Different Types of Laser Treatments: Hair Removal, Acne Treatment, Scar Treatment, and Skin Tightening

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Laser Treatments
Laser Treatments

You know there are several types of laser treatments for hair removal and skin tightening, but you may not have been aware of laser treatments for acne. Acne is an uncomfortable skin condition that can leave behind scars that make you feel self-conscious. It is a common misconception that the scars are permanent, but you can have them removed using a laser treatment.

Laser treatment uses monochromatic lights to restore the dermal fibroblasts, which are the skin cells that promote healing by replacing the elastin and collagen that were lost during the scarring. It is an outpatient procedure that may include some mild discomfort, but a topical anesthetic is used to ensure you do not feel any pain.

If you are interested in having your scars removed, there are several types of laser treatments for scars.

CO2 Laser Treatment

The CO2 laser treatment is a very effective way to remove scars. This acne treatment uses a laser that creates small microscopic holes deep in the skin layers. It makes it easier to develop the collagen that was lost with scarring in the target area. You can rest assured that this laser only treats the target area, and the surrounding areas are not affected by the laser treatment.

Intense Pulsed Light

The Intense Pulsed Light treatment is also known as an IPL, and this laser treatment is used to treat darker acne scars. This treatment is designed to restore the scars to your skin tone. It also clears your skin of the bacteria that cause acne. However, it does use an intense treatment that penetrates your skin and absorbs the darker area. The heat of the laser breaks down the cells and removes the darker tones.

The professionals at NewSkin Laser Center in Northridge and Simi Valley also use IPL for things like age spots, sun-damaged skin, uneven skin color, rosacea, undesirable texture due to large pores, fine lines and wrinkles, and sun-induced freckles. This means if you have been treated for one of those other issues, you may already be familiar with IPL. If not, then once you try it for acne, it might be a good time to consider it for treating those other skin conditions too.

Smoothbeam Laser Treatment

The Smoothbeam Laser Treatment is used to stimulate collagen development and fill your scars from the inside. It uses a cooling device that sprays cryogen to cool the target area, which protects the epidermis. A second laser is used to generate heat on the upper dermis. You may need several sessions of this non-ablative acne treatment to remove all the scars.

eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation

The eMatrix Sublative Rejuvenation reduces acne scars and wrinkles to create a smooth complexion. It uses electrical pulses to activate the dermal fibroblasts and regenerate collagen. The tissues in the surrounding area also take part in the healing process.

There are several benefits of having laser treatment done to remove your scars.

Effective Treatment

Laser treatment for acne is effective in changing your skin texture to reduce the appearance of scars. It can also be used to change the color of darker scars to match your skin tone. Several treatments offer permanent results.

Safe To Use

You do not have to worry about any allergic reactions or side effects of the laser treatments. The treatments do not use any additives or chemicals that could be harmful to your skin or overall health.

Targets The Area

The lasers are designed to only treat the area of your skin that was affected by acne. You can rest assured that other parts of your skin will not be affected by the laser treatment.

Alternative To Surgery

Laser treatment is an alternative to surgery or other skin procedures. It is an outpatient treatment that does not cause any blood loss. You are regenerating new skin to replace your old skin in the area, but a laser acne treatment results in smoother skin.

You can start your journey to a clear complexion by scheduling your laser acne scar treatment today.

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