How To Prepare Yourself For Laser Body Hair Reduction Treatment?

How To Prepare Yourself For Laser Body Hair Reduction Treatment?

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Laser hair reduction is a popular solution for people who want to get rid of body hair.

For the best results, one must follow certain steps before the treatment commences.

This post, in the following sections, will shed light on some of those steps.

You Would Need To Follow These Tips Before Appointment Of Your Treatment

  • You would need to avoid the sun and trips to the beach. This will allow your skin to steer clear from tanning itself. Tanned skin cannot be treated with a laser.
  • You would need to stop visiting tanning parlours and stop using fake tanning products. This has to be done at least a month from your tentative treatment appointment.
  • You would need to stop waxing or plucking body hair strands at least two days before your treatment appointment.
  • You would need to take a shower before your treatment appointment. Clean skin will help in the proper propagation of the laser beams to the hair follicles present in the target areas of your skin.
  • For the best results, make sure that you are shaving the target areas of your skin before the laser body hair reduction treatment. Make sure that you are doing this a day before the treatment appointment.
  • It is also a good idea to exfoliate the pubic and groyne regions of your body in case you are planning to subject these areas to laser body hair reduction treatment.
  • It is a great idea to wear loose-fitting clothes on the day of your treatment.
  • It is also a great idea to ensure that your undergarments are made of pure cotton. As it is the only material that does not catch fire when subjected to heat sources.
  • Experts recommend that people should avoid drinking coffee or tea before getting laser body hair reduction treatment. The presence of caffeine in the bloodstream results in high blood pressure which in turn, increases skin sensitivity. Consult with the dermatologist on site, for more details in this matter.
  • Once you’re done with your treatment, apply a soothing moisturizer to the treated areas. This is an essential part of laser hair removal aftercare because it helps your skin to recover from the treatment. It will also help to reduce any redness or irritation caused by the laser.

A Patch Test Is A Must

Before getting an unwanted hair removal laser treatment,make sure that the experts at your preferred skin clinic conduct a patch test on your skin.

This will allow the expert to gauge the perfect setting for the laser equipment that will eradicate the body hair strands, without subjecting your skin to irritation.

Questions Related To Goals And Your Lifestyle Should Be Answered Truthfully

Make sure that you are truthfully answering all treatment goals and lifestyle-related questions that will be asked by your unwanted hair removal laser treatment expert.

This will allow the experts at the skin clinic to customise the treatment to meet the unique needs of your skin and your lifestyle.

For example – if you are a professional model then the experts would need to add a bikini line laser hair removal treatment session into the package.

Get the idea?


For the best results, make sure that you pass the patch test of this treatment. If not, consult with your dermatologist before proceeding with the treatment. Furthermore, make sure that the skin clinic that offers this treatment is a revered one and has a stellar track record.

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