A Before & After Guide to Enhance Your Chemical Peel Results

Enhance Your Chemical Peel Results
Credit: Mikhail Nilov Via Pexels

After eliminating imperfections on your skin with a chemical peel, the biggest challenge is to hold on to your results. The last thing you want is for your peel results to fade away because you couldn’t maintain them. There are numerous benefits of a chemical peel, such as acne treatment, wrinkles reduction, pore minimization, and smoother skin. If you want to make sure these benefits last for a long time, here are some steps you can take.

Table of Contents

  • Pre-Treatment Care
    • Discontinue Certain Products
    • Avoid Hair Removal
    • Don’t Exfoliate or Scrub
  • Post-Treatment Care
    • Don’t Pull Out Flaky Skin
    • Protect Your Skin from the Sun
    • Use Moisturizer in Moderation
    • Be Gentle with Your Skin

Pre-Treatment Care

Discontinue Certain Products

You may need to stop using certain products with harsh ingredients, Retinol, Salicylic Acid, or glycolic acid a few days before your chemical peel appointment. Discuss the details with your doctor during your consultation to determine which products you should discontinue and when.

Avoid Hair Removal

It is best to avoid waxing, laser hair removal, and shaving at least a few days before your appointment. Any form of hair removal can irritate the skin and contradict your chemical peel results. Your skin is the barrier that protects you from external harm, so it is best to keep it healthy before a peel.

Avoid Hair Removal
Avoid Hair Removal

Don’t Exfoliate or Scrub

A chemical peel will deeply exfoliate your skin, so you should avoid exfoliating or scrubbing your face a week before your appointment. Read the ingredients on your face wash and other skin products to avoid using anything that has an exfoliating effect as it may damage your skin if used before a chemical peel.


Post-Treatment Care

Don’t Pull Out Flaky Skin

Some people experience flaky skin after a chemical peel, which is a part of the healing process. However, it is essential to let the skin come out on its own. Please don’t pull out the skin or excessively touch it, as the area might be sensitive.

If you touch your skin while naturally peeling, the touch could cause infections, acne breakouts, and irritation. Since your skin is vulnerable after a peel, it is best to keep your hands off them.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Although you should protect your skin from the sun at all times, it is essential after a chemical peel to prevent complications. The sun rays can damage the skin during the chemical peel recovery process because the top layer that protects the skin will be in its peeling process. So, make sure to wear sunscreen when you go out in the sun and try to avoid high sun ways while your skin is still peeling.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun
Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Use Moisturizer in Moderation

It is crucial to hydrate your skin after a peel to keep it smooth and eliminate irritation from the dryness and peeling. However, it is essential not to overdo it as you want your skin to dry up and peel off.

Use a minimal amount of moisturizer or none at all after the first day of your peel, and gradually increase the amount you use within the next five to six days. You don’t want your skin to be too dry either, so try to create a balance.

Be Gentle with Your Skin

Last but not least, treat your skin with kindness while it is recovering from a peel. Your doctor will let you know when you can resume your regular skin care regime as strong products with acid and retinol can worsen symptoms of freshly treated skin. Be gentle and take skin protection seriously to maintain your chemical peel results.

Also read: Top 4 Ways to Achieve Healthy Hair and Skin

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