6 Ways to Reduce Cellulite

Knowing how to reduce cellulite can help you improve lumpy or dimpled skin. Most women will complain of cellulite at some point in their lives. In fact, it affects about 80% of women over the age of 20.

Basically, cellulite is little fat pockets that build up under the top layer of skin. In order to make room, these fat deposits will push against your skin, creating a bumpy look. Some people describe it as “cottage cheese” or “orange peel”. It can appear anywhere that fat likes to gather. However, it most often shows up on the thighs, butt, and abdomen.

Causes can vary depending on the person. Hormones, genetics, and gender have often been blamed. Doctors also believe that poor diet and lack of exercise play a major role. Some people even think that things such as smoking, alcohol, or stress may also contribute to cellulite formation.

Although it is very difficult to eliminate cellulite completely, there are ways to reduce its appearance. Methods such as creams and massage do not usually have good results. They may help temporarily but they are not a long-term solution. Today, there is technology available that has been very successful. However, once you get rid of cellulite, it is important to make sure that it doesn’t return. You can make lifestyle changes to prevent cellulite from developing again so you can keep tight, smooth skin.

6 Ways to Effectively Reduce Cellulite

1. Lose Weight
Cellulite is fat. So, if you are overweight, shedding some pounds is the best way to get rid of cellulite. Of course, you must keep the weight off or the lumps and bumps will return.

2. Healthy Diet and Exercise
Besides maintaining a healthy weight, diet and exercise are the best ways to reduce cellulite permanently. Avoid foods with high sugar, salt, or unhealthy fats. These can cause you to retain water and toxins, which can make cellulite, look worse. An unhealthy diet will also lead to weight gain, which will result in more cellulite.

Exercise is also important. Sweating gets rid of toxins and improves circulation. Poor circulation may be a major cause of cellulite. Strengthening muscles will also smooth out the appearance of lumps and tighten skin so the “cottage cheese” look isn’t as noticeable.

3. Liposuction
This is a surgical procedure. A doctor will make a small cut on your skin. A tube will be inserted through this incision and fat will be sucked out. Liposuction isn’t always a good method of reducing cellulite. Since it removes deep layer fat, it can sometimes make cellulite worse.

4. Laser
Laser is one of the best long-term cellulite treatments. It is non-invasive and much safer than liposuction. Most people notice about an 80% improvement. However, it is very expensive. There are many different types of laser machines. Some use heat energy to melt fat so the body can get rid of it. Others use ultrasound waves to dissolve the fat cells. And, a new type of machine uses radio frequency to break up fat deposits. Laser treatments can also stimulate collagen production. This is an important factor in tight, smooth skin. Many people believe that this method is one of the most effective ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite. However, the level of success will depend on the severity and location of your cellulite.

5. Laser Lipo Infra Light
This is like having non-surgical liposuction. A low level laser beam is used to break down fatty tissue. Fat cells are heated up and “melted” so they can be eliminated from the body. Laser lipo is often combined with electrostimulation. This method can tighten skin and reduce the appearance of lumps and dimples. Laser lipo infra light combined with electrostimulation is non-surgical, non-invasive, and painless. It is very safe and delivers effective, long-term results.

6. Vibrostation Power Plates
Vibration technology can help reduce cellulite. You will stand on power plates that send waves of energy through your body. These waves will cause your muscles to contract very rapidly. In fact, one 10 minute session can be equivalent to an hour of exercise. The Vibrostation is easy on your joints, can reduce your body fat, and increase collagen production. It may also balance hormones and help the body get rid of toxins. It is very effective at tightening skin and reducing the appearance of cellulite. Many people combine Vibrostation Power Plates with Laser Lipo Infra Light for the best permanent cellulite solution

About the Author:-

Manroop Ahitan, Owner of CoLaz and Advanced Beauty Specialists, providing treatments such as laser hair removal, cellulite treatment, chemical peels, skin blemish removal, microdermabrasion and electrolysis hair removal. She also runs Beaulaz training academy providing NVQ level 4 certificates in laser hair removal and registered with VTCT worldwide qualifications.

This was a guest post by Manroop Ahitan

Thank you Manroop,



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