Getting rid of hair in different areas of your body can be extremely tedious especially if you’re a person who has a lot of hair or someone who grows their hair back pretty fast. Over the long run, you’d likely spend a lot of money on shaving or waxing related products. You can easily avoid spending all that money by investing in hair removal devices.
Hair removal is no longer restricted to an expensive salon appointment, you can easily do it at the comfort of your home, and here are some of the best hair removal laser devices you can start using now at your home:
Braun Gillette Venus Silk-Expert IPL 5001
The Braun Gillette hair remover is perhaps one of the fastest hair reduction devices available in the market right now. If you don’t like hair on your body then rest assured, not only will your treatments last a short time, but the machine guarantees permanent hair removal in just 4 treatments!
The IPL device has adaptive technology which is able to recognize not only your skin tone but different areas of your body. A hair removal treatment differs for people with different skin tones, hair colors and even for a different area on the same body. Therefore, the adaptive technology on this device is essential because it then adjusts the treatment accordingly in order to ensure you get the best results possible.
There’s a free app that you can use with the Braun Gillette that helps monitor your treatments as well as guide you through when to take the next one etc. The device itself is also FDA approved, so it’s completely safe for all areas of your body, you’ll feel no pain when you use it. Overall, the Braun Gillette is one the best options out there and you can find the Amazon link here.
Remington iLIGHT Ultra Face & Body Pro Hair Removal System
Using the same technology that professionals use, The Remington iLight Pro Hair Removal System implements a mechanism that’s safe for the body of both males and females as well as faces for females. Not only is the device FDA-approved for safety purposes, but it also promises fast results with reduction of hair growth by up to 94% in just three treatments.
Since females can use the hair remover for their face as well, the kit comes with two caps, one for the body and one for the face. This is particularly useful because it helps in maintaining comfort as well as hygiene when using the hair remover in different parts of the body. Another great thing about the device which also contributes to its “safe-to-use” aspect is there’s a skin sensor in place.
The skin sensor detects whether your skin is suitable or not for hair removal, and if it’s not, then it prevents the machine from flashing the light, thus, preventing any harm. The Remington device is extremely fast too as you can treat the underarm regions in just under a minute. You can also download the app that’s available on Google Play and Apple’s App Store in order to maximize the benefit from using this device.
The cartridge for the device is capable of a total of 65,000 flashes after which you’ll need to replace it with a new one. However, this does make it a little less portable but compared to everything the device has to offer, portability should be the least of your concerns. Overall, the device works well and is able to produce results extremely fast while also reducing hair growth significantly. You can purchase it from here.
Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser Precision
The Tria Precision implements diode technology which is the same technology used by professionals and it’s also FDA cleared meaning that you don’t need to be worried about any safety precautions when using the device. The device also uses three times more the energy than its other IPL competitors meaning that the Tria Precision has one of the fastest treatment times out there.
Apart from the hair on the scalp and facial hair, the device is suitable for hair anywhere on the body. The device is also recommended often by dermatologists which only helps solidify the device as a credible hair remover. The Tria Precision can reduce hair growth by almost 70% in just 3 months, which is no small feat and thus, it makes the Tria Precision by far one of the best hair removers in the market.
The only downside to the product is that it doesn’t have a replaceable battery and it has a finite number of flashes. Once you run out of flashes, the device is practically useless. However, it’ll take a long time for the flashes to run out, and by that time, you’ll likely have permanently gotten rid of your hair.
Overall, the device is perfect for those looking for something that’s good for treating small and sensitive areas. It’s a product that ensures fast treatment times and also makes sure to reduce your hair growth by a significant amount so that you don’t have to deal with the hair again and again. It’s a device that won’t disappoint, here’s the Amazon Link.
Silk’n Flash&Go Luxx Hair Removal Device
Most of the devices listed here are more inclined towards hair removal from the body (that’s where people are most concerned about). However, the Silk’n Flash hair removal device not only deals with the body, but it’s also able to deal with removing hair on the face as well.
The device is clinically tested and is capable of producing professional-level results but at a much lower cost than you’d need to pay to get the job done professionally. Although the device has a finite number of flashes at 120,000 pulses, it’s more than enough to fulfill your needs and ensure your hair removal journey finishes before the flashes run out. In fact, the cartridge is dubbed as a “lifetime cartridge” which means that the 120,000 flashes will be more than enough for your needs.
One great aspect about the Silk’n remover is that it also comes with a small hair trimmer that you can use for sensitive areas where it wouldn’t be recommended to use the device or to prepare your skin for the treatment by getting rid of a bit of hair beforehand. The device also uses a built-in skin sensor in order to ensure that your skin is eligible for treatment.
The hair removal device is also highly efficient as you get to see results in just 2 to 4 treatments. The “lifetime” cartridge also helps as it means that you don’t need to worry about replacing cartridges all the time. Overall, the product has everything you would need for a perfect hair removal session and it’s definitely in the highly recommended categories. You can purchase it from Amazon here.
Tria Beauty Hair Removal Laser 4X
We’ve already talked about the Tria Precision, which deals with smaller, more sensitive areas. However, the Tria 4X incorporates the same technology as the Precision but it’s better for larger areas such as legs. It’s designed to produce professional, permanent results and it can be used on the face too, unlike the Precision model.
Having the backing of dermatologists, the Tria 4X is a powerful device that comes with a nice LED display which helps in getting through each treatment safely and efficiently. The device also comes with a battery and is overall easy to use. You can also use it every 2 weeks which makes going to the Salon for hair removal pretty useless if you have the Tria 4X.
The only restriction for the device is that it’s not tested for people below 18 years of age, so it may not be suitable for underage people. The results will also differ depending on what your skin tone and hair color are, but rest assured, it works well with all hair colors. The skin sensor on the 4X locks the device if your skin is not suitable for treatment, a handy feature to have as it’s really hard for one to tell whether their skin would suit a hair removal treatment or not.
The Tria 4X is one of the first devices to offer at-home laser hair removal and on top of that, it’s capable of producing professional-level results which makes it all the more less surprising why it’s highly recommended by dermatologists. It will produce significant results in a short span of time and overall, the device is a must-have for people wanting to permanently get rid of their annoying hair. You can buy the Tria 4X from Amazon here.