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Price from 80,90 €
Vaniqa Cream is used to slow the growth of unwanted facial hair and body hair in women who suffer from hirsutism. The active ingredient eflornithine targets hair during its early growth phase and may be applied to the skin twice a day. Vaniqa Cream is a long term treatment for facial hair and can be used in conjunction with other treatments such as laser therapy.
How DoktorABC can help
Start a consultation for Facial Hair Removal treatment and fill in a simple health questionnaire. Then choose your preferred medication from the list of recommended treatment options or keep the default recommended treatment. Our doctor will review your information and if suitable issue your prescription online. Our pharmacy will then send you your medication with free next day delivery.
Please note: Decisions about treatment are for both the prescriber and the person to jointly consider during the consultation. However, the final decision will always be the prescriber’s.
Product information
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Leaflet infoinformation
Price from 80,90 €
Our Service in 3 Simple Steps
Complete online consultation
Fill out a health questionnaire to get a list of recommened treatments
Choose your treatment
The prescribing doctor will review the information you provide and issue a prescription if appropriate