Brazilian Bikini Laser Hair Removal

bluewater spa
bluewater spa

Blue Water Spa Serving Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and Surrounding Areas in NC

Brazilian bikini laser hair removal has become a very popular treatment with both men and women and a common choice for removing all or almost all pubic hair from the pubic region.

What areas exactly do people most commonly want treated with Brazilian Bikini laser hair removal?
Many, if not most of our clients want absolutely no hair in the pubic region from the peri-anal laser hair removal area, to thong strip laser hair removal , labia laser hair removal to pubic area.

Some people want it All- Off but no women EVER regrets removing hair in the peri-anal area, hair around the areolas and hair under the belly button. These areas can be lasered in just minutes, and are very common areas of unwanted hair.

What is the advantage of Brazilian Bikini laser hair removal vs. Brazilian Bikini waxing?
One of the most important advantages is no need to grow hair out, the other is that laser hair removal is permanent. And there are issues of safety and cleanliness

Does it hurt? How about the pain factor?
Surprisingly, there is little to no discomfort when laser is administered to the peri-anal area and labia. laser hair removal of the pubic area is similar in discomfort to other body areas, but any discomfort is very temporary and most people tolerate it very well

What should I look for in a laser hair removal facility?

Laser hair removal should take place in a medical office,owned and operated by a physician, not a spa. In a medical practice, you have the confidence of knowing that your privacy about all aesthetic enhancements is protected by Federal Law Blue Water Spa and Blue Water Spa Laser Center are medical facilities owned and operated by Board -certified plastic surgeon Michael Law MD who practices on site. Medical practices are governed by the state medical board and not the state board of cosmetology.

Be sure the medical practice you select has multiple lasers as no single laser frequency is ideal for all skin types. The most effective and safest laser for light skin is not the safest and most effective laser for dark skin


Yes! There are different treatments to choose from: At Blue Water spa, we make your consultation easy and comfortable.
Consultations take place while you are fully clothed. We use diagrams to help you decide what you’d like to do. You can even choose option A, B, or C (we know some people don’t like to utter the words peri-anal!) Once you decide what you’d like done, our technicians carefully explain every step so you know just what to expect. If you want to keep some hair, YOU decide, a white eyeliner pencil is used to outline where you would or would not like hair, so there will never be confusion about exactly what you want.

You have the confidence of knowing that the laser professionals at Blue Water Spa perform thousands of Brazilian bikini laser treatments each year. Our technicians are exceptionally well trained, professional and compassionate, and your privacy is protected by federal law.

The complete treatment will take 30 minutes or less. Blue Water Spa has spared no expense with our top of the line lasers. The hair removal lasers at Blue Water Spa have been recognized as the most effective lasers for hair removal in peer reviewed medical journals. The lasers have a large spot size which means laser energy can target deep hair roots missed by other lasers. It also means a faster and more comfortable treatment.

Brazilian bikini laser can be a life changing experience for many people. Take your time and choose the medical center providing your laser hair removal carefully.

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