blisters for example that are very painful or likely to burst you should get medical advice/ attention on the best course of action.

Important Things To Do After The Initial Burns Have Healed

You have to keep in mind that the injured area will still be sensitive after the initial laser hair removal burns have healed and the pain has subsided. The skin is also more susceptible to scarring. To prevent any scarring or secondary injuries, you must take care to keep the area protected from the sun and from direct contact.

Avoid direct exposure to the sun as much as possible. If you do have to go out in the sun, use a sunscreen lotion with SPF 35 or higher with Zinc Oxide. If possible, keep the affected area loosely covered.

How To Minimise The Risk Of Laser Hair Removal Burns

As we said earlier, unqualified practitioners and substandard equipment are the two main causes of laser hair removal burns. To minimise the risk of suffering burn injuries from a laser hair removal procedure you must take care to choose the right specialist and ensure that they are using high-quality equipment. Never choose a laser hair removal practitioner because they seem to be affordably priced or because they are conveniently located. When looking for a good practitioner, these are some things you should consider:

  • Their reputation – Read reviews by earlier patients. Do the reviews speak highly of the aesthetician and do they recommend the clinic or are the reviews overwhelmingly negative?
  • Their clinic – Visit the clinic and take a look around. What is your first impression of the premises? Was the staff friendly and helpful or impatient and curt? Take a look at the equipment used.
  • The technician’s license – Laser treatment must be carried out only by licensed technicians. No matter how impressive the other factors are, if the technician is not licensed, strike that clinic off your list.

Lastly, and actually, the most important factor in minimising the risk of laser hair removal burns is getting a patch test done. Most reputable aestheticians will carry out a patch test before carrying out a laser hair removal procedure. The patch test site is then monitored to make sure there is no discolouration or pain and the procedure is only recommended if the patch test is successful. Never ever undergo any laser hair removal treatment without first getting a patch test done on the part of the body that you want to treat.

Claiming Compensation For Laser Hair Removal Burns

Laser hair removal treatment is currently one of the safest and most effective procedures used to remove excessive hair from various parts of the body. When carried out by a qualified, experienced aesthetician, the results can be fantastic. However, in the hands of an inexperienced person, things can and do go wrong, often resulting in burns. Unqualified practitioners and substandard equipment are two of the main causes of laser hair removal burns claims. If you have suffered burns from laser hair removal and want to know if you can claim compensation then please read our advice on this page and/ or contact us to speak with a solicitor.

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