7 Effective Natural Remedies For Chin Hair Removal

Let’s face it, having squiggly strands of chin hair does not fit most women’s idea of feminine beauty. And while chin hair can be removed by waxing or laser, they spring back within a few days. Which indicates that chin hair is a symptom of a bigger underlying problem.

[pullquote]Causes of chin hair in women

  • Genetic (idiopathic)
  • Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause
  • Health conditions like diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Cushing’s syndrome, adrenal hyperplasia, and ovarian or pituitary gland tumors
  • Medicines like birth control pills, estrogen, or bimatoprost1 2 [/pullquote]

Physiologically speaking, chin hair (beard) is a masculine feature. So chin hair in women usually suggests a dominance of male hormones or androgens like testosterone and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and the enzyme 5-alpha reductase which converts testosterone into DHT. DHT overstimulates the hair follicles and makes them produce coarse, dark, terminal hair – like armpit or pubic hair – rather than the fine, light, vellus hair common on a woman’s body.3 This is also known as hirsutism. So a woman with chin hair will also likely have excess body hair.

Though many recommend popular home remedies like yellow lentils, potatoes, or chickpea flour scrubs for removing facial hair, these do not work in removing the harder and coarser chin hair. The natural remedies for chin hair removal need to focus on fixing the hormonal imbalance by suppressing testosterone and DHT.

1. Spearmint Tea

The androgen-lowering effects of spearmint tea came to scientists’ notice when clinicians in a town in Turkey found that the tea reduced libido in men. Following this observation, a test was performed on 21 women with idiopathic hirsutism (where the cause is not known) and PCOS-related hirsutism. The women were given spearmint tea twice daily for 5 days in the follicular phase – the phase between their period and ovulation.

[pullquote]Drink 1 cup of spearmint tea twice a day.[/pullquote]

There was a decrease in the circulating testosterone. The researchers concluded that spearmint can be an alternative remedy for mild hirsutism.4

How to use

  • Use 5–6 fresh spearmint leaves or 1 tsp dried spearmint.
  • Add this to 1 cup of boiling water and cover this for 5 minutes.
  • Strain and drink 1 cup twice every day.5

2. Saw Palmetto

In a study, 31 women with chin hair due to idiopathic hirsutism used a saw palmetto extract-based cream twice daily for 2 months. There was a 16% decrease in the hair count after the first month and 29% after the second month. Only 1 patient showed signs of skin allergy. After this period, most patients needed fewer hair removal sessions like waxing, threading, or shaving.6

If you can’t find a saw palmetto-based cream, you may even drink saw palmetto tea. But if you have hormone-related health issues or are taking hormone medicines like birth control pills, ask your doctor first. Also avoid saw palmetto if you are on blood-thinning medicines.7 Interestingly, saw palmetto can also help cure male or female-pattern baldness.

How to use

  • Use 2 tsps dried saw palmetto berries.
  • Pour 2 cups of boiling water on this.
  • Steep for 30 minutes.
  • Drink up to 2 times a day.8

3. Nut Grass Essential Oil

A study found that the nut grass (cyperus rotundus) essential oil when applied topically is as effective as alexandrite laser hair removal. The alexandrite laser is considered the most effective tool for hair removal. The flavonoids (antioxidants) in the oil have the ability to reduce the effect of male hormones on male-type or terminal hair.9

The experiment was performed on axillary (armpit) hair, but since chin hair in women is of the same hair type – that is, terminal hair – there’s reason to believe this method will work.

How to use: Apply nut grass essential topically on areas of overgrowth.

4. Fennel

Fennel has an antihirsutism effect on idiopathic hirsutism. Researchers used creams containing 1% and 2% fennel extract on patients of idiopathic hirsutism and found that the cream containing 2% fennel extract could reduce the diameter of hair by 18.3%. This has to do with fennel’s estrogen-like property.10

How to use: You can use fennel seed extract or fennel oil topically.

5. Licorice

You may know that licorice has medicinal value in fertility-related problems in women. The glycyrrhizic acid in it breaks down into compounds that have an estrogen-like activity and inhibit the synthesis of androgens.

A study found that when a 15% licorice gel was used along with alexandrite laser, it was more effective in removing terminal hair than when only the laser treatment was used.11

[pullquote]Drink licorice root tea twice a day unless you are suffering from hypertension.[/pullquote]

Adding licorice to your diet will also have similar results. In one study on healthy women, researchers found that having 3.5 g licorice every day for 2 months reduced their serum testosterone levels from 27.8 ng/dL to 17.5 ng/dL at the end of the second month.12

How to use

  • Take 1 tsp dried and sliced licorice roots.
  • Simmer in 1 cup water for 10 minutes.
  • Drink twice a day.13

6. Lavender And Tea Tree Oil

A study has found that applying a mixture of lavender and tea tree oil in areas with terminal hair can reduce both the hair count and the hair diameter.14

Both lavender and tea tree oil are known to mimic estrogen and inhibit androgens like testosterone and DHT. In fact, this effect is so pronounced that using lavender and tea tree oil led to breast development in a few pre-puberty boys.15

How to use: Apply a few drops of lavender oil and tea tree oil, after mixing them with a carrier oil, on the area with hair growth.

7. Papaya And Turmeric Paste

Papaya contains the protein-breaking enzyme papain that has a proven depilatory or hair-removing function.16 This enzyme is most active in raw papaya.

Turmeric, however, hasn’t shown any such effect, contrary to what is believed in India.17 It is possible that because turmeric tints both the skin and the hair yellow, the hair is less visible against the yellow skin. This is mistaken as reduced hair growth. However, turmeric is an anti-inflammatory agent that can ensure good skin health.

How to use

  • Mix 2 tbsp of papaya and 1/2 tsp of turmeric into a thick paste.
  • Massage onto the chin for 15 minutes.
  • Wash off.
  • Do this once or twice weekly.

Note: Don’t use the turmeric you use for cooking. It can have additional colors. Buy whole turmeric, grind it dry, and store for cosmetic use.

Other Possible Remedies

  • White peony: It is a popular remedy in traditional Chinese medicine. It has a compound called paeoniflorin that not only inhibits the production of testosterone but also helps convert testosterone into estrogen. It can help you with your PCOS symptoms but whether it has any effect on hirsutism needs to be seen.18
  • Black cohosh: It too has been known to help with reducing the effects of androgens and help with menopause symptoms. But its effect on hirsutism needs to be further researched. Black cohosh is a no-no if you have liver disease.19
  • Chaste tree: A standardized extract of chaste tree is known to have anti-androgenic effects. However, it can also interfere with the hormonal balance.
  • Red reishi: Red reishi mushroom has anti-androgenic properties. It inhibits the function of 5-alpha reductase and lowers the level of DHT. While this sounds promising, there has been no research on the direct effect of red reishi on hirsutism.20
  • Green tea: Drinking or applying green tea on your hairy areas may also have a beneficial effect. Green tea contains catechins (epigallocatechin-3-gallate and epicatechin-3-gallate), which selectively inhibit the action of 5-alpha reductase.21

Remember that chin hair does not merely mar your appearance and self-confidence, it may indicate a health condition that needs to be fixed immediately. There are no quick fixes. If the root cause is PCOS, as it is most of the cases, you need to follow the right diet and exercise regularly. Before using any of these natural remedies, have a word with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

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