5 Things You should Know About Hair Removal

Hair removal is always one of the most talked about topic when it comes to grooming. Of course, there are many reliable methods and technique of hair removal available, these days. You can use waxing, shaving, tweezing or laser removal. Every method has its own benefits and sets of drawbacks. Effectiveness also varies from one method to another. But if you are looking for the most effective one of all, then you must consider laser hair removal technique. With the right laser hair removal machine one can attain the best hair removal result. But there are certain things that you may not know about hair removal but you must know.

Hair Won’t Be Removed Permanently

No hair removal method can remove your hair permanently. Both shaving and waxing can provide you with a temporary solution by removing the hair temporarily. With the help of laser hair removal, if you expect that the hair will be removed completely, then you are wrong. This hair removal technique is considered to be the most effective one as this can reduce the hair growth by 60%. Gradually, with repeated sessions for about 5 to 6 times, you can notice permanent removal of hair. But this will take a very long time as laser treatment cannot be done daily. It must be done with a gap of at least 6 to 8 weeks.

Lots of Precautions

Hair removal methods are not at all easy. If you think that you do not need any precautions then you are wrong. You will have to make sure that you take proper precautions for any methods of hair removal. In case of shaving, you need to apply the shaving gel properly all over the area you want to work on. Even for waxing you must get proper equipment for it. Once it is done, you need to apply the moisturizer properly to restore the lost moisture from your skin. Even when it comes to laser hair removal method, you need to apply the right gel and eye cap before you start the process.

Laser Therapy Does Hurt

If you are getting laser therapy done because you think it is a painless method, then you must know that it hurts. The hair removal machine actually burns your hair follicles and since something is burning inside your skin, it will hurt. So, it is better to choose such a hair remover that brings optimal outcome for you. Find more information here.

This will help to reduce the pain to certain extent. But it is always better to try on a small patch first before you apply it throughout your body.

No Waxing Or Tanning While Using Laser Method

One of the least known facts about laser hair removal treatment is that you cannot use the waxing method in between. Basically, the main role of the laser treatment is to burn the follicle so that it reduces the hair growth. But when you are using the waxing method, the follicles disappear. Even you cannot tan your skin as it can result into white spots after the laser removal method. So, there are many restrictions when it comes to using laser machine for removing the hair. But you can shave your body hair in between the laser therapies.

Laser Therapy Doesn’t Work On All Hair Color

If you have a lighter hair colors like blonde, red or grey, then laser hair removal method is not for you. Laser hair removal doesn’t work on light hairs. Hair colors like grey, blonde and red don’t have enough pigment for the laser to absorb it. Thus, the ones who have lighter hair must go for other hair removal methods like waxing or shaving.


So, these are the 5 most important things that you must know about hair removal methods. Nowadays, laser hair removal machine is available in the market which you can use at home. But make sure to read the user manual very carefully before using. You can also take advice from an expert before you start removing hair using the laser machine. Also, take essential precautions before you start the process.



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